What I Teach

What I Teach

Greatness, peace, joy, fulfillment. Union with the feminine ideal. Power, status, glory, enlightenment, perfection. These are all aspects of ultimate reality.

Ultimate reality is what we seek when we are seeking. It’s hidden from us. Most of the time people will default to believing this known, shared reality is ultimate reality because being separated from ultimate reality, or actual reality, is offensive to the soul.

Moreover, not only is actual reality hidden but the path from this shared, counterfeit reality to actual reality - this path is hidden as well. The journey along the path from counterfeit reality to actual reality is a story. It’s a father-son story. We enter into the story through the character of the son.

Now, a Christian might say, “Oh, right, I know this father-son story”, but the thing is, as I just mentioned, the journey is the story. And the journey is hidden, which means the story is hidden. Unless you’ve reached ultimate reality, then your understanding of the father-son story is at best massively incomplete.

Here are some basic truths taught by Jesus about this hidden story / journey;

#1) The father is waiting in ultimate reality for the son

#2) The father sends lifelines to the son (spirit of truth, Holy Spirit, seeds of wisdom, etc)

#3) The Son can only do what the father does. This means wherever the son finds himself on the journey, the father has already been there. In other words, even when the son is lost, he is never lost from the father.

#4) The father is always with the son. Notice that #1 and #4 necessitate that the father can divide himself and be in multiple places at once.

Sacrifices have to be made to enter into this story. You have to become a son, which means you have to give up the idea of yourself as a free, independent being. In exchange, you will gain the ability to venture so far out of your comfort zone, so far outside of your known reality, that reaching ultimate reality actually becomes within the realm of possibility for you.

How can you get started on this hidden journey? How do you enter into the father-son story? It’s very easy. Affirm yourself like a loving father would affirm his son. You can use the words from Jesus’ baptism:

“This is my son with whom I am well pleased.”

Affirmation from the father to the son is the beginning of faith and step one toward ultimate reality.

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17 May 2024 at 05:59 AM

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Understand that the self is not singular. There is an aspect of self whose faith is strong and can easily identify with the son. However, the majority of the self is apprehensive.

If you want to commit yourself to this life, then it would be helpful to consciously identify with the aspect of self which identifies with the son and then spread the good news to the more apprehensive aspects of self. The good news is the truth that this current version of reality is not ultimate reality, and that the father is waiting to assist your journey toward paradise. When you feel frustrated, spread the good news. When you feel despair, spread the good news.

Gather your sheep so you are not ganged up on. (1) Identify with + affirm the son (2) Spread the good news and gather your sheep. Do this and you will be ahead of most people.
