POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You
It was an honor to spend 2o23 with yall. And I look forward to spending 2o24 here too.
Happy New Year!
if you want to blend in, gain a bunch of weight and carry a gun(either place)
Everglades but I've never been.
Mark Twain national Forest but I've never been.
Be sure to try the st Louis style pizza if you go there. I hear it's terrible.
Where in Florida? A great freebie is to go watch a SpaceX launch! Feel the rocket sound shake your body.
They launch about twice a week.
I'd rather go to St Louis than Florida.
Well, seems like im in for a treat
Doctor Zeus!
Heya VR!!!! Mash in a week on mu....
i've been wanting to get a dog. my plan was to wait til I moved out of my shitty apartment in late January, but idk.... i've been looking in the shelters, and they are tugging at my heart strings
we got a rescue dog when I was 14, and she was completely insane. I don't really want to go through that again. but i'd MUCH prefer a rescue dog, if they can be at least somewhat ok
We just got a dog a couple months ago. She was a rescue that we got from a trainer on Facebook, because we couldn't get a response from shelters. We were able to get really good insight on her personality and what we were getting into because she'd been living in this persons home for a few weeks, as opposed to in a shelter, so we knew we'd be getting one that's well behaved and friendly.
Pic of dog?
that's great zurvan! good for you 😀 and your dog
our insane rescue dog turned out great! but it took YEARS for her to calm down and stop attacking people! I don't regret getting her at all. I still love that dog, and dream about her.
but I don't think I could take on that kind of challenge right now
I used to have a pic of her attacking this pit bull that was just totally minding his own business *sigh*
she weighed 25 pounds. the pit bull weighed about 80
I'm willing and able to take on a traumatized dog, but only if the trauma isn't too severe
"lots" of dogs have behavior issues and some may never be fixed though can probably be improved at least
We definitely needed a dog that wasn't reactive. We've never had one, so needed something easy.
This is Zoey. She's ~10 months old now, these pictures are from the past couple months.
she looks like a great dog!
♥ Zurvdog
That dog is awesome
I've fostered a hundred dogs.
Usually their issues come from fear as opposed to aggression. Aggressive dogs should not be moving through an adoption process.
The match needs to be right. I would always take a dog over to the person's house or meet at a park or something so the dog and person could have time to vibe. I could usually tell if the match was right from the contact email.
My advice is to FOSTER! I fostered for a couple of years before I failed and adopted the silly boy on the left. The pretty girl on the right just showed up at my house a year ago and started obeying me.
how come you prefer fostering?
I never fostered cuz I always felt like the vibe would be temporary. I'd feel bad, like "you're not good enough for me doggy, so this is temporary, and you might end up in a cage in a shelter, then euthanized. or you might end up with a horrible family. idk."
and probably the dog could pick up on that on some level. and even if it couldn't, i'd feel bad about it.
but idk. i'd like to hear more about your pros and cons of fostering vs adopting. I'm very open to possibly fostering
and those dogs look great to hang out with, and go through life with ♥ you're lucky. and so are they
Here's a decent read:
The best part is the stated reasons
Foster with the intent of adopting when the match is right. We did that and ended up keeping the first one we fostered, lol. But if the match isn't right, you're still keeping a dog from being euthanized and helping find them the person that is right for them.
Foster with the intent of adopting when the match is right. We did that and ended up keeping the first one we fostered, lol. But if the match isn't right, you're still keeping a dog from being euthanized and helping find them the person that is right for them.
ok I'm stupid. that's on obv great way to look at it lol 😊
i'll have to do some work to shift my attitude though. but I want to try fostering now