SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

In this thread, we will play a new word game called Sides. It's somewhat similar to codenames, but cooperative and different.

Sign up with /in below if you want to play.

In this game, a target word will be randed as will a row of 7 cards that have letters on them (most 1 letter, some 2/3/4 letters).

2 people will be the guessers and everyone else will be able to give a clue.

The clue given must start with the letter on either the first or last card (the 'sides' of the row).

We discuss as a team who will give the clue with open discussion in the thread such as "I have a 7 letter word starting with a C"

Once there is some agreement on who gives the clue, that person will bold the clue they want to give in the thread.

The two guessers will then discuss in the thread and bold their guess. If it's correct, we move on to the next guessers and the next word. If wrong, then the clue givers post some info like "you are warm" or "you are about 30% there" etc to give directional info on how on track/off track their guess is.

Then they discuss and give another clue. But the person who bolded a clue cannot give another clue for the same word until everyone on the cluing side has clued a word (if we take that long to get the word), so one person can't hog the cluing.

Clues have to be one word, or an acronym, etc like in codenames; they can be hyphenated words

We can also give some info on how the clues relate to each other, or even say a clue is a 0 clue, so the opposite of what cluing for (e.g., clue 'colorful' as an opposite clue because the word is zebra)

I'll provide more details and examples in the thread in the morning, but this should be enough info for you to /in and join so we can play.

link to official rules:

) 3 Views 3
21 November 2023 at 05:10 AM

5417 Replies


idk what a7 is, but if you guys know my a2, you can judge which one is better

cuz a2 might get it in one. and i don't see how a2 and c7 could miss

I've heard "fountain drink" before, prob not as often as soda fountain tho

We also only really have them in Maccas and Hungry Jacks (Burger King), so they really aren't that common. And we don't have free refills like you do in the States. The only people using them would be employees.

by D1iabol1cal k

You do have to be careful cluing American terms to Euros. They are not known as soda fountains in Australia, and I imagine it's the same story in the UK.

This is fair, and has been considered with previous clues. We’ve also considered UK-specific clues at times when DZ has been guessing. I’m not exactly sure how we’re supposed to know what is an “American term” in many circumstances. Coca-Cola is one of the biggest global brands on the planet. How tf am I supposed to know how people outside of the US do and don’t refer to the fountain that dispenses it? It’s not like we call them Yankee Spitters or something. They’re fountains that dispense soda.

by D1iabol1cal k

We also only really have them in Maccas

What on earth is this non-American thing?!???!?! :p

a2 obv a good option also

I think either of our a7 will get it with c7, hopefully in one tho

I'm good with a2

A2 good but I want some love for E10!!

I'm not yet sure what your e10 is

I know of an e10, but it's not great, so don't think it's what you are thinking of

I mean I know of 2 e10s, but neither is that great; just gets in the area, not to the word

I don’t know what anyone is talking about, but I’m sure they’re all great, I congratulate you for them, and I hope someone bolds one of them sometime in the near future

An opposite c6 is a fun clue

by IBeDrummin k

This is fair, and has been considered with previous clues. We’ve also considered UK-specific clues at times when DZ has been guessing. I’m not exactly sure how we’re supposed to know what is an “American term” in many circumstances. Coca-Cola is one of the biggest global brands on the planet. How tf am I supposed to know how people outside of the US do and don’t refer to the fountain that dispenses it? It’s not like we call them Yankee Spitters or something. They’re fountains that dispense soda.

They are machines that dispense soft drinks imo.

I would've known what you were referring to fwiw, just from movies and tv etc. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of most Americanisms, but I do still come across some things that I have no idea wtf it's referring to.

Maccas = McDonald's btw, and I only just recently found out that Australia is the only country to call it that.

by Nicholasp27 k

I mean I know of 2 e10s, but neither is that great; just gets in the area, not to the word

Yea the one I'm thinking of should get the word...again different domain than A2, I think you'd get it fairly quickly if you thought on it tad more and may like it a lot

I almost wanna go with mine cause A2 from it would be way easier to figure out than the other way around

yeah but if a2 doesn't get it in first guess, then c7 will finish it up (or opposite c6); I don't think we need e10 for this round

but then I also don't know what e10 is and maybe it's a slam dunk to get it in 1? I'm just worried because I am confident that a2->c7 or a2->c6(opposite) are about 100% to get it in 2 and very likely in one...i'm not sure that e10->a2 gets it in 2 every time because I don't know what e10 is

E10 > A2 would absolutely get it, E10 has a decent shot of getting it by itself

I'm thinking how I could hint some more towards it

this sounds like ervin's deciduous

by D1iabol1cal k

Maccas = McDonald's btw, and I only just recently found out that Australia is the only country to call it that.

Haha, I knew that. Was just breaking balls.

I didn’t know that BK is called Hungry Jack in Oz. Hungry Jack is the states is a pancake mix. Is the BK thing a trademark issue? Or maybe a response to anti-monarch sentiment?

by IBeDrummin k

Haha, I knew that. Was just breaking balls.

I didn’t know that BK is called Hungry Jack in Oz. Hungry Jack is the states is a pancake mix. Is the BK thing a trademark issue? Or maybe a response to anti-monarch sentiment?

Pretty sure it's a trademark issue, yeah. Although, I've personally never seen a Burger King here, and have no idea if they even exist anymore.

And another one since you brought it up in a recent codenames game: we do have Wendy's here, but it's nothing like the Wendy's you have over there. Here, it's basically just milkshakes and hotdogs. So if they ever decided to expand to the Australian market, they would likely have to call it something else.

by D1iabol1cal k

Maccas = McDonald's btw, and I only just recently found out that Australia is the only country to call it that.

Haha my friend told me this story how he visited some Australian pals, they were drinking and looking for a place to eat at like 4 AM. And they were all getting him hyped on a place(from what I understood "Macker's" but pronounced Maccas) and he was super thrilled too. And they pull up and the realization hits that it's a McDonalds

The E10 way better than deciduous, lemme fire it

(I didn't think deciduous was also that bad, just steered toward trees imo)

It is still technically "McDonald's" here, too. That is what is on all the restauants, but almost nobody calls it that. Even in ads they call themselves "Maccas" most of the time.

the problem with e10 is it doesn't free up the slam dunk c words; so if it misses, it's more harmful than a2 missing

but if ervin's word gets us anywhere close, then we can do a2 or a7 next time
