Looking for NL25 / NL50 backer
Hello guys, i am looking for a backer. I mainly play Cashgames and my mail Limit is NL25/NL50. I have graphs to prove i am a decent winner on the limits i play.
I am going to play at least 5 days a week with at least 2k Hands per day, so going to play at least 40k hands a month on regular tables.
If anyone is interested or knows someone who stakes players, let me know.
My discord : ninos3756
2 Replies
Still looking for a Cashgame Staking
Looking to get staked on iPoker or CoinPoker, preferably iPoker since I enjoy playing 6max games more than the 7max ante games on CoinPoker.
I have been playing poker since 2019, I played NL50 on Pokerstars until 2020 before transforming to Live Poker.
Came back to Online Poker end 2024.

I am looking to play at least 10k Hands every week, so at least 40k a month but probably way more then that!
btw name on stars is : Ninos96 / you can check Statname or smarthand for results
on ps.es screenname is BiggestFishEver