Hollywood SuperBowl (raising money for Doctors Without Borders)
The winner will be the entry that raises the most money for Doctors Without Borders.
The reveal will be during the SuperBowl.
The winner of the SuperBowl ($200)
The SuperBowl MVP ($2000)
Each All-Star position ($100 for the correct team - $1000 for the correct player)
But what would a FerencL game be without extreme silliness. The players are all movie stars!
We pick a movie star/movie at random (1930-2020) and put him/her in the all-star position of that movie's genre (see below for position / genre matchups).
Once all the all-star positions are filled, the team with the most all-stars is the SuperBowl winner (in the case of a tie, most movies starred in).
The team of each all-star is based on where they were born.
With USAID being under attack we need charities like Doctors Without Borders to do even more good work so be sure to enter.
Even if you don't know anything about movies, give it a try anyway. You might make a lucky guess and you'll raise money for charity.
you can just copy & paste this part, add your picks and post
SuperBowl winner:
SuperBowl MVP:
Quarterback ACTION
Wide Receiver (L) COMEDY
Wide Receiver (R) CRIME
Tackle (L-O) DRAMA
Guard (R) HORROR
Safety (L) ROMANCE
Safety (R) SCI-FI
Cornerback (L) SPORT
Cornerback (R) THRILLER
Outside Linebacker (L) WAR
Outside Linebacker (R) WESTERN
End (R) anything else
(for genres we ignore adjectives (example an "epic war" movie is a "war" movie)
if you really want to get carried away, here are the geographic areas and their team affiliation:
ALABAMA - Jacksonville Jaguars
ALASKA - Seattle Seahawks
ARIZONA - Arizona Cardinals
ARKANSAS - New Orleans Saints
CALIFORNIA - Los Angeles Rams (Los Angeles County)
CALIFORNIA - Los Angeles Chargers (south of L.A. county)
CALIFORNIA - San Francisco 49ers (north of L.A. county)
COLORADO - Denver Broncos
DELAWARE - Baltimore Ravens
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Washington Commanders
FLORIDA - Jacksonville Jaguars (Gainsville and north)
FLORIDA - Tampa Bay Buccaneers (south of Gainsville, west of Kissimmee)
FLORIDA - Miami Dolphins (south of Gainsville, Kissimmee & east)
GEORGIA - Atlanta Falcons
HAWAII - Los Angeles Chargers
IDAHO - Las Vegas Raiders
ILLINOIS - Chicago Bears
INDIANA - Indianapolis Colts
IOWA - Green Bay Packers
KANSAS - Kansas City Chiefs
KENTUCKY - Indianapolis Colts (north of Elizabethtown)
KENTUCKY - Tennessee Titans (Elizabethtown & south)
LOUISIANA - New Orleans Saints
MAINE - New England Patriots
MARYLAND - Baltimore Ravens
MASSACHUSETTS - New England Patriots
MICHIGAN - Detroit Lions
MINNESOTA - Minnesota Vikings
MISSISSIPPI - New Orleans Saints
MISSOURI - Kansas City Chiefs
MONTANA - Denver Broncos
NEBRASKA - Green Bay Packers (Omaha only)
NEBRASKA - Denver Broncos (except Omaha)
NEVADA - Las Vegas Raiders
NEW HAMPSHIRE - New England Patriots
NEW JERSEY - New York Jets
NEW MEXICO - Arizona Cardinals
NEW YORK - New York Giants (New York City only)
NEW YORK - Buffalo Bills (except NYC)
NORTH CAROLINA - Carolina Panthers
NORTH DAKOTA - Minnesota Vikings
OHIO - Cleveland Browns (north of Columbus)
OHIO - Cincinnatii Bengals (Columbus & south)
OKLAHOMA - New Orleans Saints
OREGON - Seattle Seahawks
PENNSYLVANIA - Pittsburgh Steelers (Harrisburg & west)
PENNSYLVANIA - Philadelphia Eagles (east of Harrisburg)
RHODE ISLAND - New England Patriots
SOUTH CAROLINA - Carolina Panthers
SOUTH DAKOTA - Minnesota Vikings
TENNESSEE - Tennessee Titans
TEXAS - Dallas Cowboys (north of Waco)
TEXAS - Houston Texans (Waco & south)
UTAH - Las Vegas Raiders
VERMONT - Buffalo Bills
VIRGINIA - Washington Commanders
WASHINGTON - Seattle Seahawks
WEST VIRGINIA - Baltimore Ravens
WISCONSIN - Green Bay Packers
WYOMING - Denver Broncos
18 Replies
Oh, I just realized that I can enter this one because I have no advantage just because I came up with this silly idea.

Well, one is easy. I'm going with John Wayne for Western all-star. However, John Wayne was born in Iowa so I'm taking the Dallas Cowboys for Western team (almost all those old stars of Hollywood westerns were from Texas, right?).
BTW, it should be obvious but I did not say.................you can not be an all-star if you do not play.
Don't bother picking Bob Hope for Comedy or Arnold Schwarzenegger for Action.
Here it is: entry #1.
Yes, it did take awhile to come up with picks for genres that I usually never watch. Feel free to just leave those blank if you're having trouble with them.
The main object here is to raise money for Doctors Without Borders.
SuperBowl winner: Los Angeles Rams
SuperBowl MVP: Kevin Conroy
Quarterback ACTION Chicago Bears / Harrison Ford
Halfback ADVENTURE New England Patriots / Chris Evans
Fullback BIOGRAPHY Philadelphia Eagles / Will Smith
Wide Receiver (L) COMEDY New York Jets / Jerry Lewis
Wide Receiver (R) CRIME Los Angeles Rams / Eddie Constantine
Tackle (L-O) DRAMA New York Giants / Meryl Streep
Tackle (R-O) FAMILY, HOLIDAY Los Angeles Rams / Dean Jones
Tackle (L-D) FANTASY, FAIRY TALE New England Patriots / Chris Evans
Tackle (R-D) FILM-NOIR, CAPER, HEIST, DETECTIVE New York Jets / Richard Conte
Guard (L) HISTORY Denver Broncos / Steve Reeves
Guard (R) HORROR New York Giants / John Carradine
Center MUSICAL, MUSIC New Orleans Saints / Elvis Presley
Tight End MYSTERY Cincinnati Bengals / Warner Baxter
Safety (L) ROMANCE Los Angeles Rams / Loretta Young
Safety (R) SCI-FI San Francisco 49ers / Mark Hamill
Cornerback (L) SPORT Los Angeles Rams / Kevin Costner
Cornerback (R) THRILLER Chicago Bears / Harrison Ford
Outside Linebacker (L) WAR New York Giants / John Wayne
Outside Linebacker (R) WESTERN Dallas Cowboys/ John Wayne
Middle Linebacker EPIC, SUPERHERO, COMING-OF-AGE Buffalo Bills / Kevin Conroy
End (L) ANIMATION Buffalo Bills / Kevin Conroy
End (R) anything else New York Giants / Groucho Marx
I didn't state it clearly but I assumed everyone understood.................entries are all free - I'm the one who will donate the money.
I'm starting an entry. Is the deadline before play starts on Sunday or sooner?
We have entry #2 - this one from NancyR13 of BARGE.
Super Bowl Team: San Francisco 49'rs
Super Bow MVP: Denzel Washisngton
(1) Action: Dwayne Johnson (San Francisco 49'rs)
(2) Adventure: Martthew McConaughey (Houston Texans)
(3) Biography: Jimmy Stewart (Pittsburgh Steelers)
(4) Comedy: Kevin Hart (Philadelphia Eagles)
(5) Crime: Al Pacino (New York Giants)
(6): Drama: Gregory Peck (Los Angeles Rams)
(7) Family Holiday: Tim Allen (Denver Broncos)
(8) Fantasy/Fairy Tale: Mark Hamill (San Francisco 49'rs)
(9) Film Noir John Garfield (New York Giants)
(10) History: Martin Sheen (Cincinnati Bengals)
(11) Horror: Robert Englund (Los Angeles Rams)
(12) Musical: Ethel Merman (New York Giants)
(13) Mystery: Denzel Washington (Buffalo Bills)
(14) Romance: Amy Schumer (New York Giants)
(15): Sci Fi: Leonard Nimoy (New England Patriots)
(16) Sport: Dennis Quaid (Houston Texans)
(17) Thriller: Mark Wahlberg (New England Patriots)
(18) War: Tom Hanks (San Francisco 49'rs)
(19) Western: Clint Eastwood (San Francisco 49'rs)
(20) Epic Superhero: Tobey Maguire (Los Angeles Rams)
(21) Animation: Chris Pratt (Minnesota Vikings)
(22) Anything else: Tim Matheson (Los Angeles Rams)
Quarterback ACTION - Steven Seagal
Halfback ADVENTURE - Orson Welles
Fullback BIOGRAPHY - Gary Oldman
Wide Receiver (L) COMEDY - Robin Williams
Wide Receiver (R) CRIME- Joe Pesci
Tackle (L-O) DRAMA - Robert De Niro
Tackle (R-O) FAMILY, HOLIDAY Steve Martin
Tackle (L-D) FANTASY, FAIRY TALE - Johnny Depp
Tackle (R-D) FILM-NOIR, CAPER, HEIST, DETECTIVE - Robert Mitchum
Guard (L) HISTORY - Kirk Douglas
Guard (R) HORROR - Vincent Price
Center MUSICAL, MUSIC - Fred Astaire
Tight End MYSTERY - William Powell
Safety (L) ROMANCE - Marylin Monroe
Safety (R) SCI-FI - Peter Weller
Cornerback (L) SPORT - Kevin Costner
Cornerback (R) THRILLER Eric Roberts
Outside Linebacker (L) WAR - George Macready
Outside Linebacker (R) WESTERN - Slim Pickens
Middle Linebacker EPIC, SUPERHERO, COMING-OF-AGE - Chris Evans
End (L) ANIMATION - Frank Welker
End (R) anything else
I'm putting this incomplete team there because I don't want to lose it somehow.
I know I've still got to put in the MVP, winning team and anything else.
Do I need to work out the states/teams?
I also know Gary Oldman was born in London so he has to change
Super Bowl Team - New York Giants
Super Bowl MVP - Frank Welker
Quarterback ACTION - Steven Seagal
Halfback ADVENTURE - Orson Welles
Fullback BIOGRAPHY - Philip Seymour Hoffman
Wide Receiver (L) COMEDY - Robin Williams
Wide Receiver (R) CRIME- Joe Pesci
Tackle (L-O) DRAMA - Robert De Niro
Tackle (R-O) FAMILY, HOLIDAY Steve Martin
Tackle (L-D) FANTASY, FAIRY TALE - Johnny Depp
Tackle (R-D) FILM-NOIR, CAPER, HEIST, DETECTIVE - Robert Mitchum
Guard (L) HISTORY - Kirk Douglas
Guard (R) HORROR - Vincent Price
Center MUSICAL, MUSIC - Fred Astaire
Tight End MYSTERY - William Powell
Safety (L) ROMANCE - Marylin Monroe
Safety (R) SCI-FI - Peter Weller
Cornerback (L) SPORT - Kevin Costner
Cornerback (R) THRILLER Eric Roberts
Outside Linebacker (L) WAR - George Macready
Outside Linebacker (R) WESTERN - Slim Pickens
Middle Linebacker EPIC, SUPERHERO, COMING-OF-AGE - Chris Evans
End (L) ANIMATION - Frank Welker
End (R) anything else - Mickey Rooney
Is that OK? Anything extra I need to do or is fundamentally wrong with my entry?
Super Bowl Team - New York Giants
Super Bowl MVP - Frank Welker
Quarterback ACTION - Steven Seagal
Halfback ADVENTURE - Orson Welles
Fullback BIOGRAPHY - Philip Seymour Hoffman
Wide Receiver (L) COMEDY - Robin Williams
Wide Receiver (R) CRIME- Joe Pesci
Tackle (L-O) DRAMA - Robert De Niro
Tackle (R-O) FAMILY, HOLIDAY Steve Martin
Tackle (L-D) FANTASY, FAIRY TALE - Johnny Depp
Tackle (R-D) FILM-NOIR, CAPER, HEIST, DETECTIVE - Robert Mitchum
Guard (L) HISTORY - Kirk Douglas
Guard (R) HORROR - Vincent Price
You're just missing the team that goes with each all-star.
However, you don't need to match the player with the team if you don't want to.
You picked the Giants to win so you could just say you want the Giants for all 22 positions.
However, I'm not sure how many cowboy stars came from The Bronx (or Harlem or Manhattan)!
Super Bowl Team - New York Giants
Super Bowl MVP - Frank Welker
Quarterback ACTION - Steven Seagal (Detroit Lions)
Halfback ADVENTURE - Orson Welles (Green Bay Packers)
Fullback BIOGRAPHY - Philip Seymour Hoffman (Buffalo Bills)
Wide Receiver (L) COMEDY - Robin Williams (Chicago Bears)
Wide Receiver (R) CRIME- Joe Pesci (New York Jets)
Tackle (L-O) DRAMA - Robert De Niro (New York Giants)
Tackle (R-O) FAMILY, HOLIDAY Steve Martin (Houston Texans)
Tackle (L-D) FANTASY, FAIRY TALE - Johnny Depp (Indianapolis Colts)
Tackle (R-D) FILM-NOIR, CAPER, HEIST, DETECTIVE - Robert Mitchum (New York Jets)
Guard (L) HISTORY - Kirk Douglas (Buffalo Bills)
Guard (R) HORROR - Vincent Price (Kansas City Chiefs)
Center MUSICAL, MUSIC - Fred Astaire (Green Bay Packers)
Tight End MYSTERY - William Powell (Philadelphia Eagles)
Safety (L) ROMANCE - Marylin Monroe (Loas Angeles Rams)
Safety (R) SCI-FI - Peter Weller (Green Bay Packers)
Cornerback (L) SPORT - Kevin Costner (Los Angeles Rams)
Cornerback (R) THRILLER Eric Roberts (New Orleans Saints)
Outside Linebacker (L) WAR - George Macready (New England Patriots)
Outside Linebacker (R) WESTERN - Slim Pickens (San Francisco 49ers)
Middle Linebacker EPIC, SUPERHERO, COMING-OF-AGE - Chris Evans (New England Patriots)
End (L) ANIMATION - Frank Welker (Denver Broncos)
End (R) anything else - Mickey Rooney (New York Giants)
Oh no..... Here I was thinking that I'd get about 40 entries. 20 from 2+2 and 20 from BARGE.
Looks like it won't be 40........it's gonna be 2!
Thanks xander.
Thanks Nancy.
I'm not gonna generate much $$$ for Doctors Without Borders that way.
Luckily, I did write a program to generate random entries this morning.
Looks like I'm gonna have to use it.
But, still 3 hours left to get an entry in. It's easy to do and it means more money for Doctors Without Borders.
Here's hoping there are at least a few who will enter but were just waiting to the last minute.
Here are the random picks (sorted by genre).
Since the randoms could not match the actor to their likely genre they will have almost no chance of them hitting the $1000 jackpot.
Therefore I've added an extra prize for the randoms: $50 for a correct pick even if the genre is wrong.
genre pick entry
Action Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens HOA
Action Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Adam Kinzinger
Action Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Nolan Dalla
Action Beau Bridges / LA Rams Jan Wong
Action Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Jamie Raskin
Action Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Claudia Sheinbaum
Action Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Grace Chang
Action Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Amy Klobuchar
Action Cesar Romaro / NY Giants Richard Dawkins
Action Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Iain Levison
Action Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Greta Gerwig
Action Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Shakey Graves
Action Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills James McMurtry
Action Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Wave Generators
Action Fred Astaire / GB Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson
Action Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Action George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Tim Miller
Action Gregory Peck / LA Chargers D A Mishani
Action Henry Fonda / GB Packers Joel & Ethan Coen
Action Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Randy Bachman
Action James Cagney / NY Giants The Highmarts
Action Jane Fonda / NY Giants Saquon Barkley
Action John C Reilly / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan
Action John Saxon / NY Giants Charlie Angus
Action John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Mary Trump
Action Kent Taylor / GB Packers Garry Disher
Action Lloyd Bridges / SF 49ers Whit Stillman
Action Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals David Corn
Action Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Slaid Cleaves
Action Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Todd Solondz
Action Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Liz Cheney
Action Robert DeNiro / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy
Action Robert Mitchum / NY Jets Bernie Sanders
Action Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Iris Dement
Action Robert Redford / LA Rams The Surf Coasters
Action Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Brad Solomon
Action Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears anne Applebaum
Action Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips
Action Sally Field / LA Rams Humbert Humbert
Action Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Karin Fossum
Adventure Al Pacino / NY Giants Richard Dawkins
Adventure Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Saquon Barkley
Adventure Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Brad Solomon
Adventure Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Bob Dylan
Adventure Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers James McMurtry
Adventure Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts The Highmarts
Adventure Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Jan Wong
Adventure Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Noel Philips
Adventure Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Nolan Dalla
Adventure Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Randy Bachman
Adventure Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Tim Miller
Adventure Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Charlie Angus
Adventure Frank Sinatra / NY Jets Slaid Cleaves
Adventure Fred Astaire / GB Packers Humbert Humbert
Adventure Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Wave Generators
Adventure Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Claudia Sheinbaum
Adventure George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Jamie Raskin
Adventure Huntz Hall / NY Giants Greta Gerwig
Adventure Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns D A Mishani
Adventure John Saxon / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy
Adventure John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Shakey Graves
Adventure John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Amy Klobuchar
Adventure John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson
Adventure Karen Black / Chicago Bears Grace Chang
Adventure Kent Taylor / GB Packers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Adventure LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Garry Disher
Adventure Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams HOA
Adventure Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Todd Solondz
Adventure Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Liz Cheney
Adventure Matt Damon / NE Patriots Karin Fossum
Adventure Mickey Rooney / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
Adventure Preston Foster / NY Jets Joel & Ethan Coen
Adventure Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Mary Trump
Adventure Robert Ryan / Chicago Bears Adam Kinzinger
Adventure Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos David Corn
Adventure Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears anne Applebaum
Adventure Sally Field / LA Rams Iain Levison
Adventure Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Iris Dement
Adventure William Boyd / Cleveland Browns Bernie Sanders
Adventure Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Whit Stillman
Animation Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Amy Klobuchar
Animation Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Garry Disher
Animation Billy Zane / Chicago Bears James McMurtry
Animation Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears D A Mishani
Animation Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Claudia Sheinbaum
Animation Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans The Highmarts
Animation Diane Keaton / LA Rams Greta Gerwig
Animation Dick Powell / NO Saints Bernie Sanders
Animation Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Mary Trump
Animation Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Noel Philips
Animation Elvis Presley / NO Saints Jamie Raskin
Animation Frank Welker / Denver Broncos HOA
Animation Frank Welker / Denver Broncos Brad Solomon
Animation Fred Astaire / GB Packers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Animation George C Scott / Washington Commanders Shakey Graves
Animation Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs David Corn
Animation James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers Jan Wong
Animation Jane Wyman / KC Chiefs Liz Cheney
Animation Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Charlie Angus
Animation Joan Bennett / NY Jets Tim Miller
Animation Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Nolan Dalla
Animation Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Randy Bachman
Animation John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Humbert Humbert
Animation Karen Black / Chicago Bears The Surf Coasters
Animation Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Bob Dylan
Animation Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Joel & Ethan Coen
Animation Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Slaid Cleaves
Animation Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Karin Fossum
Animation Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Adam Kinzinger
Animation Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions anne Applebaum
Animation Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions Saquon Barkley
Animation Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions Grace Chang
Animation Robert DeNiro / NY Giants Richard Dawkins
Animation Robert Young / Chicago Bears Iain Levison
Animation Robert Young / Chicago Bears Wave Generators
Animation Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy
Animation Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Neil deGrasse Tyson
Animation Sean Penn / LA Rams Todd Solondz
Animation Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Iris Dement
Animation Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Whit Stillman
Biography Al St John / LA Chargers Karin Fossum
Biography Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Iris Dement
Biography Beau Bridges / LA Rams James McMurtry
Biography Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen
Biography Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Grace Chang
Biography Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Adam Kinzinger
Biography Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Neil deGrasse Tyson
Biography Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions The Surf Coasters
Biography Charles Starrett / New England Patriots anne Applebaum
Biography Claire Trevor / NY Giants Tim Miller
Biography Danny Glover / SF 49ers Claudia Sheinbaum
Biography Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Iain Levison
Biography Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Richard Dawkins
Biography Fred Astaire / GB Packers Saquon Barkley
Biography Fred Astaire / GB Packers The Highmarts
Biography Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Bob Dylan
Biography Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Mary Trump
Biography Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Charlie Angus
Biography Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar
Biography Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants D A Mishani
Biography Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles David Corn
Biography James Garner / NO Saints Whit Stillman
Biography Jeff Bridges / LA Rams Noel Philips
Biography Lloyd Bridges / SF 49ers Cormac McCarthy
Biography Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants Wave Generators
Biography Marlon Brando / GB Packers Slaid Cleaves
Biography Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Randy Bachman
Biography Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Shakey Graves
Biography Meryl Streep / NY Jets Jamie Raskin
Biography Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Biography Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Todd Solondz
Biography Peter Graves / Minnesota Vikings Liz Cheney
Biography Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants Greta Gerwig
Biography Robert Redford / LA Rams HOA
Biography Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Bernie Sanders
Biography Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Humbert Humbert
Biography Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Nolan Dalla
Biography Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Garry Disher
Biography Warren Oates / Indianapolis Colts Brad Solomon
Biography Willem Dafoe / GB Packers Jan Wong
Comedy Al St John / LA Chargers Iain Levison
Comedy Andy Devine / Arizona Cardinals Karin Fossum
Comedy Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Tim Miller
Comedy Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy
Comedy Beau Bridges / LA Rams Shakey Graves
Comedy Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Grace Chang
Comedy David Carradine / LA Rams HOA
Comedy Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys The Highmarts
Comedy Dick Powell / NO Saints Charlie Angus
Comedy Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Noel Philips
Comedy Elvis Presley / NO Saints David Corn
Comedy Elvis Presley / NO Saints Jan Wong
Comedy Fred Astaire / GB Packers Iris Dement
Comedy Frederic March / GB Packers D A Mishani
Comedy Frederic March / GB Packers Richard Dawkins
Comedy Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams James McMurtry
Comedy Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Brad Solomon
Comedy James Garner / NO Saints Liz Cheney
Comedy Jane Wyman / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin
Comedy Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Mary Trump
Comedy Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Bernie Sanders
Comedy John Carradine / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger
Comedy John Goodman / KC Chiefs Greta Gerwig
Comedy John Saxon / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar
Comedy John Saxon / NY Giants Neil deGrasse Tyson
Comedy Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Garry Disher
Comedy Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Claudia Sheinbaum
Comedy Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills anne Applebaum
Comedy Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Randy Bachman
Comedy Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Humbert Humbert
Comedy Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Todd Solondz
Comedy Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Nolan Dalla
Comedy Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Bob Dylan
Comedy Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Comedy Stacy Keach / Atlanta Falcons Wave Generators
Comedy Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Whit Stillman
Comedy Tom Sizemore / Detroit Lions Saquon Barkley
Comedy Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Slaid Cleaves
Comedy Vincent Price / KC Chiefs The Surf Coasters
Comedy Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Joel & Ethan Coen
Crime Al St John / LA Chargers D A Mishani
Crime Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens Charlie Angus
Crime Beau Bridges / LA Rams Humbert Humbert
Crime Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Noel Philips
Crime Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan
Crime Chris Evans / NE Patriots Bernie Sanders
Crime Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs anne Applebaum
Crime Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Cormac McCarthy
Crime Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Jan Wong
Crime Frederic March / GB Packers Garry Disher
Crime Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Iris Dement
Crime Gene Hackman / SF 49ers Tim Miller
Crime Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Liz Cheney
Crime Jane Wyman / KC Chiefs Todd Solondz
Crime Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Randy Bachman
Crime Joan Blondell / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
Crime John C Reilly / Chicago Bears Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Crime Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Brad Solomon
Crime Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Richard Dawkins
Crime Kent Taylor / GB Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson
Crime Loretta Young / Las Vegas Raiders Shakey Graves
Crime Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Whit Stillman
Crime Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Mary Trump
Crime Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Slaid Cleaves
Crime Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Adam Kinzinger
Crime Preston Foster / NY Jets Karin Fossum
Crime Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears The Highmarts
Crime Robert DeNiro / NY Giants HOA
Crime Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants James McMurtry
Crime Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Wave Generators
Crime Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Saquon Barkley
Crime Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Iain Levison
Crime Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Amy Klobuchar
Crime Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders David Corn
Crime Smiley Burnette / Chicago Bears Nolan Dalla
Crime Tom Hanks / SF 49ers Jamie Raskin
Crime Walter Matthau / NY Giants Greta Gerwig
Crime Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Joel & Ethan Coen
Crime William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Claudia Sheinbaum
Crime Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Grace Chang
Drama Andy Devine / Arizona Cardinals Iris Dement
Drama Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan
Drama Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Shakey Graves
Drama Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy
Drama Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Whit Stillman
Drama Brad Pitt / NO Saints Charlie Angus
Drama Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Tim Miller
Drama Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Claudia Sheinbaum
Drama Danny Glover / SF 49ers Adam Kinzinger
Drama Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Saquon Barkley
Drama Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Slaid Cleaves
Drama Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips
Drama Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Mary Trump
Drama Gene Hackman / SF 49ers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Drama Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Humbert Humbert
Drama Gregory Peck / LA Chargers anne Applebaum
Drama Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans James McMurtry
Drama Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Jan Wong
Drama Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills The Surf Coasters
Drama Joan Bennett / NY Jets Jamie Raskin
Drama Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Greta Gerwig
Drama Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Garry Disher
Drama Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills The Highmarts
Drama Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen
Drama Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Iain Levison
Drama Marlon Brando / GB Packers Liz Cheney
Drama Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Todd Solondz
Drama Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Wave Generators
Drama Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Richard Dawkins
Drama Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Amy Klobuchar
Drama Robert Redford / LA Rams Brad Solomon
Drama Robert Young / Chicago Bears D A Mishani
Drama Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Bernie Sanders
Drama Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Grace Chang
Drama Susan Sarandon / NY Giants David Corn
Drama Vincent Price / KC Chiefs HOA
Drama Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Randy Bachman
Drama Willem Dafoe / GB Packers Karin Fossum
Drama Willem Dafoe / GB Packers Nolan Dalla
Drama Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Neil deGrasse Tyson
Epic Al St John / LA Chargers The Surf Coasters
Epic Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Brad Solomon
Epic Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus
Epic Bette Davis / NE Patriots Slaid Cleaves
Epic Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Joel & Ethan Coen
Epic Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Karin Fossum
Epic Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Bob Dylan
Epic Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Mary Trump
Epic Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Noel Philips
Epic Danny Glover / SF 49ers anne Applebaum
Epic Danny Glover / SF 49ers Grace Chang
Epic Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys Adam Kinzinger
Epic Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs James McMurtry
Epic Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Iris Dement
Epic Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Wave Generators
Epic Frank Welker / Denver Broncos Shakey Graves
Epic Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Epic Henry Fonda / GB Packers Amy Klobuchar
Epic Huntz Hall / NY Giants Nolan Dalla
Epic Jane Fonda / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy
Epic Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Richard Dawkins
Epic Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Bernie Sanders
Epic Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Greta Gerwig
Epic Kent Taylor / GB Packers Jamie Raskin
Epic Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Humbert Humbert
Epic Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Randy Bachman
Epic Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Whit Stillman
Epic Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Iain Levison
Epic Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Liz Cheney
Epic Preston Foster / NY Jets Jan Wong
Epic Raymond Hatton / GB Packers D A Mishani
Epic Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants The Highmarts
Epic Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears David Corn
Epic Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Garry Disher
Epic Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Tim Miller
Epic Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Claudia Sheinbaum
Epic Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets HOA
Epic Tony Curtis / NY Giants Saquon Barkley
Epic Walter Matthau / NY Giants Todd Solondz
Epic William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Neil deGrasse Tyson
Family Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens Wave Generators
Family Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Grace Chang
Family Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Saquon Barkley
Family Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants Iris Dement
Family Beverly Michaels / NY Giants James McMurtry
Family Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Brad Solomon
Family Cesar Romaro / NY Giants HOA
Family Chris Evans / NE Patriots Amy Klobuchar
Family Danny Glover / SF 49ers The Highmarts
Family Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Bernie Sanders
Family Diane Keaton / LA Rams Karin Fossum
Family Elvis Presley / NO Saints Shakey Graves
Family Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Whit Stillman
Family Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Richard Dawkins
Family Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Jamie Raskin
Family Gary Cooper / Denver Broncos Greta Gerwig
Family Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams D A Mishani
Family Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Liz Cheney
Family Huntz Hall / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves
Family Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Iain Levison
Family Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns anne Applebaum
Family Joan Bennett / NY Jets Joel & Ethan Coen
Family Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Humbert Humbert
Family Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams Randy Bachman
Family Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Mary Trump
Family Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Adam Kinzinger
Family Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Family Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips
Family Matt Damon / NE Patriots Claudia Sheinbaum
Family Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Garry Disher
Family Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Tim Miller
Family Peter Fonda / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
Family Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Charlie Angus
Family Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Cormac McCarthy
Family Robert Ryan / Chicago Bears Jan Wong
Family Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Neil deGrasse Tyson
Family Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Todd Solondz
Family Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles David Corn
Family William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Bob Dylan
Family Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Nolan Dalla
Fantasy Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Bob Dylan
Fantasy Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings anne Applebaum
Fantasy Beverly Garland / SF 49ers Adam Kinzinger
Fantasy Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles David Corn
Fantasy Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Shakey Graves
Fantasy David Carradine / LA Rams Greta Gerwig
Fantasy Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Tim Miller
Fantasy Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Randy Bachman
Fantasy Diane Keaton / LA Rams Humbert Humbert
Fantasy Elliott Gould / NY Giants Karin Fossum
Fantasy Elliott Gould / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
Fantasy Faye Dunaway / Jacksonville Jaguars Saquon Barkley
Fantasy Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Whit Stillman
Fantasy Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Charlie Angus
Fantasy Henry Fonda / GB Packers Brad Solomon
Fantasy Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills HOA
Fantasy Joan Bennett / NY Jets Neil deGrasse Tyson
Fantasy Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts James McMurtry
Fantasy Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Mary Trump
Fantasy Kay Francis / NO Saints Bernie Sanders
Fantasy Kay Francis / NO Saints Jan Wong
Fantasy Keenan Wynn / NY Giants Garry Disher
Fantasy Lance Henriksen / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen
Fantasy Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams Wave Generators
Fantasy Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Grace Chang
Fantasy Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints The Highmarts
Fantasy Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Liz Cheney
Fantasy Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Claudia Sheinbaum
Fantasy Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Iain Levison
Fantasy Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Todd Solondz
Fantasy Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Fantasy Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Noel Philips
Fantasy Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Jamie Raskin
Fantasy Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants D A Mishani
Fantasy Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Slaid Cleaves
Fantasy Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Amy Klobuchar
Fantasy Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Iris Dement
Fantasy Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Nolan Dalla
Fantasy Stacy Keach / Atlanta Falcons Richard Dawkins
Fantasy Tom Sizemore / Detroit Lions Cormac McCarthy
Film Noir Ann Dvorak / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
Film Noir Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Saquon Barkley
Film Noir Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Nolan Dalla
Film Noir Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears Joel & Ethan Coen
Film Noir Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Slaid Cleaves
Film Noir Charles Starrett / New England Patriots Grace Chang
Film Noir Dean Martin / Cleveland Browns D A Mishani
Film Noir Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Film Noir Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin
Film Noir Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Claudia Sheinbaum
Film Noir Elliott Gould / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger
Film Noir Elliott Gould / NY Giants Humbert Humbert
Film Noir Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Jan Wong
Film Noir Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Todd Solondz
Film Noir Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Cormac McCarthy
Film Noir Gary Cooper / Denver Broncos Wave Generators
Film Noir Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Neil deGrasse Tyson
Film Noir Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Noel Philips
Film Noir Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Greta Gerwig
Film Noir Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Iain Levison
Film Noir Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles Garry Disher
Film Noir Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Iris Dement
Film Noir John C Reilly / Chicago Bears Amy Klobuchar
Film Noir John Goodman / KC Chiefs HOA
Film Noir John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Randy Bachman
Film Noir Karen Black / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus
Film Noir Karen Black / Chicago Bears Mary Trump
Film Noir Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Tim Miller
Film Noir Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills David Corn
Film Noir LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Richard Dawkins
Film Noir Linnea Quigley / GB Packers anne Applebaum
Film Noir Preston Foster / NY Jets Brad Solomon
Film Noir Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Bernie Sanders
Film Noir Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings James McMurtry
Film Noir Robert Ryan / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan
Film Noir Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Shakey Graves
Film Noir Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Liz Cheney
Film Noir Smiley Burnette / Chicago Bears Whit Stillman
Film Noir Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Karin Fossum
Film Noir Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys The Highmarts
History Al St John / LA Chargers James McMurtry
History Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens D A Mishani
History Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants Charlie Angus
History Ben Gazzara / NY Giants David Corn
History Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Iain Levison
History Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Jamie Raskin
History Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Amy Klobuchar
History Charles Starrett / New England Patriots anne Applebaum
History Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Neil deGrasse Tyson
History Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Nolan Dalla
History Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Slaid Cleaves
History Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Iris Dement
History Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Whit Stillman
History Fred Astaire / GB Packers Karin Fossum
History Fred Astaire / GB Packers The Surf Coasters
History Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Garry Disher
History Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans Tim Miller
History Joan Bennett / NY Jets Saquon Barkley
History Joan Blondell / NY Giants Liz Cheney
History Joan Blondell / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen
History Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Wave Generators
History Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Noel Philips
History Keenan Wynn / NY Giants Greta Gerwig
History Lee Marvin / NY Giants Bob Dylan
History Lloyd Bridges / SF 49ers Claudia Sheinbaum
History Loretta Young / Las Vegas Raiders Cormac McCarthy
History Loretta Young / Las Vegas Raiders Mary Trump
History Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Randy Bachman
History Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Grace Chang
History Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
History Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Jan Wong
History Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions Brad Solomon
History Robert Young / Chicago Bears Bernie Sanders
History Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Todd Solondz
History Sean Penn / LA Rams Shakey Graves
History Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts The Highmarts
History Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Richard Dawkins
History Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Humbert Humbert
History Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Adam Kinzinger
History Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders HOA
Horror Al Pacino / NY Giants Whit Stillman
Horror Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Tim Miller
Horror Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Richard Dawkins
Horror Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Greta Gerwig
Horror Bruce Davison / Philadelphia Eagles Wave Generators
Horror Claire Trevor / NY Giants Iris Dement
Horror Danny Glover / SF 49ers Bernie Sanders
Horror Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Grace Chang
Horror Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Iain Levison
Horror Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills D A Mishani
Horror Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears The Highmarts
Horror Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Neil deGrasse Tyson
Horror Elvis Presley / NO Saints Todd Solondz
Horror Elvis Presley / NO Saints Joel & Ethan Coen
Horror Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Nolan Dalla
Horror Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Saquon Barkley
Horror Fred Astaire / GB Packers Humbert Humbert
Horror Frederic March / GB Packers Adam Kinzinger
Horror George C Scott / Washington Commanders The Surf Coasters
Horror George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Claudia Sheinbaum
Horror Henry Fonda / GB Packers James McMurtry
Horror James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers Charlie Angus
Horror Jane Fonda / NY Giants Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Horror Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Mary Trump
Horror John Goodman / KC Chiefs Noel Philips
Horror Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Randy Bachman
Horror Lance Henriksen / NY Giants Bob Dylan
Horror Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Cormac McCarthy
Horror Marlon Brando / GB Packers Slaid Cleaves
Horror Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Amy Klobuchar
Horror Meryl Streep / NY Jets Garry Disher
Horror Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Brad Solomon
Horror Peter Graves / Minnesota Vikings David Corn
Horror Robert DeNiro / NY Giants anne Applebaum
Horror Robert Redford / LA Rams Shakey Graves
Horror Sally Field / LA Rams HOA
Horror Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Liz Cheney
Horror Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Jamie Raskin
Horror Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Karin Fossum
Horror Tony Curtis / NY Giants Jan Wong
MVP / winner Al Pacino / NY Giants Bob Dylan
MVP / winner Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens Whit Stillman
MVP / winner Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Charlie Angus
MVP / winner Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Iain Levison
MVP / winner Beau Bridges / LA Rams Claudia Sheinbaum
MVP / winner Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Richard Dawkins
MVP / winner Beverly Garland / SF 49ers Amy Klobuchar
MVP / winner Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions The Highmarts
MVP / winner Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Brad Solomon
MVP / winner Dean Martin / Cleveland Browns James McMurtry
MVP / winner Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys Noel Philips
MVP / winner Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Humbert Humbert
MVP / winner Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Mary Trump
MVP / winner Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Jamie Raskin
MVP / winner Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Tim Miller
MVP / winner Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams David Corn
MVP / winner Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Randy Bachman
MVP / winner Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen
MVP / winner Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles Adam Kinzinger
MVP / winner James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers Wave Generators
MVP / winner Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Jan Wong
MVP / winner Joan Crawford / Houston Texans D A Mishani
MVP / winner John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Liz Cheney
MVP / winner Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Shakey Graves
MVP / winner Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants Iris Dement
MVP / winner Matt Damon / NE Patriots Cormac McCarthy
MVP / winner Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Neil deGrasse Tyson
MVP / winner Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Garry Disher
MVP / winner Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
MVP / winner Robert DeNiro / NY Giants HOA
MVP / winner Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills The Surf Coasters
MVP / winner Robert Young / Chicago Bears Todd Solondz
MVP / winner Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears anne Applebaum
MVP / winner Sean Penn / LA Rams Bernie Sanders
MVP / winner Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves
MVP / winner Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Karin Fossum
MVP / winner Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Nolan Dalla
MVP / winner Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Greta Gerwig
MVP / winner Walter Matthau / NY Giants Saquon Barkley
MVP / winner Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Grace Chang
Musical Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Neil deGrasse Tyson
Musical Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Iain Levison
Musical Bruce Davison / Philadelphia Eagles The Surf Coasters
Musical Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Musical David Carradine / LA Rams Adam Kinzinger
Musical Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Randy Bachman
Musical Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Tim Miller
Musical Diane Keaton / LA Rams Cormac McCarthy
Musical Dick Powell / NO Saints Mary Trump
Musical Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Garry Disher
Musical Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Noel Philips
Musical Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen
Musical Elliott Gould / NY Giants David Corn
Musical Fred Astaire / GB Packers Richard Dawkins
Musical Frederic March / GB Packers HOA
Musical Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Shakey Graves
Musical Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Karin Fossum
Musical Huntz Hall / NY Giants Grace Chang
Musical James Garner / NO Saints Todd Solondz
Musical John C Reilly / Chicago Bears The Highmarts
Musical John Goodman / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin
Musical John Goodman / KC Chiefs Whit Stillman
Musical Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Greta Gerwig
Musical Kay Francis / NO Saints D A Mishani
Musical Kent Taylor / GB Packers Jan Wong
Musical LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Charlie Angus
Musical Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants anne Applebaum
Musical Mamie Van Doren / Minnesota Vikings Brad Solomon
Musical Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Iris Dement
Musical Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves
Musical Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Liz Cheney
Musical Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Amy Klobuchar
Musical Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Nolan Dalla
Musical Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Bernie Sanders
Musical Preston Foster / NY Jets James McMurtry
Musical Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Wave Generators
Musical Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Bob Dylan
Musical Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Saquon Barkley
Musical Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Claudia Sheinbaum
Musical Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Humbert Humbert
Mystery Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Mary Trump
Mystery Ann Dvorak / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen
Mystery Ann Dvorak / NY Giants Todd Solondz
Mystery Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Saquon Barkley
Mystery Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Nolan Dalla
Mystery Brad Pitt / NO Saints Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Mystery Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Wave Generators
Mystery Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Karin Fossum
Mystery Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Brad Solomon
Mystery Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Charlie Angus
Mystery Elliott Gould / NY Giants Whit Stillman
Mystery Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets D A Mishani
Mystery Frank Sinatra / NY Jets Liz Cheney
Mystery Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Amy Klobuchar
Mystery Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Iris Dement
Mystery Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves
Mystery James Cagney / NY Giants Jamie Raskin
Mystery James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers James McMurtry
Mystery Jane Fonda / NY Giants Bernie Sanders
Mystery Jane Fonda / NY Giants Greta Gerwig
Mystery John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Richard Dawkins
Mystery Kay Francis / NO Saints The Highmarts
Mystery LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Jan Wong
Mystery LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Randy Bachman
Mystery Meryl Streep / NY Jets Cormac McCarthy
Mystery Meryl Streep / NY Jets Neil deGrasse Tyson
Mystery Mickey Rooney / NY Giants HOA
Mystery Preston Foster / NY Jets Bob Dylan
Mystery Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Humbert Humbert
Mystery Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Adam Kinzinger
Mystery Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Shakey Graves
Mystery Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants Claudia Sheinbaum
Mystery Robert Young / Chicago Bears Iain Levison
Mystery Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears Garry Disher
Mystery Sean Penn / LA Rams Noel Philips
Mystery Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs The Surf Coasters
Mystery Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Grace Chang
Mystery Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets David Corn
Mystery Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Tim Miller
Mystery Willem Dafoe / GB Packers anne Applebaum
Romance Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Neil deGrasse Tyson
Romance Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves
Romance Beverly Garland / SF 49ers anne Applebaum
Romance Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Iain Levison
Romance Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Garry Disher
Romance Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks David Corn
Romance Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Richard Dawkins
Romance Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Tim Miller
Romance Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Jan Wong
Romance David Carradine / LA Rams Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Romance Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs The Surf Coasters
Romance Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Mary Trump
Romance Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Liz Cheney
Romance Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips
Romance Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Karin Fossum
Romance Elvis Presley / NO Saints Nolan Dalla
Romance Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Shakey Graves
Romance Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Charlie Angus
Romance Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Amy Klobuchar
Romance Jeff Bridges / LA Rams Saquon Barkley
Romance Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Wave Generators
Romance John Carradine / NY Giants Iris Dement
Romance Kent Taylor / GB Packers Bob Dylan
Romance Lance Henriksen / NY Giants The Highmarts
Romance Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Todd Solondz
Romance Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears HOA
Romance Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy
Romance Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Claudia Sheinbaum
Romance Robert Redford / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen
Romance Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Humbert Humbert
Romance Sally Field / LA Rams Jamie Raskin
Romance Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs D A Mishani
Romance Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Greta Gerwig
Romance Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Whit Stillman
Romance Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Bernie Sanders
Romance Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Randy Bachman
Romance Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Brad Solomon
Romance William Boyd / Cleveland Browns Adam Kinzinger
Romance William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Grace Chang
Romance Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys James McMurtry
Sci-Fi Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Grace Chang
Sci-Fi Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Randy Bachman
Sci-Fi Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves
Sci-Fi Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Noel Philips
Sci-Fi Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Joel & Ethan Coen
Sci-Fi Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Brad Solomon
Sci-Fi Cesar Romaro / NY Giants Humbert Humbert
Sci-Fi Chris Evans / NE Patriots Saquon Barkley
Sci-Fi David Carradine / LA Rams Todd Solondz
Sci-Fi Diane Keaton / LA Rams Wave Generators
Sci-Fi Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Liz Cheney
Sci-Fi Faye Dunaway / Jacksonville Jaguars Nolan Dalla
Sci-Fi Fred Astaire / GB Packers Whit Stillman
Sci-Fi Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Richard Dawkins
Sci-Fi George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Bob Dylan
Sci-Fi Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Karin Fossum
Sci-Fi Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles Shakey Graves
Sci-Fi James Garner / NO Saints James McMurtry
Sci-Fi Jane Fonda / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar
Sci-Fi Joan Bennett / NY Jets Cormac McCarthy
Sci-Fi Joan Blondell / NY Giants D A Mishani
Sci-Fi Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills HOA
Sci-Fi Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Jamie Raskin
Sci-Fi Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Charlie Angus
Sci-Fi Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Garry Disher
Sci-Fi Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Tim Miller
Sci-Fi Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Iain Levison
Sci-Fi Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns The Surf Coasters
Sci-Fi Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Claudia Sheinbaum
Sci-Fi Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants Bernie Sanders
Sci-Fi Robert Mitchum / NY Jets David Corn
Sci-Fi Robert Redford / LA Rams Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sci-Fi Robert Young / Chicago Bears The Highmarts
Sci-Fi Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Jan Wong
Sci-Fi Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Adam Kinzinger
Sci-Fi Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Sci-Fi Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Greta Gerwig
Sci-Fi Vincent Price / KC Chiefs Iris Dement
Sci-Fi Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders anne Applebaum
Sci-Fi Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Mary Trump
Sport Al St John / LA Chargers Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sport Andy Devine / Arizona Cardinals Noel Philips
Sport Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Saquon Barkley
Sport Beau Bridges / LA Rams Brad Solomon
Sport Beverly Garland / SF 49ers Slaid Cleaves
Sport Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Liz Cheney
Sport Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Nolan Dalla
Sport Cesar Romaro / NY Giants Iris Dement
Sport Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills HOA
Sport Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills The Highmarts
Sport Chris Evans / NE Patriots Karin Fossum
Sport Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Amy Klobuchar
Sport Dean Martin / Cleveland Browns Iain Levison
Sport Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Sport Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Tim Miller
Sport Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Jan Wong
Sport Elliott Gould / NY Giants Wave Generators
Sport Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Todd Solondz
Sport Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Whit Stillman
Sport Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Randy Bachman
Sport Glenda Farrell / NO Saints James McMurtry
Sport Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Shakey Graves
Sport Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans D A Mishani
Sport Jane Fonda / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
Sport Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Bob Dylan
Sport Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Adam Kinzinger
Sport Kay Francis / NO Saints Greta Gerwig
Sport Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Claudia Sheinbaum
Sport Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants David Corn
Sport Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Cormac McCarthy
Sport Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Garry Disher
Sport Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Mary Trump
Sport Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants anne Applebaum
Sport Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants Humbert Humbert
Sport Robert Redford / LA Rams Bernie Sanders
Sport Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Joel & Ethan Coen
Sport Sean Penn / LA Rams Grace Chang
Sport Stacy Keach / Atlanta Falcons Richard Dawkins
Sport Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Jamie Raskin
Sport Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Charlie Angus
Thriller Al Pacino / NY Giants Iris Dement
Thriller Al St John / LA Chargers Bernie Sanders
Thriller Brad Pitt / NO Saints Amy Klobuchar
Thriller Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy
Thriller Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Greta Gerwig
Thriller Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Adam Kinzinger
Thriller Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Todd Solondz
Thriller Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Iain Levison
Thriller Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Brad Solomon
Thriller Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Garry Disher
Thriller Dick Powell / NO Saints Shakey Graves
Thriller Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Grace Chang
Thriller Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Jan Wong
Thriller Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Whit Stillman
Thriller Frank Sinatra / NY Jets Karin Fossum
Thriller Frederic March / GB Packers Saquon Barkley
Thriller Gary Cooper / Denver Broncos anne Applebaum
Thriller Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Wave Generators
Thriller Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Bob Dylan
Thriller Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Slaid Cleaves
Thriller Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Tim Miller
Thriller Joan Blondell / NY Giants Claudia Sheinbaum
Thriller Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons HOA
Thriller Joel McCrea / LA Rams David Corn
Thriller Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints The Highmarts
Thriller Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants Noel Philips
Thriller Mamie Van Doren / Minnesota Vikings D A Mishani
Thriller Marlon Brando / GB Packers James McMurtry
Thriller Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Jamie Raskin
Thriller Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Humbert Humbert
Thriller Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Thriller Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus
Thriller Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Randy Bachman
Thriller Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Liz Cheney
Thriller Robert Redford / LA Rams Nolan Dalla
Thriller Robert Young / Chicago Bears Neil deGrasse Tyson
Thriller Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen
Thriller Tony Curtis / NY Giants Mary Trump
Thriller Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders The Surf Coasters
Thriller Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Richard Dawkins
War Al Pacino / NY Giants Brad Solomon
War Al Pacino / NY Giants Mary Trump
War Al St John / LA Chargers anne Applebaum
War Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Wave Generators
War Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Bob Dylan
War Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Saquon Barkley
War Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Grace Chang
War Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts The Surf Coasters
War Danny Glover / SF 49ers Liz Cheney
War Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Cormac McCarthy
War Dick Powell / NO Saints Iris Dement
War Dick Powell / NO Saints Joel & Ethan Coen
War Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Bernie Sanders
War Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Randy Bachman
War Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Whit Stillman
War George C Scott / Washington Commanders James McMurtry
War Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Neil deGrasse Tyson
War Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger
War James Cagney / NY Giants Humbert Humbert
War Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Garry Disher
War Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Iain Levison
War Kent Taylor / GB Packers Noel Philips
War Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Todd Solondz
War Peter Fonda / NY Giants Tim Miller
War Peter Fonda / NY Giants Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
War Peter Fonda / NY Giants David Corn
War Peter Fonda / NY Giants The Highmarts
War Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Jan Wong
War Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Nolan Dalla
War Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Jamie Raskin
War Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Amy Klobuchar
War Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Greta Gerwig
War Sally Field / LA Rams Slaid Cleaves
War Sean Penn / LA Rams D A Mishani
War Sean Penn / LA Rams Karin Fossum
War Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Claudia Sheinbaum
War Vincent Price / KC Chiefs Charlie Angus
War Walter Matthau / NY Giants Shakey Graves
War Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Richard Dawkins
War Warren Oates / Indianapolis Colts HOA
Western Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Iris Dement
Western Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin
Western Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Amy Klobuchar
Western Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears Grace Chang
Western Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Whit Stillman
Western Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Bernie Sanders
Western Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Tim Miller
Western Danny Glover / SF 49ers Randy Bachman
Western Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys Bob Dylan
Western Elliott Gould / NY Giants HOA
Western Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Jan Wong
Western Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Greta Gerwig
Western Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans Brad Solomon
Western Huntz Hall / NY Giants Charlie Angus
Western Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots The Highmarts
Western Jane Fonda / NY Giants Todd Solondz
Western Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Cormac McCarthy
Western Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Neil deGrasse Tyson
Western Kay Francis / NO Saints Karin Fossum
Western Lee Marvin / NY Giants D A Mishani
Western Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Richard Dawkins
Western Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Adam Kinzinger
Western Meryl Streep / NY Jets Claudia Sheinbaum
Western Nicholas Cage / LA Rams James McMurtry
Western Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Liz Cheney
Western Peter Fonda / NY Giants Garry Disher
Western Robert Redford / LA Rams Slaid Cleaves
Western Robert Redford / LA Rams The Surf Coasters
Western Robert Redford / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen
Western Robert Redford / LA Rams Iain Levison
Western Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Saquon Barkley
Western Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals anne Applebaum
Western Sally Field / LA Rams Humbert Humbert
Western Sally Field / LA Rams Shakey Graves
Western Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Nolan Dalla
Western Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Western Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Mary Trump
Western Walter Matthau / NY Giants David Corn
Western Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Wave Generators
Western Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Noel Philips
anything else Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants The Surf Coasters
anything else Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar
anything else Bette Davis / NE Patriots Tim Miller
anything else Bette Davis / NE Patriots Claudia Sheinbaum
anything else Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Iain Levison
anything else Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Humbert Humbert
anything else Cesar Romaro / NY Giants D A Mishani
anything else Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Jamie Raskin
anything else Chris Evans / NE Patriots Randy Bachman
anything else David Carradine / LA Rams The Highmarts
anything else Dennis O'Keefe / GB Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson
anything else Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Garry Disher
anything else Diane Keaton / LA Rams Grace Chang
anything else Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus
anything else Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen
anything else Faye Dunaway / Jacksonville Jaguars Greta Gerwig
anything else George C Scott / Washington Commanders Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
anything else Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Iris Dement
anything else James Cagney / NY Giants Nolan Dalla
anything else Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Whit Stillman
anything else Joan Blondell / NY Giants Bob Dylan
anything else Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Jan Wong
anything else John Goodman / KC Chiefs Saquon Barkley
anything else Keenan Wynn / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger
anything else Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Slaid Cleaves
anything else Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Karin Fossum
anything else Mamie Van Doren / Minnesota Vikings Bernie Sanders
anything else Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Liz Cheney
anything else Preston Foster / NY Jets Wave Generators
anything else Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Shakey Graves
anything else Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Mary Trump
anything else Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Todd Solondz
anything else Robert DeNiro / NY Giants David Corn
anything else Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears Noel Philips
anything else Steve Buscemi / NY Giants James McMurtry
anything else Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy
anything else Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans HOA
anything else Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Brad Solomon
anything else William Boyd / Cleveland Browns Richard Dawkins
anything else William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers anne Applebaum
and here are the randoms sorted by pick
pick entry genre
Al Pacino / NY Giants Richard Dawkins Adventure
Al Pacino / NY Giants Whit Stillman Horror
Al Pacino / NY Giants Bob Dylan MVP / winner
Al Pacino / NY Giants Iris Dement Thriller
Al Pacino / NY Giants Brad Solomon War
Al Pacino / NY Giants Mary Trump War
Al St John / LA Chargers Karin Fossum Biography
Al St John / LA Chargers Iain Levison Comedy
Al St John / LA Chargers D A Mishani Crime
Al St John / LA Chargers The Surf Coasters Epic
Al St John / LA Chargers James McMurtry History
Al St John / LA Chargers Neil deGrasse Tyson Sport
Al St John / LA Chargers Bernie Sanders Thriller
Al St John / LA Chargers anne Applebaum War
Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens HOA Action
Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens Charlie Angus Crime
Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens Wave Generators Family
Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens D A Mishani History
Allison Hayes / Baltimore Ravens Whit Stillman MVP / winner
Andy Devine / Arizona Cardinals Karin Fossum Comedy
Andy Devine / Arizona Cardinals Iris Dement Drama
Andy Devine / Arizona Cardinals Noel Philips Sport
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Adam Kinzinger Action
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Nolan Dalla Action
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Saquon Barkley Adventure
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Bob Dylan Fantasy
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Tim Miller Horror
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Mary Trump Mystery
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Grace Chang Sci-Fi
Angie Dickinson / Minnesota Vikings Iris Dement Western
Ann Dvorak / NY Giants The Surf Coasters Film Noir
Ann Dvorak / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen Mystery
Ann Dvorak / NY Giants Todd Solondz Mystery
Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Tim Miller Comedy
Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Charlie Angus MVP / winner
Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Randy Bachman Sci-Fi
Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Bob Dylan War
Ann Sheridan / Dallas Cowboys Wave Generators War
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Iris Dement Biography
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Brad Solomon Epic
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Grace Chang Family
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings anne Applebaum Fantasy
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Richard Dawkins Horror
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Neil deGrasse Tyson Romance
Ann Sothern / Minnesota Vikings Saquon Barkley Sport
Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy Comedy
Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan Drama
Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus Epic
Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Saquon Barkley Family
Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Iain Levison MVP / winner
Audrey Totter / Chicago Bears Neil deGrasse Tyson Musical
Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants Iris Dement Family
Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants Charlie Angus History
Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves Romance
Barbara Stanwyck / NY Giants The Surf Coasters anything else
Beau Bridges / LA Rams Jan Wong Action
Beau Bridges / LA Rams James McMurtry Biography
Beau Bridges / LA Rams Shakey Graves Comedy
Beau Bridges / LA Rams Humbert Humbert Crime
Beau Bridges / LA Rams Claudia Sheinbaum MVP / winner
Beau Bridges / LA Rams Brad Solomon Sport
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Jamie Raskin Action
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen Biography
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Grace Chang Comedy
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Shakey Graves Drama
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants David Corn History
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Richard Dawkins MVP / winner
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves Sci-Fi
Ben Gazzara / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar anything else
Bette Davis / NE Patriots Slaid Cleaves Epic
Bette Davis / NE Patriots Claudia Sheinbaum anything else
Bette Davis / NE Patriots Tim Miller anything else
Beverly Garland / SF 49ers Adam Kinzinger Fantasy
Beverly Garland / SF 49ers Amy Klobuchar MVP / winner
Beverly Garland / SF 49ers anne Applebaum Romance
Beverly Garland / SF 49ers Slaid Cleaves Sport
Beverly Michaels / NY Giants James McMurtry Family
Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Amy Klobuchar Animation
Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Grace Chang Biography
Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Iain Levison Romance
Bill Elliott / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin Western
Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Garry Disher Animation
Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Noel Philips Crime
Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy Drama
Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Nolan Dalla Film Noir
Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Saquon Barkley Film Noir
Bill Murray / Chicago Bears Iain Levison History
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Brad Solomon Adventure
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears James McMurtry Animation
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan Crime
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Jamie Raskin History
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Greta Gerwig Horror
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Nolan Dalla Mystery
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Saquon Barkley Mystery
Billy Zane / Chicago Bears Iain Levison anything else
Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Claudia Sheinbaum Action
Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Bob Dylan Adventure
Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Adam Kinzinger Biography
Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Whit Stillman Drama
Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Amy Klobuchar History
Bing Crosby / Seattle Seahawks Garry Disher Romance
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Grace Chang Action
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Joel & Ethan Coen Epic
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Brad Solomon Family
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Iain Levison Musical
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks David Corn Romance
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Joel & Ethan Coen Sci-Fi
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Noel Philips Sci-Fi
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Saquon Barkley War
Bob Steele / Seattle Seahawks Amy Klobuchar Western
Brad Pitt / NO Saints Charlie Angus Drama
Brad Pitt / NO Saints Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Mystery
Brad Pitt / NO Saints Amy Klobuchar Thriller
Bruce Davison / Philadelphia Eagles Wave Generators Horror
Bruce Davison / Philadelphia Eagles The Surf Coasters Musical
Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears D A Mishani Animation
Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears Joel & Ethan Coen Film Noir
Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy Thriller
Bruce Dern / Chicago Bears Grace Chang Western
Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Neil deGrasse Tyson Biography
Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions The Surf Coasters Biography
Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Brad Solomon MVP / winner
Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions The Highmarts MVP / winner
Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Richard Dawkins Romance
Burt Reynolds / Detroit Lions Humbert Humbert anything else
Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers James McMurtry Adventure
Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Tim Miller Drama
Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Bob Dylan Epic
Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Karin Fossum Epic
Buster Crabbe / SF 49ers Tim Miller Romance
Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles David Corn Fantasy
Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Brad Solomon Sci-Fi
Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Liz Cheney Sport
Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Greta Gerwig Thriller
Cameron Mitchell / Philadelphia Eagles Grace Chang War
Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Amy Klobuchar Action
Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts The Highmarts Adventure
Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Claudia Sheinbaum Drama
Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Mary Trump Epic
Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts Nolan Dalla Sport
Carole Lombard / Indianapolis Colts The Surf Coasters War
Cesar Romaro / NY Giants Richard Dawkins Action
Cesar Romaro / NY Giants HOA Family
Cesar Romaro / NY Giants Humbert Humbert Sci-Fi
Cesar Romaro / NY Giants Iris Dement Sport
Cesar Romaro / NY Giants D A Mishani anything else
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Iain Levison Action
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Noel Philips Epic
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Shakey Graves Fantasy
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Slaid Cleaves Film Noir
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Jan Wong Romance
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Adam Kinzinger Thriller
Charles Bronson / Pittsburgh Steelers Jamie Raskin anything else
Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Jan Wong Adventure
Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills HOA Sport
Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills The Highmarts Sport
Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Todd Solondz Thriller
Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Bernie Sanders Western
Charles Durning / Buffalo Bills Whit Stillman Western
Charles Starrett / New England Patriots anne Applebaum Biography
Charles Starrett / New England Patriots Grace Chang Film Noir
Charles Starrett / New England Patriots anne Applebaum History
Chris Evans / NE Patriots Bernie Sanders Crime
Chris Evans / NE Patriots Amy Klobuchar Family
Chris Evans / NE Patriots Saquon Barkley Sci-Fi
Chris Evans / NE Patriots Karin Fossum Sport
Chris Evans / NE Patriots Randy Bachman anything else
Claire Trevor / NY Giants Tim Miller Biography
Claire Trevor / NY Giants Iris Dement Horror
Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Musical
Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Amy Klobuchar Sport
Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Iain Levison Thriller
Clint Eastwood / SF 49ers Tim Miller Western
Danny Glover / SF 49ers Claudia Sheinbaum Biography
Danny Glover / SF 49ers Adam Kinzinger Drama
Danny Glover / SF 49ers Grace Chang Epic
Danny Glover / SF 49ers anne Applebaum Epic
Danny Glover / SF 49ers The Highmarts Family
Danny Glover / SF 49ers Bernie Sanders Horror
Danny Glover / SF 49ers Liz Cheney War
Danny Glover / SF 49ers Randy Bachman Western
David Carradine / LA Rams HOA Comedy
David Carradine / LA Rams Greta Gerwig Fantasy
David Carradine / LA Rams Adam Kinzinger Musical
David Carradine / LA Rams Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Romance
David Carradine / LA Rams Todd Solondz Sci-Fi
David Carradine / LA Rams The Highmarts anything else
Dean Martin / Cleveland Browns D A Mishani Film Noir
Dean Martin / Cleveland Browns James McMurtry MVP / winner
Dean Martin / Cleveland Browns Iain Levison Sport
Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys The Highmarts Comedy
Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys Adam Kinzinger Epic
Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys Noel Philips MVP / winner
Debbie Reynolds / Dallas Cowboys Bob Dylan Western
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Noel Philips Adventure
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs anne Applebaum Crime
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Saquon Barkley Drama
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Tim Miller Fantasy
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Film Noir
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Randy Bachman Musical
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Wave Generators Mystery
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs The Surf Coasters Romance
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Sport
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Tim Miller Sport
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Brad Solomon Thriller
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Garry Disher Thriller
Dee Wallace / KC Chiefs Cormac McCarthy War
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Greta Gerwig Action
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Slaid Cleaves Drama
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs James McMurtry Epic
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Claudia Sheinbaum Film Noir
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin Film Noir
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Neil deGrasse Tyson History
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Grace Chang Horror
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Humbert Humbert MVP / winner
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Mary Trump MVP / winner
Dennis Hopper / KC Chiefs Karin Fossum Mystery
Dennis O'Keefe / GB Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson anything else
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Shakey Graves Action
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Claudia Sheinbaum Animation
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans The Highmarts Animation
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Iain Levison Biography
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Randy Bachman Fantasy
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Iain Levison Horror
Dennis Quaid / Houston Texans Garry Disher anything else
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills James McMurtry Action
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Nolan Dalla Adventure
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Iris Dement Epic
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Bernie Sanders Family
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills D A Mishani Horror
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Tim Miller Musical
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Brad Solomon Mystery
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Liz Cheney Romance
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Mary Trump Romance
Denzel Washington / Buffalo Bills Jan Wong Sport
Diane Keaton / LA Rams Greta Gerwig Animation
Diane Keaton / LA Rams Karin Fossum Family
Diane Keaton / LA Rams Humbert Humbert Fantasy
Diane Keaton / LA Rams Cormac McCarthy Musical
Diane Keaton / LA Rams Wave Generators Sci-Fi
Diane Keaton / LA Rams Grace Chang anything else
Dick Powell / NO Saints Bernie Sanders Animation
Dick Powell / NO Saints Charlie Angus Comedy
Dick Powell / NO Saints Mary Trump Musical
Dick Powell / NO Saints Shakey Graves Thriller
Dick Powell / NO Saints Iris Dement War
Dick Powell / NO Saints Joel & Ethan Coen War
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Randy Bachman Adventure
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Mary Trump Animation
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips Drama
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Nolan Dalla History
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips Romance
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Liz Cheney Sci-Fi
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Grace Chang Thriller
Doris Day / Cincinnati Bengals Jan Wong Thriller
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Noel Philips Animation
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Mary Trump Drama
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Slaid Cleaves History
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears The Highmarts Horror
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Jamie Raskin MVP / winner
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Garry Disher Musical
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Noel Philips Musical
Dorothy Malone / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus anything else
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Tim Miller Adventure
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Richard Dawkins Biography
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Noel Philips Comedy
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Cormac McCarthy Crime
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Jan Wong Crime
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Iris Dement History
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen Musical
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Charlie Angus Mystery
Dustin Hoffman / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen anything else
Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Charlie Angus Adventure
Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Whit Stillman History
Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Neil deGrasse Tyson Horror
Edward Asner/ KC Chiefs Karin Fossum Romance
Elliott Gould / NY Giants Karin Fossum Fantasy
Elliott Gould / NY Giants The Surf Coasters Fantasy
Elliott Gould / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger Film Noir
Elliott Gould / NY Giants Humbert Humbert Film Noir
Elliott Gould / NY Giants David Corn Musical
Elliott Gould / NY Giants Whit Stillman Mystery
Elliott Gould / NY Giants Wave Generators Sport
Elliott Gould / NY Giants HOA Western
Elvis Presley / NO Saints Jamie Raskin Animation
Elvis Presley / NO Saints David Corn Comedy
Elvis Presley / NO Saints Jan Wong Comedy
Elvis Presley / NO Saints Shakey Graves Family
Elvis Presley / NO Saints Joel & Ethan Coen Horror
Elvis Presley / NO Saints Todd Solondz Horror
Elvis Presley / NO Saints Nolan Dalla Romance
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Wave Generators Action
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Wave Generators Epic
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Whit Stillman Family
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Jan Wong Film Noir
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Nolan Dalla Horror
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Saquon Barkley Horror
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets D A Mishani Mystery
Ernest Borgnine / NY Jets Whit Stillman Thriller
Faye Dunaway / Jacksonville Jaguars Saquon Barkley Fantasy
Faye Dunaway / Jacksonville Jaguars Nolan Dalla Sci-Fi
Faye Dunaway / Jacksonville Jaguars Greta Gerwig anything else
Frank Sinatra / NY Jets Slaid Cleaves Adventure
Frank Sinatra / NY Jets Liz Cheney Mystery
Frank Sinatra / NY Jets Karin Fossum Thriller
Frank Welker / Denver Broncos Brad Solomon Animation
Frank Welker / Denver Broncos HOA Animation
Frank Welker / Denver Broncos Shakey Graves Epic
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson Action
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Humbert Humbert Adventure
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Animation
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Saquon Barkley Biography
Fred Astaire / GB Packers The Highmarts Biography
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Iris Dement Comedy
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Karin Fossum History
Fred Astaire / GB Packers The Surf Coasters History
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Humbert Humbert Horror
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Richard Dawkins Musical
Fred Astaire / GB Packers Whit Stillman Sci-Fi
Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Richard Dawkins Family
Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Todd Solondz Film Noir
Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Shakey Graves Romance
Fred MacMurray / Chicago Bears Richard Dawkins Sci-Fi
Frederic March / GB Packers D A Mishani Comedy
Frederic March / GB Packers Richard Dawkins Comedy
Frederic March / GB Packers Garry Disher Crime
Frederic March / GB Packers Adam Kinzinger Horror
Frederic March / GB Packers HOA Musical
Frederic March / GB Packers Saquon Barkley Thriller
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Action
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Wave Generators Adventure
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Whit Stillman Fantasy
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Cormac McCarthy Film Noir
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Tim Miller MVP / winner
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Todd Solondz Sport
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Bernie Sanders War
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Randy Bachman War
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Whit Stillman War
Fuzzy Knight / Baltimore Ravens Jan Wong Western
Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Iris Dement Crime
Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Jamie Raskin Family
Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Charlie Angus Fantasy
Gabby Hayes / Buffalo Bills Shakey Graves Musical
Gary Cooper / Denver Broncos Greta Gerwig Family
Gary Cooper / Denver Broncos Wave Generators Film Noir
Gary Cooper / Denver Broncos anne Applebaum Thriller
Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Claudia Sheinbaum Adventure
Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Bob Dylan Biography
Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Neil deGrasse Tyson Film Noir
Gene Autry / Dallas Cowboys Karin Fossum Musical
Gene Hackman / SF 49ers Tim Miller Crime
Gene Hackman / SF 49ers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Drama
George C Scott / Washington Commanders Shakey Graves Animation
George C Scott / Washington Commanders The Surf Coasters Horror
George C Scott / Washington Commanders James McMurtry War
George C Scott / Washington Commanders Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez anything else
George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Tim Miller Action
George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Jamie Raskin Adventure
George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Claudia Sheinbaum Horror
George Clooney / Indianapolis Colts Bob Dylan Sci-Fi
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Mary Trump Biography
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams James McMurtry Comedy
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Humbert Humbert Drama
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams D A Mishani Family
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Noel Philips Film Noir
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams David Corn MVP / winner
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Amy Klobuchar Mystery
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Neil deGrasse Tyson War
Geraldine Chaplin / Los Angeles Rams Greta Gerwig Western
Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs David Corn Animation
Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Liz Cheney Family
Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Iris Dement Mystery
Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Randy Bachman Sport
Ginger Rogers / KC Chiefs Whit Stillman Sport
Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Liz Cheney Crime
Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Epic
Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Randy Bachman MVP / winner
Glenda Farrell / NO Saints James McMurtry Sport
Glenda Farrell / NO Saints Wave Generators Thriller
Gregory Peck / LA Chargers D A Mishani Action
Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Charlie Angus Biography
Gregory Peck / LA Chargers anne Applebaum Drama
Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Garry Disher History
Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Karin Fossum Sci-Fi
Gregory Peck / LA Chargers Shakey Graves Sport
Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans James McMurtry Drama
Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans Tim Miller History
Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans D A Mishani Sport
Harry Dean Stanton / Tennessee Titans Brad Solomon Western
Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar Biography
Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Greta Gerwig Film Noir
Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves Mystery
Harvey Keitel / NY Giants Iris Dement anything else
Henry Fonda / GB Packers Joel & Ethan Coen Action
Henry Fonda / GB Packers Amy Klobuchar Epic
Henry Fonda / GB Packers Brad Solomon Fantasy
Henry Fonda / GB Packers James McMurtry Horror
Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants D A Mishani Biography
Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Jan Wong Drama
Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen MVP / winner
Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Charlie Angus Romance
Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Bob Dylan Thriller
Humphrey Bogart / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger War
Huntz Hall / NY Giants Greta Gerwig Adventure
Huntz Hall / NY Giants Nolan Dalla Epic
Huntz Hall / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves Family
Huntz Hall / NY Giants Grace Chang Musical
Huntz Hall / NY Giants Charlie Angus Western
Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Randy Bachman Action
Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Brad Solomon Comedy
Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Iain Levison Film Noir
Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots Slaid Cleaves Thriller
Jack Lemmon / NE Patriots The Highmarts Western
Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles David Corn Biography
Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles Garry Disher Film Noir
Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles Adam Kinzinger MVP / winner
Jack Palance / Philadelphia Eagles Shakey Graves Sci-Fi
James Cagney / NY Giants The Highmarts Action
James Cagney / NY Giants Jamie Raskin Mystery
James Cagney / NY Giants Humbert Humbert War
James Cagney / NY Giants Nolan Dalla anything else
James Garner / NO Saints Whit Stillman Biography
James Garner / NO Saints Liz Cheney Comedy
James Garner / NO Saints Todd Solondz Musical
James Garner / NO Saints James McMurtry Sci-Fi
James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers Jan Wong Animation
James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers Charlie Angus Horror
James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers Wave Generators MVP / winner
James Stewart / Pittsburgh Steelers James McMurtry Mystery
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Saquon Barkley Action
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy Epic
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Horror
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Bernie Sanders Mystery
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Greta Gerwig Mystery
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar Sci-Fi
Jane Fonda / NY Giants The Surf Coasters Sport
Jane Fonda / NY Giants Todd Solondz Western
Jane Wyman / KC Chiefs Liz Cheney Animation
Jane Wyman / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin Comedy
Jane Wyman / KC Chiefs Todd Solondz Crime
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Mary Trump Comedy
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Randy Bachman Crime
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills The Surf Coasters Drama
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Iain Levison Family
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills HOA Fantasy
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Mary Trump Horror
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Amy Klobuchar Romance
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Tim Miller Thriller
Jean Arthur / Buffalo Bills Cormac McCarthy Western
Jeff Bridges / LA Rams Noel Philips Biography
Jeff Bridges / LA Rams Saquon Barkley Romance
Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns D A Mishani Adventure
Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Charlie Angus Animation
Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns anne Applebaum Family
Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Jan Wong MVP / winner
Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Bob Dylan Sport
Jim Brown / Cleveland Browns Whit Stillman anything else
Joan Bennett / NY Jets Tim Miller Animation
Joan Bennett / NY Jets Jamie Raskin Drama
Joan Bennett / NY Jets Joel & Ethan Coen Family
Joan Bennett / NY Jets Neil deGrasse Tyson Fantasy
Joan Bennett / NY Jets Saquon Barkley History
Joan Bennett / NY Jets Cormac McCarthy Sci-Fi
Joan Blondell / NY Giants The Surf Coasters Crime
Joan Blondell / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen History
Joan Blondell / NY Giants Liz Cheney History
Joan Blondell / NY Giants D A Mishani Sci-Fi
Joan Blondell / NY Giants Claudia Sheinbaum Thriller
Joan Blondell / NY Giants Bob Dylan anything else
Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Nolan Dalla Animation
Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Bernie Sanders Comedy
Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Iris Dement Film Noir
Joan Crawford / Houston Texans D A Mishani MVP / winner
Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Adam Kinzinger Sport
Joan Crawford / Houston Texans Jan Wong anything else
Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Randy Bachman Animation
Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Humbert Humbert Family
Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Wave Generators Romance
Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons HOA Thriller
Joanne Woodward / Atlanta Falcons Garry Disher War
Joel McCrea / LA Rams David Corn Thriller
John C Reilly / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan Action
John C Reilly / Chicago Bears Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Crime
John C Reilly / Chicago Bears Amy Klobuchar Film Noir
John C Reilly / Chicago Bears The Highmarts Musical
John Carradine / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger Comedy
John Carradine / NY Giants Iris Dement Romance
John Goodman / KC Chiefs Greta Gerwig Comedy
John Goodman / KC Chiefs HOA Film Noir
John Goodman / KC Chiefs Noel Philips Horror
John Goodman / KC Chiefs Jamie Raskin Musical
John Goodman / KC Chiefs Whit Stillman Musical
John Goodman / KC Chiefs Saquon Barkley anything else
John Saxon / NY Giants Charlie Angus Action
John Saxon / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy Adventure
John Saxon / NY Giants Amy Klobuchar Comedy
John Saxon / NY Giants Neil deGrasse Tyson Comedy
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Mary Trump Action
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Amy Klobuchar Adventure
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson Adventure
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Shakey Graves Adventure
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Humbert Humbert Animation
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Randy Bachman Film Noir
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Liz Cheney MVP / winner
John Wayne / Green Bay Packers Richard Dawkins Mystery
Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Garry Disher Comedy
Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Brad Solomon Crime
Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Greta Gerwig Drama
Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts James McMurtry Fantasy
Johnny Depp / Indianapolis Colts Iain Levison War
Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Richard Dawkins Crime
Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Garry Disher Drama
Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Richard Dawkins Epic
Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Mary Trump Fantasy
Johnny Mack Brown / Jacksonville Jaguars Wave Generators History
Karen Black / Chicago Bears Grace Chang Adventure
Karen Black / Chicago Bears The Surf Coasters Animation
Karen Black / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus Film Noir
Karen Black / Chicago Bears Mary Trump Film Noir
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Claudia Sheinbaum Comedy
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Bernie Sanders Epic
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Greta Gerwig Epic
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Tim Miller Film Noir
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Noel Philips History
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Greta Gerwig Musical
Katharine Hepburn / New York Jets Neil deGrasse Tyson Western
Kay Francis / NO Saints Bernie Sanders Fantasy
Kay Francis / NO Saints Jan Wong Fantasy
Kay Francis / NO Saints D A Mishani Musical
Kay Francis / NO Saints The Highmarts Mystery
Kay Francis / NO Saints Greta Gerwig Sport
Kay Francis / NO Saints Karin Fossum Western
Keenan Wynn / NY Giants Garry Disher Fantasy
Keenan Wynn / NY Giants Greta Gerwig History
Keenan Wynn / NY Giants Adam Kinzinger anything else
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Garry Disher Action
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Adventure
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Neil deGrasse Tyson Crime
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Jamie Raskin Epic
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Jan Wong Musical
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Bob Dylan Romance
Kent Taylor / GB Packers Noel Philips War
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Bob Dylan Animation
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Randy Bachman Comedy
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills anne Applebaum Comedy
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills The Highmarts Drama
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills David Corn Film Noir
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Randy Bachman Horror
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Shakey Graves MVP / winner
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills HOA Sci-Fi
Kirk Douglas / Buffalo Bills Claudia Sheinbaum Sport
LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Garry Disher Adventure
LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Richard Dawkins Film Noir
LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Charlie Angus Musical
LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Jan Wong Mystery
LLoyd Nolan / SF 49ers Randy Bachman Mystery
Lance Henriksen / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen Fantasy
Lance Henriksen / NY Giants Bob Dylan Horror
Lance Henriksen / NY Giants The Highmarts Romance
Lee Marvin / NY Giants Bob Dylan History
Lee Marvin / NY Giants D A Mishani Western
Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams HOA Adventure
Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen Drama
Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams Randy Bachman Family
Leonardo DiCaprio / LA Rams Wave Generators Fantasy
Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Humbert Humbert Epic
Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Mary Trump Family
Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Grace Chang Fantasy
Linnea Quigley / GB Packers anne Applebaum Film Noir
Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Todd Solondz Romance
Linnea Quigley / GB Packers Jamie Raskin Sci-Fi
Lloyd Bridges / SF 49ers Whit Stillman Action
Lloyd Bridges / SF 49ers Cormac McCarthy Biography
Lloyd Bridges / SF 49ers Claudia Sheinbaum History
Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Todd Solondz Adventure
Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Joel & Ethan Coen Animation
Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Iain Levison Drama
Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Randy Bachman Epic
Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Karin Fossum anything else
Lloyd Nolan / SF 49ers Slaid Cleaves anything else
Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Liz Cheney Adventure
Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Whit Stillman Epic
Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Adam Kinzinger Family
Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints The Highmarts Fantasy
Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints Cormac McCarthy Horror
Lon Chaney Jr / NO Saints The Highmarts Thriller
Loretta Young / Las Vegas Raiders Shakey Graves Crime
Loretta Young / Las Vegas Raiders Cormac McCarthy History
Loretta Young / Las Vegas Raiders Mary Trump History
Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants Wave Generators Biography
Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants Iris Dement MVP / winner
Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants anne Applebaum Musical
Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants David Corn Sport
Louis Gossett Jr / NY Giants Noel Philips Thriller
Mamie Van Doren / Minnesota Vikings Brad Solomon Musical
Mamie Van Doren / Minnesota Vikings D A Mishani Thriller
Mamie Van Doren / Minnesota Vikings Bernie Sanders anything else
Marlon Brando / GB Packers Slaid Cleaves Biography
Marlon Brando / GB Packers Liz Cheney Drama
Marlon Brando / GB Packers Slaid Cleaves Horror
Marlon Brando / GB Packers James McMurtry Thriller
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Whit Stillman Crime
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Todd Solondz Drama
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Iris Dement Musical
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Charlie Angus Sci-Fi
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Adam Kinzinger Western
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Richard Dawkins Western
Martha Hyer / Dallas Cowboys Liz Cheney anything else
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals David Corn Action
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Randy Bachman Biography
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Shakey Graves Biography
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Humbert Humbert Comedy
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Family
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips Family
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Claudia Sheinbaum Fantasy
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Liz Cheney Fantasy
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Amy Klobuchar Horror
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Garry Disher Sci-Fi
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Cormac McCarthy Sport
Martin Sheen / Cincinnati Bengals Jamie Raskin Thriller
Matt Damon / NE Patriots Karin Fossum Adventure
Matt Damon / NE Patriots Claudia Sheinbaum Family
Matt Damon / NE Patriots Cormac McCarthy MVP / winner
Meryl Streep / NY Jets Jamie Raskin Biography
Meryl Streep / NY Jets Garry Disher Horror
Meryl Streep / NY Jets Cormac McCarthy Mystery
Meryl Streep / NY Jets Neil deGrasse Tyson Mystery
Meryl Streep / NY Jets Claudia Sheinbaum Western
Mickey Rooney / NY Giants The Surf Coasters Adventure
Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Iain Levison Epic
Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Garry Disher MVP / winner
Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Neil deGrasse Tyson MVP / winner
Mickey Rooney / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves Musical
Mickey Rooney / NY Giants HOA Mystery
Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Slaid Cleaves Action
Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Biography
Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Liz Cheney Epic
Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Iain Levison Fantasy
Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Brad Solomon Horror
Morgan Freeman / Tennessee Titans Humbert Humbert Thriller
Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Todd Solondz Comedy
Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Mary Trump Crime
Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Wave Generators Drama
Myrna Loy / Denver Broncos Liz Cheney Musical
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Slaid Cleaves Crime
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Richard Dawkins Drama
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Garry Disher Family
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Todd Solondz Fantasy
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Grace Chang History
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Randy Bachman History
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez MVP / winner
Nicholas Cage / LA Rams James McMurtry Western
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Todd Solondz Action
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Karin Fossum Animation
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Slaid Cleaves Animation
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Adam Kinzinger Crime
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Tim Miller Family
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Fantasy
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Noel Philips Fantasy
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Amy Klobuchar Musical
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Nolan Dalla Musical
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Tim Miller Sci-Fi
Pat O'Brien / GB Packers Garry Disher Sport
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Todd Solondz Biography
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez History
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Bernie Sanders Musical
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Iain Levison Sci-Fi
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns The Surf Coasters Sci-Fi
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Thriller
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Todd Solondz War
Paul Newman / Cleveland Browns Liz Cheney Western
Peter Fonda / NY Giants The Surf Coasters Family
Peter Fonda / NY Giants Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez War
Peter Fonda / NY Giants David Corn War
Peter Fonda / NY Giants The Highmarts War
Peter Fonda / NY Giants Tim Miller War
Peter Fonda / NY Giants Garry Disher Western
Peter Graves / Minnesota Vikings Liz Cheney Biography
Peter Graves / Minnesota Vikings David Corn Horror
Preston Foster / NY Jets Joel & Ethan Coen Adventure
Preston Foster / NY Jets Karin Fossum Crime
Preston Foster / NY Jets Jan Wong Epic
Preston Foster / NY Jets Brad Solomon Film Noir
Preston Foster / NY Jets James McMurtry Musical
Preston Foster / NY Jets Bob Dylan Mystery
Preston Foster / NY Jets Wave Generators anything else
Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Adam Kinzinger Animation
Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears The Highmarts Crime
Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Humbert Humbert Mystery
Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears HOA Romance
Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Charlie Angus Thriller
Ralp Bellamy / Chicago Bears Shakey Graves anything else
Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Mary Trump Adventure
Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Nolan Dalla Comedy
Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Jamie Raskin Fantasy
Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Adam Kinzinger Mystery
Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Shakey Graves Mystery
Randolph Scott / Washington Commanders Mary Trump Sport
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers D A Mishani Epic
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Bernie Sanders Film Noir
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Claudia Sheinbaum Sci-Fi
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Randy Bachman Thriller
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Jan Wong War
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Nolan Dalla War
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Mary Trump anything else
Raymond Hatton / GB Packers Todd Solondz anything else
Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Liz Cheney Action
Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Jan Wong History
Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Liz Cheney Thriller
Richard Arlen / Minnesota Vikings Jamie Raskin War
Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants The Highmarts Epic
Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants Claudia Sheinbaum Mystery
Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy Romance
Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants Bernie Sanders Sci-Fi
Richard Dreyfuss / NY Giants anne Applebaum Sport
Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Charlie Angus Family
Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Cormac McCarthy Family
Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings James McMurtry Film Noir
Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Claudia Sheinbaum Romance
Richard Widmark / Minnesota Vikings Amy Klobuchar War
Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions Grace Chang Animation
Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions Saquon Barkley Animation
Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions anne Applebaum Animation
Robert Armstrong / Detroit Lions Brad Solomon History
Robert DeNiro / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy Action
Robert DeNiro / NY Giants Richard Dawkins Animation
Robert DeNiro / NY Giants HOA Crime
Robert DeNiro / NY Giants anne Applebaum Horror
Robert DeNiro / NY Giants HOA MVP / winner
Robert DeNiro / NY Giants David Corn anything else
Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants Greta Gerwig Biography
Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants James McMurtry Crime
Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants D A Mishani Fantasy
Robert Downey Jr / NY Giants Humbert Humbert Sport
Robert Mitchum / NY Jets Bernie Sanders Action
Robert Mitchum / NY Jets David Corn Sci-Fi
Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Iris Dement Action
Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Wave Generators Crime
Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Amy Klobuchar Drama
Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills Slaid Cleaves Fantasy
Robert Montgomery / Buffalo Bills The Surf Coasters MVP / winner
Robert Redford / LA Rams The Surf Coasters Action
Robert Redford / LA Rams HOA Biography
Robert Redford / LA Rams Brad Solomon Drama
Robert Redford / LA Rams Shakey Graves Horror
Robert Redford / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen Romance
Robert Redford / LA Rams Neil deGrasse Tyson Sci-Fi
Robert Redford / LA Rams Bernie Sanders Sport
Robert Redford / LA Rams Nolan Dalla Thriller
Robert Redford / LA Rams Iain Levison Western
Robert Redford / LA Rams Joel & Ethan Coen Western
Robert Redford / LA Rams Slaid Cleaves Western
Robert Redford / LA Rams The Surf Coasters Western
Robert Ryan / Chicago Bears Adam Kinzinger Adventure
Robert Ryan / Chicago Bears Jan Wong Family
Robert Ryan / Chicago Bears Bob Dylan Film Noir
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Brad Solomon Action
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos David Corn Adventure
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Bob Dylan Comedy
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Wave Generators Musical
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Humbert Humbert Romance
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Joel & Ethan Coen Sport
Robert Taylor / Denver Broncos Greta Gerwig War
Robert Young / Chicago Bears Iain Levison Animation
Robert Young / Chicago Bears Wave Generators Animation
Robert Young / Chicago Bears D A Mishani Drama
Robert Young / Chicago Bears Bernie Sanders History
Robert Young / Chicago Bears Todd Solondz MVP / winner
Robert Young / Chicago Bears Iain Levison Mystery
Robert Young / Chicago Bears The Highmarts Sci-Fi
Robert Young / Chicago Bears Neil deGrasse Tyson Thriller
Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears anne Applebaum Adventure
Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears David Corn Epic
Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears Garry Disher Mystery
Rock Hudson / Chicago Bears Noel Philips anything else
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears anne Applebaum Action
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Cormac McCarthy Animation
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Neil deGrasse Tyson Animation
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Comedy
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Bernie Sanders Drama
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Amy Klobuchar Fantasy
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Shakey Graves Film Noir
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears anne Applebaum MVP / winner
Ronald Reagan / Chicago Bears Jan Wong Sci-Fi
Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Noel Philips Action
Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Iain Levison Crime
Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Saquon Barkley Crime
Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Bob Dylan Musical
Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals Saquon Barkley Western
Roy Rogers / Cincinnati Bengals anne Applebaum Western
Sally Field / LA Rams Humbert Humbert Action
Sally Field / LA Rams Iain Levison Adventure
Sally Field / LA Rams HOA Horror
Sally Field / LA Rams Jamie Raskin Romance
Sally Field / LA Rams Slaid Cleaves War
Sally Field / LA Rams Humbert Humbert Western
Sally Field / LA Rams Shakey Graves Western
Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Bernie Sanders Biography
Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Amy Klobuchar Crime
Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Iris Dement Fantasy
Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Todd Solondz History
Samuel L Jackson / Washington Commanders Adam Kinzinger Sci-Fi
Sean Penn / LA Rams Todd Solondz Animation
Sean Penn / LA Rams Shakey Graves History
Sean Penn / LA Rams Bernie Sanders MVP / winner
Sean Penn / LA Rams Noel Philips Mystery
Sean Penn / LA Rams Grace Chang Sport
Sean Penn / LA Rams D A Mishani War
Sean Penn / LA Rams Karin Fossum War
Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Liz Cheney Film Noir
Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Saquon Barkley Musical
Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs The Surf Coasters Mystery
Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs D A Mishani Romance
Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Sci-Fi
Shelley Winters / KC Chiefs Nolan Dalla Western
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders David Corn Crime
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Garry Disher Epic
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Neil deGrasse Tyson Family
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Nolan Dalla Fantasy
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Claudia Sheinbaum Musical
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Greta Gerwig Romance
Shirley MacLaine / Washington Commanders Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Western
Smiley Burnette / Chicago Bears Nolan Dalla Crime
Smiley Burnette / Chicago Bears Whit Stillman Film Noir
Stacy Keach / Atlanta Falcons Wave Generators Comedy
Stacy Keach / Atlanta Falcons Richard Dawkins Fantasy
Stacy Keach / Atlanta Falcons Richard Dawkins Sport
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Jamie Raskin Horror
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Liz Cheney Horror
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Karin Fossum MVP / winner
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Slaid Cleaves MVP / winner
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Grace Chang Mystery
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Joel & Ethan Coen Thriller
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants Claudia Sheinbaum War
Steve Buscemi / NY Giants James McMurtry anything else
Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Iris Dement Adventure
Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Grace Chang Drama
Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Richard Dawkins History
Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts The Highmarts History
Steve McQueen / Indianapolis Colts Mary Trump Western
Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Karin Fossum Action
Susan Sarandon / NY Giants David Corn Drama
Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Tim Miller Epic
Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Nolan Dalla MVP / winner
Susan Sarandon / NY Giants Cormac McCarthy anything else
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Whit Stillman Comedy
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Claudia Sheinbaum Epic
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets HOA Epic
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Karin Fossum Film Noir
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Adam Kinzinger History
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Humbert Humbert History
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Greta Gerwig MVP / winner
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets David Corn Mystery
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Whit Stillman Romance
Thomas Mitchell / NY Jets Greta Gerwig Sci-Fi
Tom Hanks / SF 49ers Jamie Raskin Crime
Tom Sizemore / Detroit Lions Saquon Barkley Comedy
Tom Sizemore / Detroit Lions Cormac McCarthy Fantasy
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Iris Dement Animation
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Humbert Humbert Biography
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Nolan Dalla Biography
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Slaid Cleaves Comedy
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Todd Solondz Family
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Karin Fossum Horror
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Humbert Humbert Musical
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Charlie Angus Sport
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Jamie Raskin Sport
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans Brad Solomon anything else
Tommy Lee Jones / Houston Texans HOA anything else
Tony Curtis / NY Giants Saquon Barkley Epic
Tony Curtis / NY Giants Jan Wong Horror
Tony Curtis / NY Giants Mary Trump Thriller
Vincent Price / KC Chiefs The Surf Coasters Comedy
Vincent Price / KC Chiefs HOA Drama
Vincent Price / KC Chiefs Iris Dement Sci-Fi
Vincent Price / KC Chiefs Charlie Angus War
Walter Matthau / NY Giants Greta Gerwig Crime
Walter Matthau / NY Giants Todd Solondz Epic
Walter Matthau / NY Giants Saquon Barkley MVP / winner
Walter Matthau / NY Giants Shakey Graves War
Walter Matthau / NY Giants David Corn Western
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Garry Disher Biography
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Joel & Ethan Coen Crime
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Randy Bachman Drama
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders HOA History
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Grace Chang MVP / winner
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Bernie Sanders Romance
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Randy Bachman Romance
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders anne Applebaum Sci-Fi
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders The Surf Coasters Thriller
Warren Beatty / Washington Commanders Richard Dawkins War
Warren Oates / Indianapolis Colts Brad Solomon Biography
Warren Oates / Indianapolis Colts HOA War
Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles David Corn Family
Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Tim Miller Mystery
Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Brad Solomon Romance
Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Mary Trump Sci-Fi
Will Smith / Philadelphia Eagles Wave Generators Western
Willem Dafoe / GB Packers Jan Wong Biography
Willem Dafoe / GB Packers Karin Fossum Drama
Willem Dafoe / GB Packers Nolan Dalla Drama
Willem Dafoe / GB Packers anne Applebaum Mystery
William Boyd / Cleveland Browns Bernie Sanders Adventure
William Boyd / Cleveland Browns Adam Kinzinger Romance
William Boyd / Cleveland Browns Richard Dawkins anything else
William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Claudia Sheinbaum Crime
William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Neil deGrasse Tyson Epic
William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Bob Dylan Family
William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers Grace Chang Romance
William Powell / Pittsburgh Steelers anne Applebaum anything else
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Whit Stillman Adventure
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Whit Stillman Animation
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Joel & Ethan Coen Comedy
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Grace Chang Crime
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Neil deGrasse Tyson Drama
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Nolan Dalla Family
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys The Highmarts Film Noir
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys James McMurtry Romance
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Richard Dawkins Thriller
Woody Harrelson / Dallas Cowboys Noel Philips Western
Only 38 minutes remain to get your picks in
Hello boys and girls....
I mean boy & girl!
I think I'm supposed to open a REVEAL thread so I'll see you there.