A perfect god?
In the bible, Matthew 5:48, it says something to the effect of "be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect."
So then according to Christianity god is a perfect being. To be perfect implies that you have no needs, wants, desires, flaws, or any need to change at all from your state of perfection. Therefore god would have no need, desire, or any other reason to create us. But we do exist, therefore a perfect god cannot. Obviously a non-perfect god could still exist, but then the bible must be soundly rejected as the word of god, since it contains a mistake about god's nature(among countless other mistakes and contradictions but let's focus on this for now).
This argument probably has been made many times but it's been on my mind. Welcoming discussion.
I find it interesting that you are allowed to post personal insults on this website to opponents when the opponents believe in God. Back in 2012, the moderators gave me an infraction of 20 points for informing an atheist, during a debate exchange, that he's a loser. But they are allowing you, because you are an atheist, to inform me that I am a "dumbass."
FYI: If you post one more personal attack at me, I will send you permanently to my "Ignore List" where you can join the other 16 that I sent there. Once someone is on my Ignore List, I will not be able to see anything they post anywhere on this website. Conduct yourself accordingly.
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
I find it interesting that you are allowed to post personal insults on this website to opponents when the opponents believe in God. Back in 2012, the moderators gave me an infraction of 20 points for informing an atheist, during a debate exchange, that he's a loser. But they are allowing you, because you are an atheist, to inform me that I am a "dumbass."
FYI: If you post one more personal attack at me, I will send you permanently to my "Ignore List" where you can join the other 1
Well, since your godly brother routinely calls me a fool when I excoriate some of his blather sophistry, I figured it was cool. Then again maybe he isn't your godly brother since he isn't signing up for the mass killer Jehovah like you are. He seems to split up the holy trinity with Jesus the good guy. Making you can take a page out of his book. Anyway, try not to get your panties in a twist to much. I guess that's what all the sects and denominations are about. Meh.
It says nothing about a covenant ending in the old Testament. It says follow this until the end of time
So God was wrong? Or he changed his mind?
Please provide Bible book, chapter, and verse where God told the ancient Israelites to "follow the Mosaic Law Covenant until the end of time."
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
Jehovah is a false god propped up by the real God, who is hidden. While some aspects of God are revealed through Jehovah, Christians should stop worshipping him and follow Christ.
Please provide Bible book, chapter, and verse where it indicates, to quote you: "Jehovah is a false god propped up by the real God."
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
why a perfect god would create an imperfect human being and condemn all its descendants to follow many different books with many different meaning to screw us even more ?
What great love showing by god ….
Alter2ego, where do god start and end it’s influences on our actions ?
Should be written in the bible somewhere ?
why a perfect god would create an imperfect human being and condemn all its descendants to follow many different books with many different meaning to screw us even more ?
What great love showing by god ….
Alter2ego, where do god start and end it’s influences on our actions ?
Should be written in the bible somewhere ?
Adam was created perfect. He became imperfect after he rebelled against Jehovah. I explained that several posts ago, specifically, at Post 83. Click the weblink below, and you will see the explanation.
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
Don’t answer the question .
Please provide Bible book, chapter, and verse where God told the ancient Israelites to "follow the Mosaic Law Covenant until the end of time."
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
Many times
Here is 1 example:
in Exodus 12:14: “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD—a lasting ordinance.” This command is in reference to the first Passover. That feast would become a yearly tradition practiced from that time forward. Instead of a one-time event, the Passover was to be a lasting ordinance.
Regardless of it being a lasting ordinance, Christians decided that you don't have to follow passover anymore . Even though Jesus' last supper was a passover seder
Many times
Here is 1 example:
in Exodus 12:14: “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD—a lasting ordinance.” This command is in reference to the first Passover. That feast would become a yearly tradition practiced from that time forward. Instead of a one-time event, the Passover was to be a lasting ordinance.
Regardless of it being a lasting ordinance, Christians decided that you don't have to follow passover anymore . Eve
I previously informed you that the Mosaic Law Covenant was for the Israelites only, not for the Gentiles (Non-Israelites).
I also previously informed you that the Mosaic Law Covenant came to an end when Jesus Christ fulfilled it. Below are Jesus' own words.
"Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17 -- New World Translation)
"So that the law has become our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians 3:24 -- World English Bible)
The rules under the Mosaic Law Covenant were "a lasting ordinance" to the ancient Israelites ONLY because they were in a covenant relationship with Jehovah. Jesus Christ fulfilled the Mosaic Law Covenant and thereby brought it to an end. What is it about that don't you get?
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
I previously informed you that the Mosaic Law Covenant was for the Israelites only, not for the Gentiles (Non-Israelites).
I also previously informed you that the Mosaic Law Covenant came to an end when Jesus Christ fulfilled it. Below are Jesus' own words.
"Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17 -- New World Translation)
"So that the law has become our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by
I previously informed you that you are merely citing the doctrine, dogma and sophistry of a particular religion ... none of it is reality. It is the same thing that the rest of the religions are. Stories, tales, guesses, fables, myths, etc. Until you can get your mind outside of its indoctrination in that system, that is, its presumption that that system is reality ... you are just a zealot of one of the many competing religions. And in your mind is the unspoken, deep, unconscious premise: "Never mind reality. This is religion. Reality testing does not apply here."
All the cultures create religions, ranging all over the map physically and doctrinally. What does that mean? There are some real possibilities there.
If the mosiac law was fulfilled then we would be in paradise
Unless you think God ****ed up and we need a do-over
Where does God say people have to stop being Jews?
Is a jew who accepted Jesus as the messiah still a jew?
Do you consider messianic jews Jews?
What about the Sabbath? Yes it is part of Mosiac law but it is also talked about as the day of rest back in Genesis. There was no such thing as a Jew in Genesis so it must have been meant for everyone
Slavoj Zizek would argue that Christians are not "not Jews" but are instead non-Jews as people who are inexorably tied to Judaism but are not themselves Jews.
A Jewish person who accepted Jesus the messiah (for rejecting the devil's offer) would be a non-Jew as well but would not necessarily be a Christian as they may (correctly) reject the trinity and believe that Jesus was a prophet and not God incarnate.
As for the rituals within the Bible, these were for people from two thousand + years ago and should be discarded if they are harmful and we can easily contextualize this as the immanence of God giving people structure at that time for reasons that are lost to history.
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That doesn't make much sense though. because that defeats the entire point of God dying on the cross. he's mercifull because he cares. and WANTS us to be in heaven with him. God is not a robot, nobody is controlling him. he has emotion and desires. if this were not true the universe and humans wouldn't exist because literally everything exist because God wanted it to. God doesn't need anything, he only acts on what he wants.
That doesn't make much sense though. because that defeats the entire point of God dying on the cross. he's mercifull because he cares. and WANTS us to be in heaven with him. God is not a robot, nobody is controlling him. he has emotion and desires. if this were not true the universe and humans wouldn't exist because literally everything exist because God wanted it to. God doesn't need anything, he only acts on what he wants.
obv. u dont see the contradiction.
a little pompous as well to pretend u know what god is and u know his like us with emotions and all.
That doesn't make much sense though. because that defeats the entire point of God dying on the cross. he's mercifull because he cares. and WANTS us to be in heaven with him. God is not a robot, nobody is controlling him. he has emotion and desires. if this were not true the universe and humans wouldn't exist because literally everything exist because God wanted it to. God doesn't need anything, he only acts on what he wants.
So God sacrificed himself to himself and gave up a weekend to serve as a loophole for the rules he made up and forced on us? Cool story bro.
God is like that neighbor with the great pool and BBQ setup who says you are always invited over to the party, all you need to do is bow down to worship him and not eat shellfish, but if you refuse to (or never was told about the party) he’s going to come over to your house and burn you alive, because he “loves” you.
Slavoj Zizek would argue that Christians are not "not Jews" but are instead non-Jews as people who are inexorably tied to Judaism but are not themselves Jews.
A Jewish person who accepted Jesus the messiah (for rejecting the devil's offer) would be a non-Jew as well but would not necessarily be a Christian as they may (correctly) reject the trinity and believe that Jesus was a prophet and not God incarnate.
As for the rituals within the Bible, these were for people from two thousand + years ago an
A Jew who accepts Jesus as the messiah is actually called a”gullible”, given there is no evidence Jesus even existed outside of the Christian sales manual, the New Testament.
Is vengeance a form of 'perfection'?
A Jew who accepts Jesus as the messiah is actually called a”gullible”, given there is no evidence Jesus even existed outside of the Christian sales manual, the New Testament.
There is no controversy about the existence of Jesus among historians. You've been spending too much time online and not enough time reading primary material of the subject matter experts. Even atheist polemicists acknowledge that Jesus existed as a Jewish Rabbi largely similar to how he is characterized in the Gospels. See Bart Ehrman, Dale Allison, or Dom Crosson who all reject the tenants of Christianity but have spent large portions of their career correcting the absurd suggestion that Jesus didn't exist. Jesus mythicism is equivalent to holocaust denial among the experts in the field.
The etymology of your claim that only the Bible attests to the existence of Jesus can largely be traced back to a lol bad documentary called Zeitgeist. I bet you watched it didn't you? He's in the same source(Tacitus) that we use to show the existence of many Greco Roman figures. If we throw out the testimony of Josephus, Thallus, Clement, Papias, Tacitus, Suetonius, etc then we're no longer doing history. That's fine but it's important that you're up front that your claim that Jesus didn't exist would get laughed out of any history department in the west.
You have yet to explain why our being created by the Almighty equates to "God is not perfect." Meanwhile, scripture from God's inspired word, the Judeo-Christian Bible, distinctly states that Jehovah created humanity as an act of love on his part.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.
BTW: I don't have a clue where you're getting your definition of "perfect." It's
I never said it was the definition of perfection to not have needs, wants, or desires. I said it was implied by the definition of perfect. Is it possible for your car to be perfect if it needs an engine? Is it possible for you to be perfect if you want to sleep? Is it possible for a god to be perfect if he desires to disseminate his message in an objectively less than perfect way?