Looking for coaching microstake cash game
Hello, everyone!
I’m looking for a NL cash game coach. I’m currently playing NL2, so I’m looking for someone who plays and beats NL10. I believe I could learn a lot from this person. They don’t need to be a pro NL100+ player. I’m from Brazil and speak Portuguese, Spanish, and English, so the classes could be in any of these languages.
If you know someone who fits this description, please let me know. Also, if this isn’t the right place for this kind of post, I apologize—where can I find such a coach?
5 Replies
I primarily coach microstakes players, but may be out of your price range ($100/session). You can look at my listing by clicking below my username.
You can look at other coaches' listings at: https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/290/c...
For the most part, my recommendation to someone playing nl2 would be to focus on preflop ranges, which you can find reasonable ones online at many different resources (gtowizard.com), and to just get used to the poker client software + whatever database software you're using.
An essential membership to runitonce.com (~$25/month) is a good starting point. If you have any questions or are interested in coaching, then send me a message.
Hey buddy! Feel free to message me over at www.facebook.com/Jayleepoker
Or on Discord - Jaylee18
We can have a chat and set up a free consultation to see what i can do to help you!
I coach microstakes players - Usually 10nl to 50nl, but if you are keen to get started with coaching before that limit here is my thread: Coaching
Happy to chat on discord if you had any questions also.
- Rob
Hey man,
Check my coaching thread (have years of verified coaching here):
Contact: gils89 via Discord or email: [email]tvgils89@gmail.com[/email]
Hi! i'm a professional cash game player. i played mostly nl 100 RC over this year with very good results,
for more info about me, you can contact me on discord :marcoss7111