MLB Scoragami using RHE
Some or many of you may know NFL scoragami (named by Jon Bois) is the process of pointing out new unique scores in the NFL. (ie no NFL game has ever ended 11-4 sio when one does this would be a scoragami)
Some have now brought this terminology to baseball as well, but it's stupid and boring as I think there has only been like 2 unique scores in the 20th century. It occurred to me though it might be fun to track unique RHE scores, meaning the runs hits and errors against the runs hits and errors. I'm sure quite a few happen each season.
Would anyone know how to go about doing this?
4 Replies
There are different ways you could approach it. Off the top of my head, you could start by grabbing Retrosheet to quickly get all of the games played prior to 2024 and rip your initial Scorigami matrix from that. Assuming you want real time updating, you'll need some kind of automated scraper that hits every {x} hours/minutes. Popular choice for that would be the MLB GameDay API which already has plenty of libraries written for R, python, etc.
As far as the comparator function and data viz goes, I'd have to think about the best way to implement those. Once you compute the initial matrix from past games you'll know where the gaps are, so brute forcing against that with every new box score pull isn't sexy. Like, maybe you could map all box scores to unique products of primes and create a hash table to check against? You also need a function to update the matrix with the new box scores.
i have no clue if it was correct but that was a solid answer
Down for it