This... forum

This... forum

This sub-forum is a microcosm of the world in which we live in these modern times... This place is barren and devoid of nearly all life and most certainly nearly all intellectual intercourse.

The modern world has mainly forsaken any 'word' for the warn blanket of science... the 'mark'.

20 December 2024 at 04:54 PM

8 Replies

Speaking rhetorically of course...

He said it’s like a mustard seed.

I love brown mustard... yellow, not so much.

It didn't used to be, I learned a lot here. In fact some of the things I learned, and the people I learned them from, changed me and my life.

by MSchu18 k

I love brown mustard... yellow, not so much.

You know; Yello circles dont*t exist

But Yello orifices do...

Ahhh yes. Such powerful, moving words you're writing here with your talks of mustard and orifices. Why don't you actually make a post worth discussing and maybe you'll get some discussion.

I know a good polish joke... is that a good place to start?
