lets hit for the stars !!! i want to be backed

lets hit for the stars !!! i want to be backed

hi there,

Let me introduce myself

age 52 playing online since 2007 ..started at pokerstars..fulltilt...partypoker. Unfortunately i had to stop playing on all these sites. Dutch players are not allowed to play there, in from the Netherlands , Amsterdam to be precise.

currently only have a GGpoker account and playing daily 5-6 days a week ,some weeks i play more ,some i play less ,depending on my schedule for the week.

if people ask me i always tell them im a pokerplayer and a gamer. Dota2 only...deleted all other games due lack of time/interest.

rather use my time for poker/study.

i understand that as a backer you want data and numbers and im willing to provide everything you want to make sure its a good investment.

Now the funny thing is that i know about 2+2 and years ago i used to visit this site ,looking up info , posting stuff and mainly learning or seeking threads that would improve my pokergame.
Found out about stables and staking , but this was never appealing to me..didnt try hard to find a deal and thought this was too hard to accomplish.. i ecxtualy gave up on the idea.
Then couple years later i found out that 1 of the biggest winners at that time during 2012-1014 nickname ''Uhmee'' i think his real name is amy barer..exctualy im sure 😀
was staked and as a fanatic myself he was one of the players that caught my attention and i started to rail his mtt's while i had my own tables open and running.
Uhmee was one of my favorite onlineplayers because he was like myself ,able to play 16 hours a day and perform every day.
Still , i did not want to be staked and give away my winnings and decided to do it all by myself.
A decision i regret today, mostly because i should try anything that can boost my pokercarrier or pokerknowledge.
The past couple years i have been thinking about a backingdeal and finaly i'm here today.
there's some big positives and some negatives if you decide to make a deal with me,i like transparancy so let me explain why i want to get backed.

1 positive is i can play poker 24/7 since i dont work and im kinda retired at age of 52,
2 bringing volume or winning big field mtt's has never been a problem..if i focus on mtt's i reach final tables..no mather if i enter at start or lete reg in last 2 minutes..1
bullet is often enough to make itm or run deep.
3 i know all formats but prefer no limitholdem and some plo.
4 Nowadays i play a variety of formats to make around 50$ daily profit but i know i can do much better.
5 I was lucky enough to work in the gamblingindustry as a proffesional gambler , and learned strategies to beat slots when i was still a teenager.
Due to law restrictions/regulations it was possible to figure out exactly if a slot was gonna pay you profit and how much that amount would be.
Such knowledge gives confidence while investing money into slots and expecting a pay..it also helped me and my colleagues to never fall into the trap of
gamblingaddiction ,for me it was always moneyaddiction and it lasted for around 25years. nowadays manufacturers are more aware and programs are more random in
there payoutstrucutres so its much harder ,probably impossible do what we did back in those days.
I mentioned this because i know it helps me playing poker,managing my bankroll or deal with losses/bets/allinn sitations/lay downs,analyses etc...
6 since im in the netherlands i prefer a Dutch backer ,but im open to any solid deal/analasyys on my overall game/coaching.
7 here's a negative...although all the previous ,,i am not a natural gambler..dont ask me to bet on sports, in other words,,if there's no edge for me, or hardly any i wont
risk my money.
i think and i know this is probably something that holds me back from climbing the ranks asap...another thing is i like to cashout my winnings and use it for tobacco and
weed,,lots of weed.

8. i can do 2 things...stop smoking weed and give my bankroll a chance to grow..but play poker whitout it looks so boring to me , or i can try find a backer/coach that
helps me to get max out of my potential and help me to realy succeed. i mean 50$ a day is not real succes..funny detail i play max 1 $ buyinns to make this on a
regular base.
9. dont know what else to mention ,im a single guy willing and able to put in the hours +volume ..not willing to put all my savings on the line and jump into the deep ..see
if i still have a house next month or buy a second.
If anybody ,,particulairly in the netherlands is insterrested by my story you can contact me and we can work out details and possibilities,
im not a scammer and i dont like to get scammed,

Please feel free to respond to my thread and i can provide my phonenumber and we go further from there.

looking forward to work together..find out how good i realy am ,but mainly hoping we can learn from eachother and both benefiting.

1 last thing...yes i will win the WSOP..i just need to register.

12 October 2024 at 11:20 AM