SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread
In this thread, we will play a new word game called Sides. It's somewhat similar to codenames, but cooperative and different.
Sign up with /in below if you want to play.
In this game, a target word will be randed as will a row of 7 cards that have letters on them (most 1 letter, some 2/3/4 letters).
2 people will be the guessers and everyone else will be able to give a clue.
The clue given must start with the letter on either the first or last card (the 'sides' of the row).
We discuss as a team who will give the clue with open discussion in the thread such as "I have a 7 letter word starting with a C"
Once there is some agreement on who gives the clue, that person will bold the clue they want to give in the thread.
The two guessers will then discuss in the thread and bold their guess. If it's correct, we move on to the next guessers and the next word. If wrong, then the clue givers post some info like "you are warm" or "you are about 30% there" etc to give directional info on how on track/off track their guess is.
Then they discuss and give another clue. But the person who bolded a clue cannot give another clue for the same word until everyone on the cluing side has clued a word (if we take that long to get the word), so one person can't hog the cluing.
Clues have to be one word, or an acronym, etc like in codenames; they can be hyphenated words
We can also give some info on how the clues relate to each other, or even say a clue is a 0 clue, so the opposite of what cluing for (e.g., clue 'colorful' as an opposite clue because the word is zebra)
I'll provide more details and examples in the thread in the morning, but this should be enough info for you to /in and join so we can play.
link to official rules:
What about something like emperor then?
I've kinda circled myself into confusion lol
Its samurai or katana
You can pick, I've confused myself too hard lol
It is technically called the Empire of Japan
It's one of those 3, Shogun sounds so familiar too but I can't place it
Nice job
I think there's a risk we fall quite a lot in to "because they didn't say x and y and z its probably a" where the y & z are quite distant from (a) but are expected to be said if you get me
Given the games about finding the best "clue" I dont think our aim is to front load lots of potential clues to walk the guessers to it ? or am I wrong- should we max out potential clues to help the solvers?
good job
a few notes:
1. If katana was yours we would absolutely mention s7 for samurai as a confirmer (and likely the clue itself almost every time we don't clue sword); rule #1 of sides is to not mention clues that are same letter+# as the answer, so when we don't clue an obvious clue (katana is literally one of 3 types of samurai swords; names are just based on length of the sword) that gives more probability to that word being the target. Likewise, if k was on the board for clueing we would have clued k5, and if we didn't then that would give more weight to the target being k5
2. j4 was Jack for Samurai Jack, a tv show; was never gonna be a great clue or confirmer; was mostly a joke but it got you thinking of jade for a minute, so I should have just never mentioned it
3. ya'll kept asking why no soldier...well, it's s7 like samurai, so we couldn't....but also you never mentioned that I DID mention w7 well as w6 weapon (so couldn't be emperor)
4. Great Job on eliminating sushi as clue possibility; when you first said it I was like "japanese sushi" is redundant; but then you mentioned that point and got off of it fast, which was great
Round 19:
Cards used: 25
Guessers: ervin/bolt
The Board:
Note: This is the last card in the game
The target word:
I've pmed d1, zeus, ibd
How we doing vs target?
other than our one 22 round, we had 3 rounds of 19; this round we have 18 points and getting this would get us to 19, to make 4th tying round for 2nd best
I like w15 for this, but might be toeing the line of legality.
This is rough
Yeah, tough one.
Maybe w9 with a j5 confirmer could work? I dunno.
There is a fun w6 clue that would be great as second clue once narrowed down but would require them to think exactly the right way to get it in one
Several o words if they happen to be very knowledgeable about this; o7 and o5…true Hail Mary but gets it in one if they know it (very unlikely)
w4 and w9 are decent options to get them on the right path and make a short list of options, but not seeing how they get there on their own unless they figure out confirmers
Maybe w5 but again a few options for them to go
Ooh there is a j7 that’s also good if they know it
lol anything is gonna be just taking a shot
w9 with a few confirmers may be the safest way to go
W9 in to w4?
I don't know most of the words you guys are talking about. W4 is like w9 I suppose?
We probably aren't getting there, but let's steer clear of the shadowfaxes.
W4 is different from being like w9; that’s a different w4
w9 is good but problem is none of us know each other’s other words so hard for them to know them and figure out which word that w9 evokes is the word
The shadowfaxes are true Hail Mary plays so I agree we can stay away as I rhink w9 prolly gets there 1/3 of the time or similar
Someone just post something imo
This just feels like something we should be able to get for them
But with one card it’s tough; usually would be an easy 2-clue I feel
First thought towel but they make it sound like it's hard
W6 probably not washer/this isn't dryer either
I just woke up, so no thoughts on this yet, except one.
Which is, it's hard, we're gonna have to get lucky even if we play this really well. Let's not take too long on this.