Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

Tell me people do you believe in God?

) 3 Views 3
07 October 2020 at 07:32 PM

523 Replies


by craig1120 k

He drowns himself in water, and he is rescued.

He starves himself, and his stomach is filled.

He engulfs himself in fire, and he lives.

He locks himself in the torture chamber, and he is healed.

He descends into death, and he is resurrected.

The reason why all this happens is because he is the chosen one. God can let the average person die, but he cannot allow the chosen one to die.

I’ve mentioned in the past that the Christians are the new (and final) chosen people. This is why they identify with salvation and wrestle over the validity of their own salvation.

Still, if they were truly chosen, then they wouldn’t try to fit in and be normal. They wouldn’t continually look toward the return of Jesus as the needed savior.

The chosen one doesn’t “weigh the evidence” or defer to rationality either. He ventures beyond his comfort zone, into the chaotic unknown, without fear. And like a proud parent, he lets himself go into the hands of death because he has proven himself to himself. He has chosen himself as the chosen one.

This is obviously an extreme teaching which is why Jesus didn’t reveal it at the time, but all of his commands are in service to what I’ve just said.

All of his commands will lead to the self within. Relationship with self needs to come first so you don’t play chicken with God in the wrong way.

by craig1120 k

They wouldn’t continually look toward the return of Jesus as the needed savior.

At the same time, there is truth to this. Jesus is up in heaven eager to return and bring forth the kingdom, but he needs a perfected body in order to re-enter this world.

The chosen one, then, is the one who has decided that they will perfect themselves and be chosen for unification by Christ.

Perfection comes via the purifying fire, the sifting of the righteous judge, and the cleansing provided by death.

by craig1120 k

At the same time, there is truth to this. Jesus is up in heaven eager to return and bring forth the kingdom, but he needs a perfected body in order to re-enter this world.

The chosen one, then, is the one who has decided that they will perfect themselves and be chosen for unification by Christ.

Perfection comes via the purifying fire, the sifting of the righteous judge, and the cleansing provided by death.

And there you have one of the religious doctrines of the world. BTW, up where in heaven? Where is it exactly? And did the omniscient Jesus know all about the billions of galaxies, know every hair on the heads of all the life forms there, know where all the black holes are, beat Einstein to E=mc(2) by 1900 years?

Does any of that sound like a legend to you? Does the idea that god is love, love keeps no record of wrongs, and god killed almost every human being on earth for doing wrong ... is that any cause for concern in this belief system? Non true believers want to know.

by FellaGaga-52 k

And there you have one of the religious doctrines of the world. BTW, up where in heaven? Where is it exactly? And did the omniscient Jesus know all about the billions of galaxies, know every hair on the heads of all the life forms there, know where all the black holes are, beat Einstein to E=mc(2) by 1900 years?

Does any of that sound like a legend to you? Does the idea that god is love, love keeps no record of wrongs, and god killed almost every human being on earth for doing wrong ... is that a

Once again, you are bringing your physicalism into the supernatural. Do you agree or not the two are distinct categories?

Stop being a hypocrite. If you agree they are two different categories, then hold yourself accountable to this truth.

Or go away and don’t come back until you have given allegiance to truth and honesty.

by craig1120 k

Once again, you are bringing your physicalism into the supernatural. Do you agree or not the two are distinct categories?

Stop being a hypocrite. If you agree they are two different categories, then hold yourself accountable to this truth.

Or go away and don’t come back until you have given allegiance to truth and honesty.

I've said the category of supernatural was made up, manufactured, by superstitious magical thinking. The number of actual things in the category is zero. Some things once considered supernatural: lightning, earthquakes, witches, vampires, tides, meteors, fire, eclipses, red moons, deities, fork bending with the mind, levitation, exorcism, ghosts, plagues, rainbows, floods ...

You kind of see the trend, fool? I'll help you. None of it is supernatural. They are either natural or fictional.

The degree to which one is willing to stretch his subjectivity into the story of the soul is the degree he is willing to extend himself in service of humanity. Both his own humanity and the humanity of his loved ones.

Life takes offense to any human who doesn’t believe in eternal life.

It’s highly offensive to life for someone to believe that death is more real than life.

by craig1120 k

Life takes offense to any human who doesn’t believe in eternal life.

It’s highly offensive to life for someone to believe that death is more real than life.

Life doesn’t care about any version of counterfeit paradise in this world.

Either you find the path to the real paradise in eternal life or you’re not worth paying attention to and death can have you.

A parasite must cling to life and protect its precious life because it’s not “of life”. It’s of death.

Someone who truly belongs to life is free to explore.

Unless you’re a baby, life is not impressed by basic behavior.

Why are you proud of yourself for going to church and giving an oath to Jesus?

Are you a baby???

Grow up and complete your ****ing mission.

by craig1120 k

Is life likely? How many sperm are successful to create life and how many are destroyed? How many dead bodies are there in humanity’s history?

In the battle of life vs death, ‘what is likely’ is not on life’s side. What is practical and rational, the wide path, is in service to death.

The story of the soul isn’t practical and it isn’t rational. That’s because it serves life.

So when you appeal to practical reality, when you appeal to what seems more likely, are you sure you’re the good guy?


by DesertCat k

Demonstrate there is anything other than the physical world.

see noumena: the thing-in-and-of-itself, beyond the world of sensible experience, transcendental, unknowable. Yet somehow we know noumena exist, that nature has an unknowable essence, that we cannot know the thing's own nature by result of our knowing of its sensible properties. It is really a profound understanding, and ultimately a simple proof of the supernatural - that there is a further nature (or an un-nature occupied and/or controlled by intelligence) above the sensible experiential nature. Some would put the whole thing into a universal nature. Agnosticism could result, yet atheism cannot. The unknowable is undeniable. No test can be performed or envisaged that can know a thing in and of itself.

More simply, what is the mass of a quanta of information? What does common decency cost?

Simpler still: read van houten, can I borrow a feeling?

Definitions: physics = natural = measurable, observable. The supernatural far outweighs the natural in everyday experience.

by DesertCat k

Without the Bible, there isn't any Jesus. He simply doesn't exist outside of it.

Even Josephus and Tacitus, writing 60-70 years later, only reference the beliefs of the cult (depending upon how much of Josephus's paragraph mention of Jesus was true and how much was forged), not any direct evidence that Jesus existed. They certainly weren't eye witnesses.

The Talmud has a lot to say about Jesus, and it ain't flattering.

If there is any group that would have had the means, motive and opportunity to propagate a "Jesus was a myth" narrative, it would have been the authors of the Talmud.

by DesertCat k

As you wrote, Theists will "rethink" they way they express their theism because they aren't truth seekers, they are seeking only to confirm their indoctrinated beliefs. So if evidence can't be re-interpreted to support them, it must be discarded. If no empirical evidence can be found, then you must turn to unfalsifiable "spiritual woo" like revelation that comes to adherents of every faith from Judiasm to Christianity to Islam to Mormanism, where apparently feeling good during prayer confirms al

This is just an assertion because again you are starting with a belief you want to be true, instead of searching for the actual truth to believe. Empirical study of the universe have given us all of the answers that we know are true, religions just give us answers we wish were true.

You prefer an almighty creator because someone once promised you eternal life and threatened you with eternal hellfire if you didn't believe. But while that was an incredible innovation of Christianity that aided it spread, that's not a reason to believe its true.

First, as usual you can only burden shift because you don't have reasonable evidence for such an extraordinary claim, so you use a rhetorical trick to abrogate what is your responsibility.

So again, your "challenges" are to constantly duck the burden of actually proving anything. You don't have any compelling evidence for god other than you don't like a world view that doesn't include one. And somehow you link that "proof" of god to assert it demonstrates Christianity, instead of Islam, Mormonism, Judaism, or Hinduism, because "trust me bro".

Lastly, you simply assert the bible is trustworthy in what it says about Jesus, instead of offering any evidence that its more trustworthy than the Koran, or Book of Mormon, etc, or any compelling evidence for its supernatural claims, or addressing the numerous contradictions and falsehoods that it clearly contains, or its clearly human origins based on its history, selection of books, evolution of apologetics to mislead adherents about its failures, etc..

I did not write the article. I noted that none of the skeptics even attempted to address it even two years after it was originally quoted.

That said, I agree with much of it and will hopefully engage your thoughtful analysis soon.

by craig1120 k

The sad, sad state of the aging bitter atheist..

I'm not sure that your ad hominem is especially helpful.

Even so, it is certainly curious that some atheists get so worked up over a being that they don't even believe exists..

I literally don't know of any other folks other than (some) Atheists that get their tinsel in a tangle over something that they don't even think exists!

by craig1120 k

The degree to which one is willing to stretch his subjectivity into the story of the soul is the degree he is willing to extend himself in service of humanity. Both his own humanity and the humanity of his loved ones.

I'm all for subjectivity and humanitarianism, quite actively.

by craig1120 k
by DesertCat k

I never asked you specifically for physical evidence of the supernatural, or to maybe it "compatible" with anything.

I asked for ANY demonstration of the non-physical or supernatural. Now stop dodging and provide the sufficient reasons that convinced you.

Fair enough. I know God exists through the man who plays chicken with God.

Jesus already said it 2, 000 years ago: Jonah is the only sign you will be given. Jonah represents the man I mentioned.

The man who plays chicken with God is the Son of Man.

None of this is evidence of anything, just a stream of assertions without a single one supported by any facts. You wouldn’t accept these claims yourself if they came from a different religion.

So what actual evidence can you present for anything supernatural.

by geezerchess k
by DesertCat k

Without the Bible, there isn't any Jesus. He simply doesn't exist outside of it.

Even Josephus and Tacitus, writing 60-70 years later, only reference the beliefs of the cult (depending upon how much of Josephus's paragraph mention of Jesus was true and how much was forged), not any direct evidence that Jesus existed. They certainly weren't eye witnesses.

The Talmud has a lot to say about Jesus, and it ain't flattering.

If there is any group that would have had the means, motive and opportunity t

I’m not a mythicist. I accept that a self proclaimed Rabbi named Yeshua (who couldn’t read Hebrew) existed in first century Judea and preached about the end of the world being imminent and who committed heresy leading to his execution, whether by stoning as the Sanhedrin claim or crucification as the Bible claims.

He clearly had little impact during his life since he wasn’t documented outside the Bible, and also clearly wasn’t divine as the Bible makes clear, given he fulfilled zero messianic prophecies, misquotes the Torah, and didn’t fulfill his own prophecy to return and judge mankind before all of his disciples died.

by geezerchess k
by craig1120 k

The sad, sad state of the aging bitter atheist..

I'm not sure that your ad hominem is especially helpful.

Even so, it is certainly curious that some atheists get so worked up over a being that they don't even believe exists..

I literally don't know of any other folks other than (some) Atheists that get their tinsel in a tangle over something that they don't even think exists!

Why would I get worked up over a religion based on a vile immoral book that adherents in my country want to make part of school curriculum? And want to limit rights and freedoms to force everyone to follow their religions sick and twisted morality?

Why should I be concerned about this religion that killed tens of millions throughout history merely for not believing, and held Europe in a dark age for hundreds of years by prosecuting anyone attempting to develop scientific explanations of the world?

by craig1120 k
by craig1120 k

He drowns himself in water, and he is rescued.

He starves himself, and his stomach is filled.

He engulfs himself in fire, and he lives.

He locks himself in the torture chamber, and he is healed.

He descends into death, and he is resurrected.

The reason why all this happens is because he is the chosen one. God can let the average person die, but he cannot allow the chosen one to die.

I’ve mentioned in the past that the Christians are the new (and final) chosen people. This is why they identify w

What evidence do you have for Jesus being divine, or there being any chosen people?

by craig1120 k

This is obviously an extreme teaching which is why Jesus didn’t reveal it at the time, but all of his commands are in service to what I’ve just said.

All of his commands will lead to the self within. Relationship with self needs to come first so you don’t play chicken with God in the wrong way.

How can anyone know if Jesus revealed anything outside the Bible?

by craig1120 k

Running away from every question asked you makes you the hypocrite.

by DesertCat k

Why would I get worked up over a religion based on a vile immoral book that adherents in my country want to make part of school curriculum And want to limit rights and freedoms to force everyone to follow their religions sick and twisted morality

Why should I be concerned about this religion that killed tens of millions throughout history merely for not believing, and held Europe in a dark age for hundreds of years by prosecuting anyone attempting to develop scientific explanations of the world

Good luck on your quest to end Christianity. You can join forces with FellaGaga.. one internet forum at a time.

I’m going to be over here focusing on improving and fulfilling the promise of Christianity.

We have nothing more to say to each other as I’m not, nor never will be, converting into your futile project.
