"Power Slap" - Brutal Extreme Fighting at Fountainbleau, LV Under Attack from Doctors
a dangerous kind of extreme fighting - Power Slap - has become popular in Las Vegas
competitors smack each other in the face until one is knocked out
"competitors are not allowed to defend themselves which means they can be struck on the head multiple times in the same place in one fight"
the sport is under attack from Doctors at the Brain Injury Association of America - see link
I'm on the side of the Doctors - this is just too, too much - how far will people stray into extremely dangerous territory for the sake of cheap entertainment_____?
to me it's really kinna sad that sports promoters, fans, and participants could sink to this low of a level
and that those responsible for deciding and regulating what is and is not legal in sports would be so lax as to allow this
3 Replies
Paige Van Zant did finally win a 'fight', which is further proof of just how dumb this is.
Brain health has never been a priority.
I'd slap the **** outta Cphoya.