LITERAL Hellfire Torment—Not A Bible Teaching
The teaching of literal hellfire torment is commonplace in Christendom and non-Christian religions. This teaching defames the Creator and portrays him as a sadist who tortures people in literal flames of fire for all eternity—as punishment for wrongdoings committed during the relatively brief human lifespan.
Hellfire believers insist that the wicked will literally experience pain while burning in literal flames of fire—after they have died. So that brings us to the questions below.
1. Are there are scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible to support the teaching of literal hellfire torment? If you believe that to be the case, please quote up to three (3) scriptures and include Bible book, chapter, and verse, along with a brief explanation for why you believe the verses are talking literal hellfire torment.
2. According to those who believe in literal hellfire torment, only wicked people will wind up in hell. Is that what you believe?
3. Does the Bible teach that humans have an immortal soul that survives the death of the person so that the soul can then be burned in eternal flames? If so, please present scriptures to that effect to prove it (no more than 3 scriptures at a time, please). Follow the steps indicated at Question #1.
4. When people are being tortured in hellfire, wouldn't they have to KNOW or be conscious/aware of the fact that they are being burned? I mean to say, what's the point of punishing people in a burning hellfire if they aren't even aware?
5. Those who believe in literal eternal torment say that the person's soul is being burned forever. What is the soul? Are animals souls also, or does the term "soul" apply only to humans?
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
7 Replies
Are there scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible that depict the slaughter of every infant, child and fetus on earth for something others did as holy and righteous?
Once you say yes to that, it's time to quit using the Bible as a source of morality, time to quit studying and debating it in a cherry picking way while ignoring such vile wickedness.
Orthodox Christians don't teach this. It's purely a protestant invention because all protestant doctrines are heretical.
God did not create hell and God does not create or will evil.
The Church teaches ALL people are resurrected and experience the same eschaton and that it's still our free will how we choose to experience it. When in the presence of God's uncreated light, the saved will experience joy and love beyond comprehension and some will experience pain and torment (the outer darkness). That's why they say God is an all consuming fire. Some experience that "fire" as love and some will experience it as "burning" depending on your earthly relationship with God and how you lived your life. But most eschatology, even in the church, should be looked at with a speculative eye. No one should be making deterministic claims about the afterlife.
Rejecting God's love is not a good thing now matter how you interpret life after death.
Are there scriptures in the Judeo-Christian Bible that depict the slaughter of every infant, child and fetus on earth for something others did as holy and righteous?
Once you say yes to that, it's time to quit using the Bible as a source of morality, time to quit studying and debating it in a cherry picking way while ignoring such vile wickedness.
Or you're just too dumb and prideful to understand the deeper complexities of the Bible and how to interpret it through the Church. Why are atheists so bent on commenting in religious forums lol?? The cope is real.
Or you're just too dumb and prideful to understand the deeper complexities of the Bible and how to interpret it through the Church. Why are atheists so bent on commenting in religious forums lol?? The cope is real.
Guy comments about atheists posting in religious forums.
In an earlier thread about SCOTUS declaring atheism a religion, he does not disagree.
Who is dumb?
Or you're just too dumb and prideful to understand the deeper complexities of the Bible and how to interpret it through the Church. Why are atheists so bent on commenting in religious forums lol?? The cope is real.
If someone comes to your home and kills your children, what are the deep complexities about it that you would be contemplating? You know, that make it right and holy. Open your eyes. If it's just a story, it can work. If it's literally true, it's the world's greatest abomination, magnitudes worse than Hitler. So, very strangely perhaps for some that are into the barbaric religion, being attracted to the same sex is not the abomination that killing every child on earth is. Go figure. It really isn't and everyone knows this when pressed on it. So to preserve this massive dissonance, they unconsciously treat The Flood story as a myth. I've never heard anyone say anything about the massive tragedy, sorrow, human suffering involved in every child, infant, toddler and fetus on earth being killed. No problem. You must move on to the next magic story.
A bunch of ignorant jackoffs spewed out a rambling text of mostly vile stupidity and there are still rat heads that insist it be taken seriously. Here’s the next one: the Book of Mormon.
A bunch of ignorant jackoffs spewed out a rambling text of mostly vile stupidity and there are still rat heads that insist it be taken seriously. Here’s the next one: the Book of Mormon.
Yeah they need to take a gander at what all was believed in the 1st Century, and that is a game changer for believing any of the claims of religion of that era. It's just ridiculous and they know it so they don't dare take a holistic look at those beliefs or put the religion under a comparable religion microscope, where the nature of it is exposed. Instead they stick their head in the sand and believe with all their heart. LOL. And even that is a "they profess too much" type of BS.
A magazine currently out ... A gander through it and then realize the 1st Century is centuries before this as the world moved away from magic beliefs.