2024 March Madness Bracket Pools
I'm back again to run the pool this year. I will escrow the money for the pools and am collecting zero fees for doing so.
Inflation is up, Stocks are at all time highs, I think we can bump up the entry fees a bit this year. One $75 Pool and One $300 Pool.
I'm going to run through Yahoo with the same scoring system as we've always used (2-3-5-7-11-15). Allowing a max of 4 brackets per person in the $75 and 3 brackets per person in the $300. Payouts will be determined by number of entrants, probably paying out around 3-5% of the entries depending on how many people enter. All brackets must be paid for by Noon Eastern on Thursday. Any Brackets that are not paid for by noon will be declared ineligible. If you send $$ after noon on Friday, your bracket will be disqualified and your money will be returned.
All entries must follow the format of Bracket Name = "2p2name" (1 through 3)
So for my 3 brackets in the Yahoo site, it's
Zimmer4141 (1)
Zimmer4141 (2)
Zimmer4141 (3)
This is a cash only pool. I'm not a crypto guy, I don't accept BTC or other crypto as payment. There are 2 ways to pay me.
Paypal or Zelle. That's it. I refuse to use Venmo after having issues with them two years ago.
Put your 2p2 name and your 2p2 name only in the memo line. Do not put anything related to gambling, madness, basketball, any of that. Don't be an idiot.
Send me a PM if you're interested. I will send you a Google Form to fill out, the link to the Yahoo pool with password, and my Payment Information.
This will immensely help me track payments and entries. I'm working a full time job and have a 2 year old at home, so I'd greatly appreciate if you make this as easy as possible on me.
Please post in this thread after you've submitted your payments and brackets and we will track entries in this thread as a double check to make sure everything's squared away.
Happy bracketing!
Entered 1 in the $300. Still open to additional side bets.
Shipped PayPal for 1 shot in the $300 LFG
I have every confidence in the world I am the only 300 entrant to predict (INSERT LUDICROUS BULLSHIT YOULL FIND OUT TOMORROW)
This will either go very well or annoyingly pointless
PMed Zimmer at 5pm EST still waiting on response. Just posting this here in case PM didn't go through or something. I'd like 3x $75 and 1x $300 please.
Nice hopefully you got heaps of PMs 😀.
I just filled out form and sent on paypal. Filling out brackets now.
ChipsAhoya, Please clear some PM's so I can send you the info.
Current entries:
75 Pool
Zimmer4141 - 4
rosseforp eht - 2
pwnsall - 4
AnyAce - 4
hateordiehere - 1
sgm04001 - 2
ReddBoiler - 1
TJEckleburg - 1
dabutterman - 3
High Impact - 2
AllinLoser - 4
Adam - 4
kingof299s - 3
warchant09 - 2
Gs3737 - 1
BillyBizzle - 4
StoppedRainingMen - 1
Dicebo - 4
Overthaline - 2
GoldenBears - 4
phoox - 4
Acura Cake - 1
Jordan Milo - 1
Royalfan - 4
ebes12 - 4
jmill - 1
WolfofBroadSt - 1
SmartDFS - 1
Toerazor - 1 (UNPAID)
Luckybacon - 1
Pokerbrat - 3
dw2k6 - 2
truesyalose - 3
Snook - 2
Hokiesid - 1
GoooooBigRed - 3
Bikram - 1
redirkulous - 2
ChiTownDuck1 - 2 (UNPAID)
GJ Bracket - 3
EddyB - 3
TBell - 3 (UNPAID)
JsTs - 4
GusJohnsonGOAT - 2
CabreraEra2 - 3 (109 total)
$300 Pool
Zimmer4141 - 3
pwnsall - 1
AnyAce - 1
sgm04001 - 2
dabutterman - 3
High Impact - 1
Adam - 1
kingof299s - 1
BillyBizzle - 2
StoppedRainingMen - 1
Dicebo - 2
GoldenBears - 3
Royalfan - 3
Ebes12 - 2
WolfofBroadSt - 1
Luckybacon - 1
Pokerbrat - 1
dw2k6 - 2
truesyalose - 1
redirkulous - 1
bhk2m - 3
ChiTownDuck1 - 1 (UNPAID)
gah345 - 1
Mark Evans - 3
Ross's Rad Bracket - 1
BlackFr1day - 1
Jpb383 - 1
TheDean1 - 3
GusJohnsonGOAT - 1
CabreraEra2 - 1 (49 total)
All Unpaid Brackets have until Noon Eastern Thursday or brackets will be forfeited.
Final update until tomorrow morning. Submissions are still accepted until noon Eastern tomorrow.
Current Discrepancies - Some people have responded to these but I'm just posting them here as a reminder and for my own record keeping. The only relevant deadline is noon tomorrow, but posting here just helps me keep track of everything:
BananaKendrick has submitted two brackets in the $75, I have no record of payment or a Google Form filled out. If payment is not received by noon Eastern on Thursday these will be disqualified.
Roger (High Impact) has submitted one bracket, I have payment for two. If the second bracket is not sumbitted I will refund the extra money.
Adam M. has paid for four brackets and submitted zero.
GJ Brackets has paid for 3 brackets and submitted two.
TBell has requested 3 brackets, yet to pay, and has submitted one.
In for $300 but inbox was full, sorry; deleted some messages but need the info and link still. thanks!
in for 3 x $75
Just paid for 2 X $75
2x75 1x300
Paid - 1 x $75 and 1 x $300
Cheers, Ned
Paid 4x $75
Paid: 2 x $75 and 1 x $300
Thanks as always! Glgl!
Current entries:
75 Pool
Zimmer4141 - 4
rosseforp eht - 2
pwnsall - 4
AnyAce - 4
hateordiehere - 1
sgm04001 - 2
ReddBoiler - 1
TJEckleburg - 1
dabutterman - 3
High Impact - 2
AllinLoser - 4
Adam - 4
kingof299s - 3
warchant09 - 2
Gs3737 - 1
BillyBizzle - 4
StoppedRainingMen - 1
Dicebo - 4
Overthaline - 2
GoldenBears - 4
phoox - 4
Acura Cake - 1
Jordan Milo - 1
Royalfan - 4
ebes12 - 4
jmill - 1
WolfofBroadSt - 1
SmartDFS - 1
Toerazor - 1
Luckybacon - 1
Pokerbrat - 3
dw2k6 - 2
truesyalose - 3
Snook - 2
Hokiesid - 1
GoooooBigRed - 3
Bikram - 1
redirkulous - 2
ChiTownDuck1 - 2
GJ Bracket - 3
EddyB - 3
TBell - 3 (UNPAID)
JsTs - 4
GusJohnsonGOAT - 2
CabreraEra2 - 3
younguns87 - 2
Flushtrated17 - 2
HellmuthWasRight - 3
No TOs in Crisler - 1
r0llin_game - 1
Ryhenicee - 2
Neddington - 1
nbajam - 1
ronnyhighroller - 2
Dannysek - 1 (125 total)
$300 Pool
Zimmer4141 - 3
pwnsall - 1
AnyAce - 1
sgm04001 - 2
dabutterman - 3
High Impact - 1
Adam - 1
kingof299s - 1
BillyBizzle - 2
StoppedRainingMen - 1
Dicebo - 2
GoldenBears - 3
Royalfan - 3
Ebes12 - 2
WolfofBroadSt - 1
Luckybacon - 1
Pokerbrat - 1
dw2k6 - 2
truesyalose - 1
redirkulous - 1
bhk2m - 3
ChiTownDuck1 - 1
gah345 - 1
Mark Evans - 3
Ross's Rad Bracket - 1
BlackFr1day - 1
Jpb383 - 1
TheDean1 - 3
GusJohnsonGOAT - 1
CabreraEra2 - 1
Ryhenicee - 1
Neddington - 1 (51 total)
All Unpaid Brackets have until Noon Eastern Thursday or brackets will be forfeited.
Submissions are still accepted until noon Eastern tomorrow.
Current Discrepancies - Some people have responded to these but I'm just posting them here as a reminder and for my own record keeping. The only relevant deadline is noon tomorrow, but posting here just helps me keep track of everything:
Kingof299s has paid for 3 brackets and submitted two.
BananaKendrick has submitted two brackets in the $75, I have no record of payment or a Google Form filled out. If payment is not received by noon Eastern on Thursday these will be disqualified.
Roger (High Impact) has submitted one bracket, I have payment for two. If the second bracket is not sumbitted I will refund the extra money.
GJ Brackets has paid for 3 brackets and submitted two.
TBell has requested 3 brackets, yet to pay, and has submitted one.
Fyi last call for side bets in the 300 bracket. I only have one bracket entered. PM if interested.
I'm in for 1 300 (under jcohen) and 0 75. just sent on pp
All PM's have been responded to. One hour until entries close!
Current entries:
75 Pool
Zimmer4141 - 4
rosseforp eht - 2
pwnsall - 4
AnyAce - 4
hateordiehere - 1
sgm04001 - 2
ReddBoiler - 1
TJEckleburg - 1
dabutterman - 3
High Impact - 2
AllinLoser - 4
Adam - 4
kingof299s - 3
warchant09 - 2
Gs3737 - 1
BillyBizzle - 4
StoppedRainingMen - 1
Dicebo - 4
Overthaline - 2
GoldenBears - 4
phoox - 4
Acura Cake - 1
Jordan Milo - 1
Royalfan - 4
ebes12 - 4
jmill - 1
WolfofBroadSt - 1
SmartDFS - 1
Toerazor - 1
Luckybacon - 1
Pokerbrat - 3
dw2k6 - 2
truesyalose - 3
Snook - 2
Hokiesid - 1
GoooooBigRed - 3
Bikram - 1
redirkulous - 2
ChiTownDuck1 - 2
GJ Bracket - 3
EddyB - 3
TBell - 3 (UNPAID)
JsTs - 4
GusJohnsonGOAT - 2
CabreraEra2 - 3
younguns87 - 2
Flushtrated17 - 2
HellmuthWasRight - 3
No TOs in Crisler - 1
r0llin_game - 1
Ryhenicee - 2
Neddington - 1
nbajam - 1
ronnyhighroller - 2
Dannysek - 1
Dug McDaniel's Tutor - 1
WichitaDM - 3
Tomrh - 1
timhardawayhatesu - 3 (133 total)
$300 Pool
Zimmer4141 - 3
pwnsall - 1
AnyAce - 1
sgm04001 - 2
dabutterman - 3
High Impact - 1
Adam - 1
kingof299s - 1
BillyBizzle - 2
StoppedRainingMen - 1
Dicebo - 2
GoldenBears - 3
Royalfan - 3
Ebes12 - 2
WolfofBroadSt - 1
Luckybacon - 1
Pokerbrat - 1
dw2k6 - 2
truesyalose - 1
redirkulous - 1
bhk2m - 3
ChiTownDuck1 - 1
gah345 - 1
Mark Evans - 3
Ross's Rad Bracket - 1
BlackFr1day - 1
Jpb383 - 1
TheDean1 - 3
GusJohnsonGOAT - 1
CabreraEra2 - 1
Ryhenicee - 1
Neddington - 1
jcohen - 1
Moooooody - 1
ChipsAhoya - 1
housenuts - 3 (57 total)
All Unpaid Brackets have until Noon Eastern Thursday or brackets will be forfeited.
Current Discrepancies
BananaKendrick has submitted two brackets in the $75, I have no record of payment or a Google Form filled out. If payment is not received by noon Eastern on Thursday these will be disqualified.
Roger (High Impact) has submitted one bracket, I have payment for two. If the second bracket is not sumbitted I will refund the extra money.
TBell has requested 3 brackets, yet to pay, and has submitted one.
send for 3*300
now to click buttons and enter