Back on PStars! WCOOP Staking anyone?

Back on PStars! WCOOP Staking anyone?

1. I've been away from 2+2 for a number of years. But actually go back to around 1999 or so(?) under the name LarryF. Mason will also remember me from my days dealing at Bellagio. We chatted occasionally in the old 30-60 & 40-80 LHE games back around 2005 or so through 2008.
2. 2008 I quit dealing and played full time on PStars and FTP. Ninety-five percent on PStars, 24 tabling 100nl cash games and also playing MTT's. My PStars name was Bigfishead59 and you can search OPR/Sharkscope etc for my results. They're not totally accurate as they didn't have FT deals included in results for many years. Which for me shows less than what I actually made by roughly $6k or so net profit. But it gives reasonable accuracy for profitability.
3. I was involved in staking and being staked in "BAPs" (Buy a Piece) on a website pre black friday that I can't remember the name of. I made more for others than they made for me!

4. I'm retired in the Philippines now and just setup Pstars and loaded my account. Forced to use a new name, I took Bigfishead1959 to remain close to my original account name.
5. I'm looking to play a heavy amount of WCOOP which starts Sept 8th. I probably will not play anything before Sept 12th however as I am building a new computer and dual monitor setup and waiting on parts. My laptop doesn't like HEM and multiple tables. However, I am NOT going to be playing massive tables like the old days. Likely 2-6 mostly.
6. Looking over the structures I'm finding the low-mids provide better play imo for the players not in a rush to go somewhere! So basically $11-$215's.
7. I maintain both US and Philippines bank accounts. So while transferring OUT of the Philippines may take a minute, I can do it. Transferring into my Phils account from my US banks is literally hours.

If anyone is interested in talking about some WCOOP staking. As a group or individuals I'm all ears. Everything will be verified via HEM. And anything not specified ahead (cash games, regular mtt's etc) will be on my dime.

PS I didn't "name drop" Mason as a person that would vouch for me. We don't know each other that well! And I wouldn't ask. Just mentioned as how far I go back and am not new here.

PM or ask away ! Not desperate. But would be nice to add some wins to my retirement!

30 August 2024 at 09:17 AM

3 Replies

last game 2011? You must be rusty as f

Last played on PStars. I've been playing (not full time) on PBros for the last 2-3 years mostly, when not live. Since logging in to Pstars roughly a week ago I've played 22 mtt's and itm 4x. Nothing deep. But with over 8000 mtt's under my belt, I'm still way ahead of the mullets I'm seeing thus far. And I (with the help of HEM) can identify the solid players.

*Don't discount us old ****s with tons of experience. We too have some tricks up our sleeves and most of the moves we see from others are boring. Been there done that. Biggest mistake of many a cash game players is thinking "OMC". We might be tight as hell, but we also might just know how/when to open it up on your light 3 betting ass.
