looking for Sng or 25nl cash stake

looking for Sng or 25nl cash stake

Hi All

My name is Teddy, UK based. Ive played poker for approx 20 years pretty much always recreational/fun. Ive eeked out small profit on the whole but due to running a few businesses never spent decent time on it. That being said i have always studied to remain a winning player as my ego demanded that much.
Ive recently set up new business (happy to evidence to any backer) so cash flow is grim. This new business however, due to its set up, means i have spare time nowadays so i wish to pursue poker further.
I know i can beat sngs upto $20 and cash upto 25nl (ive played much higher but think its safer for all to start low here) and looking for a staker, terms can be discussed. I dont have great deal with regard evidencing poker history as ive never kept records but i suppose a small sharkscope history will exist and happy to keep things v small between us for
time being anyway. I'm an open minded type of guy so of course happy to follow lead/listen to advice from suitable people to ensure its a successful transaction for all.
If anyone interested let me know and can chat.

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27 October 2024 at 01:17 PM