Looking for MTT &/or cash stake - Good results, references, bb/100 - Over 1M$ in cashes

Looking for MTT &/or cash stake - Good results, references, bb/100 - Over 1M$ in cashes

Looking for a backer to play a decent low to mid-stakes poker schedule 5 times a week.

Deal would be 50/50 with makeup.

Have good references.

Over 1M$ in cashes + over 50 000 sngs played on Howié

Added last 500k hands bb/100 at avg buyin 50$. Studying with GTOwizard to plug leaks at 15-30bb mainly.

Pm if interested

31 August 2023 at 12:11 PM

2 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

by WOO77 k

Update: Still looking for a backer on ACR/GG.

I've been grinding the 50NL 200bb+ante cash games lately.

Added last 200k hands

you don't need a stake- be a man

