Looking for a MTT stake

Looking for a MTT stake

I'm looking for a MTT stake, I have the skills just no bankroll to play the stakes I want med-high. Won 10.8$ on gg for over 2k on Thursday with my last 20$. I use to play med stakes cash game 1/2-3/6. Took a long break from poker to focus on my health but now my health is good so I'm ready to win money again. I final table the Sunday million twice jlost88 5th n chopped 3rd for 45k n 105k.
I'm looking for ABI of 50$ and I only 2 tables.
I'm a good player but cost of living in Vancouver is expensive so I need to start grinding again. I have been studying and the result are showing. I cashout 1500 n left myself with 900 to play for expenses.
I'm a proven guy with over 100%+ roi in tournaments. If I don't get a stake I'll just grind out the 5-20$ tournaments for now instead of the 30-215.

21 July 2024 at 11:23 PM

1 Reply

Jbless888 on gg n jlost88 on stars but I only want to play on gg cause I like 8 handed
