Fat & Blokes Pubbington Capital LLP aka SPECIAL SE SYNDICATE

Fat & Blokes Pubbington Capital LLP aka SPECIAL SE SYNDICATE

A syndicate is a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest.


We are a self-organised group of individuals formed to transact some specific business, that piece of specific business being the full and total devastation of the bookmaking industry.

Each member (hereafter referred to as "Partner") of Fat & Blokes Pubbington Capital LLP ("FBPC LLP") aka Special SE Syndicate ("SSES") will contribute ten of the Queen's finest Pound Sterling into a common pot ("The Fund"). The Fund will be used to prosecute Investment Opportunities.

But how are wagers selected?

They are not wagers, they are Investments.

How are Investments selected?

There will be four groups of Partners: A, B, C and D. Partners will be allocated to groups in random fashion.

In week 1, each group A Partner will have the right (but not the obligation) to Lodge an Investment Proposal. Each Proposer will have the right (but not the obligation) to publish an Investment Prospectus in support of their Investment Proposal.

All Partners of FBPC LLP aka SSES will then have the right (but not the obligation) to vote on which of the Investment Proposals they most favour. The top three Proposals by votes attained will be Actioned. In the event of a drawn vote, Investments will be ranked according to timing of Lodgement (the earlier the Investment was Proposed, the higher the ranking).

In week 2 it is group B's turn to Lodge Investment Proposals, and so on.

What type of Investment Proposal may be Lodged?

Anything which can be Actioned on betfair may be Proposed. We have a wide range of specialist knowledge at our disposal and intend to exploit it fully.

The Proposal and voting process will last from Monday to Thursday. Investments will be Actioned on Friday.

Kindly note that Investments must be due to settle on or before June 1 2020 in order to be valid. Medium-term Investments are therefore eligible for Proposal.

How much Capital will be allocated to each Investment each week?

5% of The Fund's Capital will be placed on the #1 Investment Proposal by vote share, 4% on #2 and 3% on #3.

Who will escrow, and who will Action the Investments?

I will escrow for the British contingent. CPHoya has been nominated to hold Capital for the Americans. A mainland euro has not yet been found to hold mainland eurotard/rest of worldtard Capital, but will be. It is expected that Yank and Euro Capital will remain untouched for the duration. Please note that I am not responsible if CPHoya or the euro fanny off with their Capital.

This Fund structure ensures maximum security at minimum cost.

I will Action the Investments using betfair.

I'm not convinced. What's the point?

The point is that we are going to take advantage of two powerful factors in the pursuit of Profit. First, the unparalleled sports-based knowledge of this forum. Second, the well known phenomenon known as 'wisdom of crowds'.

In the year 1552 a crowd of English people were asked to estimate the weight of an Ox that had been brought to market. Lots of guesses were submitted, many wildly inaccurate. But when totalled up and averaged, the combined guess was merely two pounds from the true answer. The wisdom of crowds.

What else?

I will be providing regular updates on the Fund's performance vs a basket of Alternative Investment Vehicles. I will also be keeping an eye on the performance of each group of Partners.

The Fund aims to be up and running by 1 July 2019.

The Fund will be liquidated and Capital returned to the Partners on 1 June 2020 or when the bookies have all gone out of business whichever comes first.

List of Partners

Tall Paul
Fatal Checkraise
Eric Clipperton

We invite further Partners.

11 June 2019 at 09:06 PM

537 Replies


Tie for 2nd so i'll put 3% (£7.62) on both

Both Scottish games going ahead today after pitch inspections so come on JAGS and WARRIORS!

Looks like we're cursed, Patick thistle got pumped

lol Partick, losing 4-1 at home to a team who haven't won an away league game since March

Stenny couldn't win either, finished 1-1 :(

Fulham and Plop-Manure o3.5 investments are ON

**** me Ipswich score with their first shot


Liverpool are going to win 3-0 aren't they

After all 3 investments this weekend we are up a grand total of SEVENTY-TWO PENCE

Start of the comeback

We also have the all-important momentum now

ship it!

by POGcrazy94 k

We're not very good at this, are we? Hopefully OKC win tonight!

Is this a google doc that can be shared? Was just wondering what we still have open and hate to keep asking you every other week, lol.

should we issue holiday dividends to investors to start taking profits?

The sea of red
