Events of the 1960s Guesstimania REVEAL
Hey you. Yeah, you. You remember the 1960s, right?
No? Why not?
Don't give me that I wasn't born yet excuse. It was th
nails, Xander and eyebooger showing consistency and starting to open a bit of a gap.
Scores through Question 4:
nails 50.5
Xander Biscuits 44.5
eyebooger 43
IRL Greg 42
aaronk56 39
Doctor Zeus 37.5
IRL Kelly 36
ArcticKnight 34.5
FerencL 34
IRL Scott 33
IRL Mary 33
IRL Robert 27
IRL Ray 27
IRL Ann 22
filthyvermin 21
rickroll 20
Question 5: On February 7, 1964 the Beatles landed at JFK airport in NYC for their first visit to America. They were greeted by a large number of screaming fans. During their first interview in the states there was this memorable exchange:
Q: In Detroit Michigan, there handing out car stickers saying, ‘Stamp Out The Beatles.’
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
Detroit was not stamped out. Instead, two days later, on February 9, the Beatles made their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. How many viewers tuned in to watch?
If the Beatles had needed to travel to Detroit, I imagine it would have gone like this.
Your question 5 answers:
Xander Biscuits 82,000,000.00
aaronk56 62,881,340.00
FerencL 59,312,312.00
eyebooger 58,000,000.00
IRL Kelly 35,000,000.00
rickroll 32,000,000.00
IRL Scott 30,000,000.00
Doctor Zeus 30,000,000.00
nails 24,000,000.00
IRL Robert 20,000,000.00
IRL Greg 15,000,000.00
ArcticKnight 10,000,000.00
filthyvermin 3,500,000.00
IRL Ray 3,420,197.00
IRL Ann 3,000,000.00
IRL Mary 500,000.00
Incredibly only Xander shoots high. Some of the low estimates are awesome.
Contestant Answer Correct Answer Variance Absolute Variance Score
Xander Biscuits 82,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 16.00
aaronk56 62,881,340.00 73,000,000.00 -10,118,660.00 10,118,660.00 15.00
FerencL 59,312,312.00 73,000,000.00 -13,687,688.00 13,687,688.00 14.00
eyebooger 58,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 13.00
IRL Kelly 35,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -38,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 12.00
rickroll 32,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -41,000,000.00 41,000,000.00 11.00
IRL Scott 30,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -43,000,000.00 43,000,000.00 9.50
Doctor Zeus 30,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -43,000,000.00 43,000,000.00 9.50
nails 24,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -49,000,000.00 49,000,000.00 8.00
IRL Robert 20,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -53,000,000.00 53,000,000.00 7.00
IRL Greg 15,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -58,000,000.00 58,000,000.00 6.00
ArcticKnight 10,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -63,000,000.00 63,000,000.00 5.00
filthyvermin 3,500,000.00 73,000,000.00 -69,500,000.00 69,500,000.00 4.00
IRL Ray 3,420,197.00 73,000,000.00 -69,579,803.00 69,579,803.00 3.00
IRL Ann 3,000,000.00 73,000,000.00 -70,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 2.00
IRL Mary 500,000.00 73,000,000.00 -72,500,000.00 72,500,000.00 1.00
Xander captures the lead with a really good guess and we have a tight 4-way race at the top, with others still in the hunt!
Scores through Question 5:
Xander Biscuits 60.5
nails 58.5
eyebooger 56
aaronk56 54
IRL Kelly 48
IRL Greg 48
FerencL 48
Doctor Zeus 47
IRL Scott 42.5
ArcticKnight 39.5
IRL Robert 34
IRL Mary 34
rickroll 31
IRL Ray 30
filthyvermin 25
IRL Ann 24
As indicated we'll now take a break, with the reveal to resume most likely tomorrow evening.
I'm certain that a swift demise will happen to me tomorrow but happy to have the top spot at the halfway mark.
Fun reveal
lol awesome game!!!
welcome IRL players !
I lol'd when me and Dr z had combined 41 nukes for USSR lol
and I said 14 people escaped east Germany lmao
ban for not posting link in old thread
i do not understand the scoring at all, ie in the first one, several people who had worse guesses than my own got more points than i did
i do not understand the scoring at all, ie in the first one, several people who had worse guesses than my own got more points than i did
The scoring is simple, it's by closest to the correct answer. Over or under does not matter, this isn't the Price is Right.
So, for question 1,
IRL Scott 34,100,000.00 34,108,157.00 8,157.00 16.00
Doctor Zeus 34,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 108,157.00 14.50
Xander Biscuits 34,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 108,157.00 14.50
aaronk56 34,302,400.00 34,108,157.00 194,243.00 13.00
IRL Greg 34,400,000.00 34,108,157.00 291,843.00 12.00
FerencL 33,312,312.00 34,108,157.00 795,845.00 11.00
IRL Robert 35,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 891,843.00 10.00
IRL Ray 32,574,193.00 34,108,157.00 1,533,964.00 9.00
nails 32,100,000.00 34,108,157.00 2,008,157.00 8.00
rickroll 32,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 2,108,157.00 6.00
ArcticKnight 32,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 2,108,157.00 6.00
eyebooger 32,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 2,108,157.00 6.00
IRL Mary 40,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 5,891,843.00 4.00
IRL Kelly 27,862,000.00 34,108,157.00 6,246,157.00 3.00
filthyvermin 26,900,000.00 34,108,157.00 7,208,157.00 2.00
IRL Ann 58,000,000.00 34,108,157.00 23,891,843.00 1.00
You guessed 32 million, which was off by 2,108,157.
IRL Scott was closest, he was off by 8,157, so he got max points, 16.
Dr. Zeus and Xander were next closest, off by 108,157, so they got 14.5 points each ((15+14)/2).
You, AK and eyebooger all gave the 10th best answer, which was good for ((7+6+5)/3)) = 6 points
Nobody who gave a worse answer got more points.
ETA: There are certainly other ways to score this -- during collection of the IRL entries, one of the players pointed out (correctly) that it would be interesting to score using a logarithmic method, where you get punished severely for being magnitudes off. While that has lots of appeal for the potential lols, it's enough of a pain in the ass to score this the way I'm doing it.
I once ran a guesstimania using this scoring and it threw up a strange result.
Question: what is thr population of Gambia?
The person who guessed 6 million was outscored by the person who thought 200 people lived in the country.
Reveal to continue soon.
Thank you for your patience and sorry Eurofriends for the late hour, but let's get this wrapped up. Onward.
Question 6: On March 8, 1965, some 3,500 United States Marines arrived in Da Nang, South Vietnam, becoming the first American ground combat troops in Vietnam. Between August 1964 and February 1973, roughly the beginning and end of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, how many American men were conscripted (drafted) into military service?
The correct answer, of course, is too many.
What was your guess? Let's try a different sort:
IRL Mary 25,000
ArcticKnight 50,000
IRL Ann 80,000
IRL Greg 200,000
rickroll 220,000
filthyvermin 300,000
IRL Kelly 370,000
aaronk56 486,299
Xander Biscuits 490,000
Doctor Zeus 500,000
IRL Scott 1,800,000
CORRECT ANSWER 1,857,304.00
nails 2,500,000
eyebooger 3,500,000
IRL Robert 5,000,000
IRL Ray 7,943,781
FerencL 12,312,312
Contestant Answer Correct Answer Variance Absolute Variance Score
IRL Scott 1,800,000.00 1,857,304.00 -57,304.00 57,304.00 16.00
nails 2,500,000.00 1,857,304.00 642,696.00 642,696.00 15.00
Doctor Zeus 500,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,357,304.00 1,357,304.00 14.00
Xander Biscuits 490,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,367,304.00 1,367,304.00 13.00
aaronk56 486,299.00 1,857,304.00 -1,371,005.00 1,371,005.00 12.00
IRL Kelly 370,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,487,304.00 1,487,304.00 11.00
filthyvermin 300,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,557,304.00 1,557,304.00 10.00
rickroll 220,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,637,304.00 1,637,304.00 9.00
IRL Greg 200,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,657,304.00 1,657,304.00 8.00
eyebooger 3,500,000.00 1,857,304.00 1,642,696.00 1,642,696.00 7.00
IRL Ann 80,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,777,304.00 1,777,304.00 6.00
ArcticKnight 50,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,807,304.00 1,807,304.00 5.00
IRL Mary 25,000.00 1,857,304.00 -1,832,304.00 1,832,304.00 4.00
IRL Robert 5,000,000.00 1,857,304.00 3,142,696.00 3,142,696.00 3.00
IRL Ray 7,943,781.00 1,857,304.00 6,086,477.00 6,086,477.00 2.00
FerencL 12,312,312.00 1,857,304.00 10,455,008.00 10,455,008.00 1.00
And just like that we have a tie at the top!
Scores after Question 6:
Xander Biscuits 73.5
nails 73.5
aaronk56 66
eyebooger 63
Doctor Zeus 61
IRL Kelly 59
IRL Scott 58.5
IRL Greg 56
FerencL 49
ArcticKnight 44.5
rickroll 40
IRL Mary 38
IRL Robert 37
filthyvermin 35
IRL Ray 32
IRL Ann 30
Question 7: How many guitar pickers are there in Nashville, at least according to John Sebastian of the Lovin’ Spoonful in their 1966 song “Nashville Cats”? (An additional fact which may or may not be helpful, according to Sebastian there are 16,821 mothers from Nashville).
This, admittedly, was not the fairest question. But it WAS the question that got me off my ass to actually post a guesstimania, so it's not all trash.
Anyway, you may have heard of a few of those Nashville cats: