SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

In this thread, we will play a new word game called Sides. It's somewhat similar to codenames, but cooperative and different.

Sign up with /in below if you want to play.

In this game, a target word will be randed as will a row of 7 cards that have letters on them (most 1 letter, some 2/3/4 letters).

2 people will be the guessers and everyone else will be able to give a clue.

The clue given must start with the letter on either the first or last card (the 'sides' of the row).

We discuss as a team who will give the clue with open discussion in the thread such as "I have a 7 letter word starting with a C"

Once there is some agreement on who gives the clue, that person will bold the clue they want to give in the thread.

The two guessers will then discuss in the thread and bold their guess. If it's correct, we move on to the next guessers and the next word. If wrong, then the clue givers post some info like "you are warm" or "you are about 30% there" etc to give directional info on how on track/off track their guess is.

Then they discuss and give another clue. But the person who bolded a clue cannot give another clue for the same word until everyone on the cluing side has clued a word (if we take that long to get the word), so one person can't hog the cluing.

Clues have to be one word, or an acronym, etc like in codenames; they can be hyphenated words

We can also give some info on how the clues relate to each other, or even say a clue is a 0 clue, so the opposite of what cluing for (e.g., clue 'colorful' as an opposite clue because the word is zebra)

I'll provide more details and examples in the thread in the morning, but this should be enough info for you to /in and join so we can play.

link to official rules:

) 3 Views 3
21 November 2023 at 05:10 AM

5424 Replies


by bolt2112 k

I think I prefer f7 over f4. There's an e9 that D1 should know.

Don’t know, as I’m an uncultured swine. Probably some Aussie golfer or course

by AmazingErvin k

Pretty much agree with all your posts nich and know what everything is this time

F4 prob the way to go, F7 should get it too tho as should N8


by filthyvermin k

opposite n3

and another opposite n3

but your other suggestions are better. just wanna give some more info so we can get it in one

Don’t know, net?

by Doctor Zeus k

I have an e3 that could be a lock


The target word is clearly field hockey

Golf hockey?

Hockey golf imo

I suppose we guess golf course?

Works for me

golf course

It was golf. E9 was for Steve Elkington, an Australian, who was one of the top golfers on the tour in the 90s.

by bolt2112 k

fore skin

Round 7:

Cards used: 9
Guessers: d1/ervin

The Board:

A | T | P | DL | C | RG | UNKQ

The target word:
I've pmed the word to filthy, ibd, doctor zeus, bolt2112

K2–>R4 imo

G5 as an alt for R4 works just as well

K7 could be an interesting way to get there and would work fine with the same R and G

K2/R4 is where I'm at. I'm not certain of the G5. And K7 is either a bad idea or I'm thinking of the wrong word.

by bolt2112 k

K2/R4 is where I'm at. I'm not certain of the G5. And K7 is either a bad idea or I'm thinking of the wrong word.

G5 is also G6 if that helps

r3 opposite is meh

all the words you said that I can figure out seem good to me

I think technically the q word is legal and a lock

G5 is great

but yh I dont know the q word

I'm not certain about Q3 being a legit clue. I think we go K2 and if they miss we can debate the merits of G5/R4.

i'm not talking about q3; i'm talking about a shorter word

otherwise K2 then g5 works well also (and r4 of course)

by Nicholasp27 k

I think technically the q word is legal and a lock

I could see it being legal, but don’t think it’s a slam dunk.

Could take us way the wrong direction imo
