Looking for HU hyper stake

Looking for HU hyper stake

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a stake to play $5 Heads-Up Hyper Turbo games on PokerStars. Due to recent changes, I can't deposit on PokerStars as the banks in my country have closed their Visa/Mastercard services.

My plan is to start with $5 Heads-Up Hyper games and, based on performance, move up to $10 Heads-Up Hyper games. These games are known for their swings, but I have the patience and discipline required to handle them.

Stake Deal Details:

Profit split: 65% to me, 35% to the backer.
All rakeback, deals, bonuses, and points on PokerStars will be mine.

Results will be monitored using PokerTracker 4 (PT4).
We will review and chop profits after every 250 games.

To keep everything transparent, I can create a blog here on TwoPlusTwo to track my progress, share insights, and provide regular updates and obv ask for serious reviews.

If you're interested in staking me, I can provide more details about my strategy and past results. I believe with enough buy-ins, we can navigate the variance and achieve consistent results.

Thank you for considering my request. Looking forward to potential opportunities and discussions.

If you're interested in staking me, please leave your Discord, email, or WhatsApp details, and I will reach out. I believe that all the pressure of grinding is on me, and I need to carefully choose who I will partner with for this journey.

The deal will for at least 10k games.

30 June 2024 at 08:23 AM

2 Replies

Hey i could be interesting in staking you but on a softer site .This is my discord anton093232 .Most sitandgos are 1.5-25$ stakes so depending on your skill level you can play close to max stake.All sit and gos are 6 max btw.Looking forward into hearing back from you

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