[Low-mid mt] Looking to join study group or some ppl to create a new one lo
hey im playing courrently 2-16.5 mtt on ps and looking to move up
Im seeking comunity because i fell it could improve my game and more importan i think i can be a help for someone also
here is my graph
i started taking this game seriously at 17.5k games
avg buy in 7$ roi 34% from pt4 runing slighty above ev in bb/100
Anybody intrested pls speak up
1 Reply
Hello, my name is Maitree and I'm currently searching for a coach or a group that will guide me into the right direction! Im from the USA so Im only playing via Bovada MTT (around $5 - 50) - If you can coach or guide me into the right direction and looking to be payed! Please contact me via -
Email: [email]Maitrees23@icloud.com[/email]
Discord: Maitrees23
Whatsapp: 5072266722