Thou shalt be saved

Thou shalt be saved

Believe that the Lord God raised the Lord Jesus from the dead in your heart and you shalt be saved. It is also important to believe that he is the Christ in order to be adopted to Sonship or Daughtership as is written about in the first chapter of the Gospel according to John.

06 February 2025 at 09:53 PM

6 Replies

I messed up severely in my original post. If you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead thou shalt be saved, my understanding was messed up when I wrote my original post, so it might not have came through. Sorry. It's also important to believe that he's the Christ.

they used the word 'Daughtership' in the Bible?
I question that

What if... and stay with me here... one does not want to be saved?
What if ones goal is to pass into Hell as a warrior for good, an archangel... Oh, and my name? Michael

by MSchu18 k

What if... and stay with me here... one does not want to be saved?
What if ones goal is to pass into Hell as a warrior for good, an archangel... Oh, and my name? Michael

Perhaps you don't realize the severity of hell "where their worm does not die and fire is not quenched." No one wants to be tormented with fire and sulfur. "If anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life, they were cast into the Lake of Fire."

I am not scared of words... we, as Humanity, have grown well beyond the fear of the retribution myth.

Perhaps you do not realize, that both heaven and hell reside in us all... heaven is inner peace... hell is inner turmoil, desire, jealous, hatred. Quench those demons with knowledge.

once you are dead... you are dead.
The spirit of what you lived lives on in others... and that's it.

★ Recommended Post

"I take on faith the preposterous supernatural beliefs of an ignorant and superstitious people of thousands of years ago. Why wouldn't I? If they say a god of pure love tortures people eternally for being wrong/weak/whatever, if they say a god of love tortures and genocides and judges and smites and is vengefully jealous, and though love keeps no record of wrongs he seems to be torturing people for wrongs, and if he wants to kill every child, infant and fetus on earth (The Great Flood), it's okay with me, they deserved it, it's holy and just ... yada yada yada ... I take it on face value." This kind of believing is a default in the realm of morality, as in, "I defer to barbaric myths and am afraid to evaluate it for what it is."

It's a religion. It's one of the religions. And it's the same thing as the other religions: an origin/morality myth of a particular culture. Five minutes in a comparative religion course and this truth begins to dawn on one just taking the myth of their culture as ipso facto true.
