Jesus Became God. Why?

Jesus Became God. Why?

There have been many in this world who have desired to become a god, but they did not.

Jesus had the same desires as any other human and the same ability to either identify or de-identify with those desires.

So why him?

He explained why two thousand years ago with three words:


I desire mercy.

09 March 2025 at 08:26 AM

39 Replies


Countless people have desired mercy, are they all god? If Jesus was god why did he eat? Do you think god consumes the flesh of animals for sustenance? Why did he need to urinate? Do you think god urinates? Why would he? Why would a perfect being need to expel waste? Wouldn't that make him less than perfect if he was consuming an amount of fluids in excess of what his body needed?

Jesus was clearly not god, but by all accounts he seemed like a pretty solid dude.

by deucedeuces k

Countless people have desired mercy

How much? What would it look like to singularly desire mercy without relenting?

by craig1120 k

How much? What would it look like to singularly desire mercy without relenting?

Nice sidestep. Was Jesus singularly desiring mercy? Or did he sometimes desire to eat?

by deucedeuces k

Nice sidestep. Was Jesus singularly desiring mercy? Or did he sometimes desire to eat?

Man belongs to the world and the reality of the world. At the same time, man can transcend the reality of this world.

Perfection is something you can’t truly know unless you identify with it and let it judge + transform you.

You don’t understand perfection and its relationship with humanity. This is clear.

by craig1120 k

Man belongs to the world and the reality of the world. At the same time, man can transcend the reality of this world.

Perfection is something you can’t truly know unless you identify with it and let it judge + transform you.

You don’t understand perfection and its relationship with humanity. This is clear.

Go ahead and transcend it then, what are you still doing here?

I understand perfection perfectly well. I understand that a perfect god would never even conceive of creating beings who consume the flesh of animals and plants for sustenance. You are unable to comprehend reality and live in an imaginary world.

by deucedeuces k

Go ahead and transcend it then, what are you still doing here?

I understand perfection perfectly well. I understand that a perfect god would never even conceive of creating beings who consume the flesh of animals and plants for sustenance. You are unable to comprehend reality and live in an imaginary world.

Your childlike version of perfection is absent meaning, and therefore, is imperfect.

by craig1120 k

Your childlike version of perfection is absent meaning, and therefore, is imperfect.

Can a perfect being take a less than perfect action? Would you say an album is perfect if it contains songs that are less than perfect? No. In the same way that you wouldn't say a designer who creates less than perfect designs is perfect.

A man with an imaginary friend in the sky is telling me my ideas are childlike. How rich.

by deucedeuces k

Can a perfect being take a less than perfect action?

Which is more true - the perfect being or the imperfect action? Which is more real? Choose one.

by craig1120 k

Which is more true - the perfect being or the imperfect action? Which is more real? Choose one.

Which is more true, humans are perfectly suited for life on Earth or dolphins are perfectly suited for life on a planet which is 70% ocean by surface area. Choose one.

Sir, a perfect being who is incapable of falling from perfection has no meaning, and therefore, is imperfect.

by craig1120 k

Sir, a perfect being who is incapable of falling from perfection has no meaning, and therefore, is imperfect.

False. Imagine a perfect circle, is it somehow imperfect because it can't deflate it's shape into an oval? Of course not. Leave it up to theists to say absolutely nonsensical ****.

You can’t attempt to use rationality to grasp a truth which is trans rational. Rationality cannot judge perfection. Perfection judges rationality.

False again, because I'm rational and I'm judging perfection. You're somewhat rational, and you attempt to judge perfection everyday when you judge the non-theists around you. You attempt to judge the perfection of Jesus, without perfect knowledge of him. You attempt to judge the perfection of imaginary beings, without any idea of the imagination others are capable of.

by deucedeuces k

False again, because I'm rational and I'm judging perfection. You're somewhat rational, and you attempt to judge perfection everyday when you judge the non-theists around you. You attempt to judge the perfection of Jesus, without perfect knowledge of him. You attempt to judge the perfection of imaginary beings, without any idea of the imagination others are capable of.

You’re not judging perfection; you’re judging your idea of it, which is not it because you don’t know it.

Last one:

Only a perfect being can identify with perfection, be judged by perfection, and continue to identify with it after being judged imperfect.

by craig1120 k

You’re not judging perfection; you’re judging your idea of it, which is not it because you don’t know it.

Last one:

Only a perfect being can identify with perfection, be judged by perfection, and continue to identify with it after being judged imperfect.

But I am a perfect being. You just don't know it because you're attempting to judge while being imperfect yourself.

Do you see how stupid I sound? Telling others that they can't do a thing which I myself am doing? Nobody is perfect, and since nobody is perfect and you've claimed your god to be, he clearly does not exist. I'm almost out of beer now but it's been fun brother.

by deucedeuces k

But I am a perfect being. You just don't know it because you're attempting to judge while being imperfect yourself.

Do you see how stupid I sound? Telling others that they can't do a thing which I myself am doing? Nobody is perfect, and since nobody is perfect and you've claimed your god to be, he clearly does not exist. I'm almost out of beer now but it's been fun brother.

I know you are a perfect being. YOU don’t know it.

by craig1120 k

I know you are a perfect being. YOU don’t know it.

I just said I was though. You misunderstood because I followed up with "nobody is perfect" but what you failed to realize is that I am also nobody.

What exactly is a perfect being? I mean when it's not just some sort of religious dogma/sophistry ... what does it mean to be a perfect being?

by FellaGaga-52 k

What exactly is a perfect being? I mean when it's not just some sort of religious dogma/sophistry ... what does it mean to be a perfect being?

It’s unknown, but it’s an identity that humanity cannot rid itself of no matter how strong the impulse.

We are going to have to grapple with it moving forward. Perfectionism is not simply a quirky, personality trait.

by craig1120 k

It’s unknown, but it’s an identity that humanity cannot rid itself of no matter how strong the impulse.

We are going to have to grapple with it moving forward. Perfectionism is not simply a quirky, personality trait.

The Christian story reveals that, since perfection and sin are irreconcilable, death is mandatory in order to actualize perfection.

This holds true for every soul and for God himself, which is why God has to die and be born anew in order to be worthy of the new paradise. God is a sinner and must be cleansed through death in order to restore himself as perfect.

What has been missing from Christianity to this point is the truth that the self, which is associated with THIS world, is destined for the promised land and that bodily death kills the self. This means the death which enables perfection and entry into paradise CANNOT be a bodily death. Instead, it’s an internal death of transformation.

Well, to start with, the title of this thread is incorrect. Jesus didn't "become" God. He was ALWAYS God. To say he became God at some point in earthly time is heretical and thus your entire post is moot.

Nicene Creed:
"...And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father through Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father; And He will come again with glory to judge the living and dead. His kingdom shall have no end..."

If you really want to know read this book. Written in 330 A.D.

by BGnight k

Well, to start with, the title of this thread is incorrect. Jesus didn't "become" God. He was ALWAYS God. To say he became God at some point in earthly time is heretical and thus your entire post is moot.

You don’t realize what you’re saying. If Jesus didn’t BECOME God, then you and your loved ones have zero chance of ever entering into eternal life in the kingdom. As a fallen being, how are you expected to unify your story with the story of a perfect being who can never fall. Those two cannot reconcile together.

You can only unify with Christ’s story, and become perfect, if he unifies with your story, becoming imperfect. What is true of him (perfection), becomes true for you. What is true of you (imperfection), becomes true for him. This is the only way unification works.

There is truth in the idea that Jesus is always God (and always perfect), but that is the first chapter of the story. The story has to progress and is now doing so.

Christians can either evolve along with it by dying in their sin or be left behind by dying in their sin.

by craig1120 k

You don’t realize what you’re saying. If Jesus didn’t BECOME God, then you and your loved ones have zero chance of ever entering into eternal life in the kingdom. As a fallen being, how are you expected to unify your story with the story of a perfect being who can never fall. Those two cannot reconcile together.

You can only unify with Christ’s story, and become perfect, if he unifies with your story, becoming imperfect. What is true of him (perfection), becomes true for you. What is true of you


Didn’t you say you were Orthodox?

by BGnight k

Nicene Creed:
"...And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father through Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And He rose on the third day, according to the Sc

All of this is true. Jesus is a bridge to the soul. Son of God = soul.

The entirety of creation is for the purpose of the soul (only begotten son).

Is your soul perfect? Yes. But also no. But also yes.
