A perfect god?

A perfect god?

In the bible, Matthew 5:48, it says something to the effect of "be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect."

So then according to Christianity god is a perfect being. To be perfect implies that you have no needs, wants, desires, flaws, or any need to change at all from your state of perfection. Therefore god would have no need, desire, or any other reason to create us. But we do exist, therefore a perfect god cannot. Obviously a non-perfect god could still exist, but then the bible must be soundly rejected as the word of god, since it contains a mistake about god's nature(among countless other mistakes and contradictions but let's focus on this for now).

This argument probably has been made many times but it's been on my mind. Welcoming discussion.

03 April 2024 at 03:09 AM

150 Replies
