First time asking. Would love consistent live tournament back and/or cash 5/10
I’m not sure how this works so I’ll show my hendonmob first and then some of my most recent sn’s and a little about myself
I think it was just cashtorg on acr last I played on that hell hole
Im.sorry on wsop
HiImTrump on pokerstarsNJ
LagTart on partypokerNJ
I moved out of jersey mid 2021 but did very well for years in cash on all 3 sites, don’t have pc with me but could show graphs/results in the future.
Was very confident and tried to hop right on to acr to beat 5/10 and 10/20 (i didn’t) after I moved out of jersey. Spent the next 2 years wasting my life on acr before I finally told myself half the players there are card sharing, bots, and rta and went to live poker for my sanity.
Playing up to 2/5 or 2/3 holdem right now and some 1/2 PLO live. And just got on to PokerBros mostly just 1/2 as the only online I’ve been playing. My roll has been keeping me pretty limited tournament wise but I have friends who love buying big pieces so I still get to enjoy taking shots with them every once in a while.
I would love to be able to take away the stresses that come with a shrunken bankroll while keeping a balanced life roll wallet. Whether that be tournament only, starting off at whatever stakes live(as low or high as you’d like), cash game only live, I’d be very confident in any stake of holdem (again as high or low as you’d start off) and could do both, tournaments usually easier to be trust less because it’s more trackable.
I would also be open to for whatever stakes as low as 1/2 or $50-$100+ tournaments right now to do part time
Ask whatever you’d like I always try to be honest and genuine