A Realization That Has Angered Me Lately
Every human being has a soul. Your soul is going to reach the promised land. It’s guaranteed. Using the analogy of a videogame, when your soul dies, then you will reset and start over again from the beginning. This will repeat until you complete the journey.
The same cannot be said for you as the human you currently are. As a human, you get one shot. If you fail, then you get erased. At least eventually.
I see no sense of urgency from the soul on behalf of humanity. When I hear people’s story, for every story I listen to, I think about how amazing it would be for the soul to claim that story, stewarding it into everlasting life. Yet, all I see are souls asleep at the wheel - no sense of urgency.
Life in this world is hard on humans, but the soul has limitless capability. It’s not right to use a human being as a temporary meat suit, knowing you can trade it in for a new one in the future.
A human doesn’t understand life and the mission here, but the soul knows. Deep down, you know I’m telling the truth. It’s unbecoming for souls to keep acting with such indifference.