how would it be possible for a book 4000 years old to accurately describe radiation poisoning ?
The Mahabharata
accurately describes radiation poisoning from nuclear war. How is this possible?
An "accurate account of radiation poisoning" would be, or at least include, descriptions of the emission of toxic particles and what teh particles are, how they affect cells, what the body's reaction to the exposure is ... and a heck of a lot more that a chemist, physicist, or doctor could describe in detail.
Epic fail.
I wonder how many other texts exist from the same time period that contain descriptions of events/processes that are fantastical or incomprehensible.
Even a blind squirrel…
An "accurate account of radiation poisoning" would be, or at least include, descriptions of the emission of toxic particles and what teh particles are, how they affect cells, what the body's reaction to the exposure is ... and a heck of a lot more that a chemist, physicist, or doctor could describe in detail.
Epic fail.
No. You speak of a scientific account.
The Bible spells it all out perfectly.