Seeking Low/Mid stake for MTT's
life's been a rollercoaster for me up until this August, but from the time I started playing at age 20 (4years ago) and for the foreseeable future, Poker is what I've lived for, and the thought of doing it full time is the only thing that has driven me. I finally got the opportunity to put in volume the last couple months (without any external factors) after returning to college in August and getting financial Aid. Of course I have to use the funds for paying for classes/rent. Though Between september 21- Nov 1and now I've got a good amount volume, at least what I think is enough to be worth considering in order to get staked! I put in 900 mtt's with a $25 Abi and racked up 19k in earnings ) along with 7.5k cash game hands on GG alone. I also played coinpoker and a bit of acr however I wasnt using a hud. In that time I accumulated $19k in MTT cashes and pretty much broke even in 100NL. Admittedly I feel like I must add, in terms of Net MTT winnings im actually about -$1k, but I'm hoping you'll take into consideration that I played (6)$525 and (8)$250s in which I literally cashed for nothing in all 14 of those buy ins, so my winnings were purely at the middle stakes I mentioned earlier (ofcourse I can back all of this with my pokercraft/graphs) I I say that because I'm confident I can win at those stakes though admittedly have a lot to learn before I reg anything above them. If you anyones looking for players, and think I might be worth considering, I've got the handhistories for all the mtts and cashgames ready to go! If it makes any difference I have no qualms with departing from cash games, as I’ve spent a majority of my study times on MTTs. I thought it might be worth mentioning as they also took place during the same time frames I mentioned above, and I feel like it speaks towards the amount of volume I’m willing (and happy) to put in! Hope to hear back soon, and I appreciate you giving the opportunity. Given the chance, I would put my heart and soul into making money for any stable/staker, the same way I put do every day when I play. I can guarantee this level of volume at all times. I value the profitability (for myself) second to having the option to play Poker all day! Thank you for your time. (P.s. I also just included the proof that all of those winnings are from my stakes, and not a single cash in the 14 High stakes mtt's I played. I made my gg account on Sep 21 2024)
Discord: alluring_beetle_86654