Is anyone willing to stake me ?
*this may have been posted twice .. just making sure it is on the right column .. just noticed*
Hey everyone . I'll keep this straightforward .
I'm an experienced player on Chico .
Some people know me as BJammer123 .
I don't what it is about this site in particular .. getting hit with so many four - of - a kind hands within the past month has made my mind feel fuzzy .
Or the classic. A K all - in versus A x just for the 3 - outer to hit on their part .. so tragic ..
Maybe the universe guided me here for this request .. albeit thru this fun and painful journey of poker wanna-be stardom .
Is anyone willing to stake me 200$ ?
My goal and guarantee is to make it back for you with extra profit within 2-3 weeks . I'll do my best to even double it .
I have an unfortunate deadline on some unexpected hospital bills , but i have a solid strategy to minimum buy - in PLO .05/.10 Omaha , Hi-Lo , and $1 -$5 tournaments .
I used to be on another site related to intertops poker before it dissipated . Earnings were much better over there .. not the best but not the worst . Accumulated $3K in tournament winnings .. and around $5k on cash tables when i was playing .25/.50 and .50/1 on there ..
Used it for studies .. and here i am .. still in love with the game for some odd reason ..
Sometimes , i feel like i may be good in live poker .. time will tell ..
Currently below break - even in Chico *ahem* tournaments . I do my best , but i get bubbled a lot .. i gotta focus more on going deeper .. amidst the fishy players on small buy - ins .
Took recent winnings out for bills and more bills showed up .. but i know i can do this ..
Poker is my life .. but one day i'll figure this all out with better understanding .
This will be a solid ROI , regardless of my current stats . Wanted to mention this to let you know i'm not a big looser on there on anything .
I'm pretty skilled and solid .. just unlucky at times .
Give me two weeks and i can double the stake , so you'll get 200 more back .
This is kind of my final chance in life .. trying to do my best .. but i definitely know how to play poker ..
Because of the deadline , i'm in an urgent need to make the money fast so i'll be playing nearly 24/7.
I hope someone can give me a shot . I don't want to sound like i'm begging for an opportunity like this .. but i kind of am .
Discord : itsb2637#0
If anyone can give me a chance , i'll be eternally grateful .
1 Reply

Just trying to get back to the glory days .. you can count on me to deliver results *guaranteed*