A Point About Major Religious Beliefs I Have Always Thought But Never Really Mentioned

A Point About Major Religious Beliefs I Have Always Thought But Never Really Mentioned

I may have indirectly touched on it in the past and I never consciously avoided the subject. I guess I always just assumed that it was too obvious to be worth mentioning. I speak of the main reason why I am virtually certain that none of these superstitious beliefs (prayer works, Jesus was resurrected, the burning bush, and hundreds of other similar "miracles") are anything but complete hogwash.

That reason is my belief that none of these things EVER actually happen whether they are related to religion or not. (It is not necessary for me to find a perfect definition for "these things" for people to get what I am saying.)

On the other hand, if one of these things has EVER happened, even once, I would almost completely reverse course. The resurrection of Jesus would go from a trillion to one to perhaps fifty to one. Take away my assumption that miracles don't ever happen, and you take away my assumption that religions are completely ridiculous.

Of course, religious people are going to argue that even if there are never any religion related miracles occurring, that doesn't prove that there can't be religious ones. I don't feel like arguing with them.

But there are some people on the other side who also disagree with me, and they are just dumb. In other words, I think there are those who have contempt for the supernatural beliefs of religion EVEN THOUGH they don't reject the possibility of some supernatural events occurring. Uh uh. The non-existence of supernatural events (if they truly don't exist) completely swamps every other possible reason for non-belief in supernatural believing religions. (eg things like "the problem of evil" or stuff like that). It's not the sexiest reason for atheism but it is by far the best.

06 January 2023 at 04:22 AM

2 Replies

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Israel winning the 48 war was a miracle

by craig1120 k

This is covered in the book of Job. The one who holds God responsible and condemns God (Job) is elevated over the others who defend God as blameless.

And it's covered in Jung's Answer to Job. I mean a reality based coverage. Not the "I believe in magic" version.
