What to post here?
This forum is for members who seek staking.
Staking Forum Guidelines
- Selling shares belongs in Selling Shares - Live or Selling Shares - Online
- All stake requests must be accompanied by your poker site screen name(s) in each post you seek a stake.
- It is recommended (not required) that you also provide graphs or links to your results, provide references, and be specific as to your staking needs.
- Rails belong in the Staking Rails forum. The idea is that once you have come to an agreement on a stake, you notify us [IMG]https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/... so we can mark it **CLOSED** so everyone knows it's done. If you want people to be able to track your progress, you start a thread in the Rails forum and link it back to your staking thread. All rail threads should include a link to the relevant stake/share sale thread. Ideally, that thread would also have a link to your rail thread.
- Thread Bumping. You may bump your thread “a few” times, but only if it’s fallen off of the first page. Responding to inquiries within the thread is fine, but please do so judiciously in fairness to others who would like their threads seen as well.
1 View
08 August 2021 at 03:08 PM