Seeking Prop Firm Challenge Stake

Seeking Prop Firm Challenge Stake

Dudeoflife here. Have been professional poker player, Top 20 DFS player in world, and full time futures trader for several chicago Prop firms. I've generally traded part time while doing my other ventures, but have 3 years with Chicago prop firms and worked on the floor of CME and CBOE out of college for 2 years. My dad was in the business for 30 years and passed down a proprietary trading system that really is as close to a holy grail you will find.

Can see previous thread here where I won 1650 WSOP circuit main event and paid out investors on 300K+.
DFS graph is 500k+

Took some shots and lost. Looking to rebuild bankroll. Prop Firms have major opportunity with these funded account challenges.

This is how it works. Prop firms offer challenge accounts of varied sizes, with set max contracts, max drawdown, and profit goal. Meet profit goal and don't violate the rules, and you get funded account.

Typical sizes of Funded Accounts are 50k, 100k, 150k, and 250k. Each one has different max drawdowns and max lot sizes. 50k 5 lots up to 250k 27 lots. Challenges can be passed in 1 or 2 days depending on the site. You can have multiple funded accounts on same site.

Challenges range from $49-$375. Payout rules varies by site. 50-50 profit split.

MyFundedFutures 3 accounts max ( 450K max funding)
TopStepFutures 5 accounts max (750K max funding)
Apex 20 account max (5 million max funding)

The general strategy is to use a copy trader. I have a trading system passed the family line and I can analyze any commodity/futures product. The main products I trade are ES/NQ/GC/CL/ZN/ZB. With max funded accounts, I would vary strategy slightly among the accounts as far as time frame, products traded, though the majority will be copy trading using ES and NQ.

Goal is to make 1-2K daily for single account, so if max accounts, 28K daily. There will be days where 10k on the smaller accounts possible and 100K on the larger ones. So there is massive potential here. Passing challenges is not too difficult with being able to rebuy. Once funded, the drawdown to start is pretty tight, and so you need to initially run good to build a buffer, but once a buffer is built, this will be a printing machine. All trades will be able to be shared upon request as well as end of day balances among the accounts. Verification of all payouts.

Initial payouts will be used to fund new challenges and make sure have max accounts with backup accounts ready to go in event of blown account. Each round of challenges will cost around 2.5-3K. Goal first is to get the 8 accounts on MFF and top step as those are the two most reliable in terms of payouts. Apex has the most profit potential, but also the hardest setup with a trailing drawdown feature and not totally transparent with trading rules on when they deny payouts. Still, the potential is so huge, and have seen a 2 Million payout been approved.

I should be able to secure close to max accounts on MFF and top step with 2.5-3K. In event don't get initial payout on any of the funded accounts, will need to reload. So total investment may range from 2.5-15K on the high end. Depending on strategy and max risk, can adjust accordingly but this really is a case where with unlimited ammo and clips, it will be hard to lose as someone who's traded the markets for decades and has a good system.

There is a risk of getting payout denied if rules are followed. As said, MFF and top step are very straightforward. But it's possible I make a trading error. I've learned the key to avoid these is not to trade multiple products on the site where you get denial if say you get long ES and short NQ at same time which can happen if you have resting orders in the books or misclick. Apex has a consistency rule to guard against traders shooting for moon on accounts and have large windfalls. So there is something where you don't want to have too big a win on some of the accounts as it makes payout getting harder.

As initial payouts after 1-2 months can be quite large, I will commit to a timeframe so investor gets to reap awards of initial investment. 6 months and won't quit if in makeup. Investor can bail at any time and end agreement.

Let me know if any questions and can clarify or expand on any area.


) 2 Views 2
14 September 2024 at 01:52 AM

12 Replies

Do you go by LesMains somewhere else by chance?

This is bullshit.

Futures markets are some of the most liquid and competitive markets in the world where even a small edge if it’s legit is worth hundreds of millions.

Very few people beat these markets and those that do will enrich themselves and/or be talking to big shots at their firm and not raising pennies on 2p2.

It happens that the best traders or best poker players go bust. Many stories of some of the best traders in world making a fortune, only to lose it, and then amass another fortune.

Very few people beat these markets, yes, and I am on of them. 15K isn't raising pennies. There are not many investments that offer the upside as this does. Depends on market conditions how big opportunity there is.

my results from Friday trading in which the market barely moved.

So Top Step has 2 day challenge rule, where you have to make 3,000 Profit for the 50K challenges. I made 1,500 in 5 accounts, so will have 5 funded accounts if I make another 1500 on Monday giving 2,000 in drawdown available in each account initially. After above 52,000, the drawdown locks at 50,000, and so profits above 52,000 will be a buffer. Top Step you are able to withdraw 50% after 5 winning days of $200 or more, and 100% at 30 winning days of $200 or more.

Wednesday is a pivotal day with the rate cut decision being 50/50. It was 80/20 priced in for 25 BP cut vs 50 BP cut but that changed to 50/50 with article from WSJ nick timiraos suggesting that it's not so clear cut. A 25 BP cut should dissapoint the markets, and a 50 BP while market may initially rally, should also spook the market as what does the fed fear coming down the pike that they feel need to go with 50 BP.

And also, I welcome the skeptics. I will post results of when I start printing $ and you will question why you didn't take this post seriously from a former MTT crusher and someone who rose to the top of the DFS world. When you can make 1 Million in day, you are never really busto, just need access to capital.

Link to my Great Uncle writings on wall street book from 1966.

by dudeoflife k

you can make 1 Million in day, you are never really busto, just need access to capital.

> Can make $1m a day
> Asking for 15k on poker forum

makes sense to me

most don't understand the leverage you can get in trading.

Apex 250k accounts, ability to trade 27 lots.

NQ on wednesday went down 500, and then up 800. let's just say you catch 200 pts with 10 lot and have the max 20 accounts. And there are definitely setups where can you go for 200+ on NQ for swing trades.

200 pts = 4,000 for 1 contract.

10 contracts * 4,000= 40,000

40,000*20 accounts = 800,000.

It's just math.

To get the 250K accounts, the cost is $40 per challenge, so $800. And the $85 activation fee, so $1700. As I said in OP, Apex is the hardest site of them, as they have an initial trailing drawdown. What does this mean? If you are up 5K in trade, you max drawdown follows you. So if you have max 5K loss on the account, and you end up scratching the trade because at high point you were up 5K, the account is loss when in reality, you just broke even.

This is why the initial strategy would be to go for 20 of the 50k accounts where a trailing drawdown of 3K is much easier to overcome and can then go for consistent 1k-1.5 per single account and copy trade it so that’s 20K daily. And keep losses to 1-2K once you built a buffer. Also, if you hit a big trade, you can’t just scale down. You need to trade consistently with that size and a single day profit can’t be more than 30% of the payout request. It takes 3 months to withdraw full profits from Apex and up until then, it’s max 2500 per account every week.

MyFundedFutures you can withdraw 100% after 10 trading days.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Other things to add.

Any sponsorship/affiliate deals are mine solely. I may decide to livestream my trading and get partnership deal with one of the sites which for this to happen, I'll need to be near the top of the leaderboards.

Investment closed. GL to backer!

by TripleBerryJam k

> Can make $1m a day
> Asking for 15k on poker forum

makes sense to me

Has to be one of the most degenerate quotes. Like making a mil is quite easy in a day if you have hundreds of mil in capital

Out of curiosity OP, might in a sense be irrelevant. But by looking at your posting history it seems like you have a tendency of coming back to ask for staking of sorts for almost a decade. How come you haven't made and friends/ connections or even previous investor relationships that want to invest in you? Seems odd to claim you are so talented and still need to ask for 15k on a forum.

for the haters, and that's only 3 of 5 accounts at 1 firm. 5 more similar graphs. good job turning down free $.
