NBA 2024-25 Season Thread

NBA 2024-25 Season Thread

Lettuce NBA!

and lettuce lol @ James Harden

) 9 Views 9
25 October 2023 at 12:08 AM

5925 Replies


Rudy's such a bitch, but honestly good on him for calling out sports betting post-game and eating what will definitely be a hefty fine.

**** needs to be gone yesterday

by RT k

Rudy's such a bitch, but honestly good on him for calling out sports betting post-game and eating what will definitely be a hefty fine.

**** needs to be gone yesterday

He may not be wrong, but he is going to get a huge fine, especially given his post-game comments.

by IntheFold k

Wembayana has a 16 yr old brother in French League thats good.

Might as well start tanking for Wemby2 now.

bro is only 6'7", pass!

His father, Félix, is Congolese and was a track and field athlete who competed in the high jump, long jump and triple jump. Victor's mother, Élodie de Fautereau, is a basketball coach and former player. Wembanyama's father and mother are 1.98 metres (6 ft 6 in) and 1.91 metres (6 ft 3 in) tall, respectively. His grandfather, Michel de Fautereau, played professional basketball, and his grandmother, Marie Christine, also played the sport.

yeah, that'll do it

by fidstar-poker k

How much has the game changed? Draymond Green just overtook Larry Bird in all time made 3s.

FWIW that what “longevity” stats (total stats) can do without context.
Draymond green better shooter then bird just look how many 3s he made ….

by bottomset k

They didn't play defense in the 80s either, teams just didn't shoot 3s like they should

It's pathetic how poorly the league and players adjusted to shots from a few feet further than midrange being worth 50% more points. Like Jordan was shooting fadeaways from 17 feet how could nobody figure out that spreading the offense and taking high value shots would work?

by Montrealcorp k

FWIW that what “longevity” stats (total stats) can do without context.
Draymond green better shooter then bird just look how many 3s he made ….

Try again, Bird has 99 career games played more than Draymond.

Obv bird a better shooter but this one's not about longevity.

by All-inMcLovin k


Wemby is still a rookie.

I am relaxed! He's best rookie in at least the past 13 years (even though he's barely been the best rookie this year overall) and I haven't seen anyone consistently go at him over and over like that.

by RT k

Rudy's such a bitch, but honestly good on him for calling out sports betting post-game and eating what will definitely be a hefty fine.

**** needs to be gone yesterday

Lol Gobert isn't a top 20 player in the league and makes almost 4M a month. Irving said something similar a year ago about sports betting hurting the game.

These guys should be happy people are gullible enough to live vicariously through them and bet on games they play.

You take away the ability to fire over the next 10 years and way less people are watching this stuff. Younger gens seem to be waking up and realizing whether Jayson Tautm shoots 10/18 and wins or 6/18 and loses doesn't really affect your life and he is making more in a few months than most will in their life either way.

Quit ****ing crying Rudy

by Carnivore k

Try again, Bird has 99 career games played more than Draymond.

Obv bird a better shooter but this one's not about longevity.

It is unless draymond retired next year. ….
They both have 12 years in.

Total stats are very bad to discern who the best is .
Some should take this into consideration in another thread .

by bottomset k

They didn't play defense in the 80s either, teams just didn't shoot 3s like they should

Tell that to those who face the 80s piston.

by Carnivore k

It's pathetic how poorly the league and players adjusted to shots from a few feet further than midrange being worth 50% more points. Like Jordan was shooting fadeaways from 17 feet how could nobody figure out that spreading the offense and taking high value shots would work?

Sure, but so much stuff in hindsight seems obvious... What gets to me though, is when you are (slightly) ahead of your time and point out something (that will become) obvious and people lol at you because it is not universally accepted/approved 🙄

by RT k

Rudy's such a bitch, but honestly good on him for calling out sports betting post-game and eating what will definitely be a hefty fine.

**** needs to be gone yesterday

people need to start realizing that it isn't literally rigged (the outcome). it's rigged in that the companies can limit winning players. how this is allowed is beyond me, but lots of content creators who are very opinionated on lots of different social issues are not talking about how sports betting was set up to be incredibly predatory and anti free market

Taxes. They pay a lot in taxes. That's how.

by Montrealcorp k

Tell that to those who face the 80s piston.

you think the dirty as **** Pistons are the pinnacle of defense? that garbage was disgraceful, it's like being a fan of the Saints circa 08-09 in the nfl, or the dirty tackles trying hurt Neymar, Messi, can't actually defend them just get cheapshot kicks on their legs and hope it slows them down

there's more court to guard and players are much better shooters, the defense now is leagues better than the 80s but it couldn't keep up with offense improvements

by bottomset k

you think the dirty as **** Pistons are the pinnacle of defense? that garbage was disgraceful, it's like being a fan of the Saints circa 08-09 in the nfl, or the dirty tackles trying hurt Neymar, Messi, can't actually defend them just get cheapshot kicks on their legs and hope it slows them down

there's more court to guard and players are much better shooters, the defense now is leagues better than the 80s but it couldn't keep up with offense improvements

you think dumars and rodman were a joke ?

Ridiculous 100k fine handed to Gobert

**** Adam Silver

Some refs are straight bitches and deserved to be called out.

$100k is the max allowed by the CBA. They'd have gone harder if they could've. The league doesn't play with guys calling out their incompetent refs.

by vinivici9586 k

people need to start realizing that it isn't literally rigged (the outcome). it's rigged in that the companies can limit winning players. how this is allowed is beyond me, but lots of content creators who are very opinionated on lots of different social issues are not talking about how sports betting was set up to be incredibly predatory and anti free market

brb taking to the streets in defense of the greatest social issue of our times, the biggest victims of capitalism, high stakes gamblors #hablablabvogororoslivesmatter

also i think it's way less about rigging outcomes of games, because thats very obvious, draws a lot of attention and really upsets ppl, and more about rigging the more specific things like o/u, spreads, quarter/half stuff, # of free throws, etc. stuff they can easily control but are way harder to notice, pretty sure tim donaghy admitted all this. it's why you get these weird games where 1 of the 3 refs is calling a billion fouls and throwing techs around and everyone is like wtf

by RT k

$100k is the max allowed by the CBA. They'd have gone harder if they could've. The league doesn't play with guys calling out their incompetent refs.

Poor timing to kick Minny down after the Kat injury.

I wouldn't pay! Or I'd draw it out until the last moments before I needed to pay.

du cash, mon pote / de l'argent direct, intime

pretty sure neither are correct, fu google translate

by Montrealcorp k

Tell that to those who face the 80s piston.

I'm just glad I got to watch the golden era of the NBA, late 80s-early 90s. It will never get better than that. Talent density was probably at an all time high in 88-89 just before expansion took over. So competitive, so intense. I have a gf who is obsessed with the NBA. I have to watch regular season games every time I see her (4 times a week). They're all just glorified all-star games now. The rules have changed so much that players are basically not even allowed to play defense. That 89 Pistons team (the one with Mahorn) was probably the best team in the history of the game before Golden State got Durant. So deep. They basically had two playoff starting lineups. So many HOFers.

BTW for the life of me I'll never understand how Mark Aguirre is not a hall of famer. Pure scandal. Dude was a pure scorer, dominant in college and the NBA. So versatile. Had a million crafty post up moves in the paint and could shoot the 3. Led the Nuggets to the Western Conference finals in 88 vs the Lakers, forced a game 7. Which alone is an amazing achievement. Also led DePaul to the final four in 79 (it's the basketball HOF not NBA) Sacrificed stats to be a key member of the Pistons championship runs but the dude was still indispensable to the team. We win zero championships without him. In the 91 playoffs Aguirre was the key reason the Pistons even reached the Eastern Conference finals to get swept by the Bulls as Isiah was already over the hill with a permanent bad hand. Ok rant over. Carry on everyone.

by Montrealcorp k

you think dumars and rodman were a joke ?

Anyone who thinks that Pistons team was a dirty team either never actually watched them play or they're the kind've person who uncritically believes whatever they watch on youtube. That said I do think Laimbeer was dirty. But that's one player. Calling Rodman dirty, Mahorn dirty, Dumars dirty, etc just displays a complete ignorance of the team. We had one dirty player with everyone else who just played hard, beautiful basketball every night. Calling the Pistons dirty is as absurd as calling any of the Warriors teams dirty cuz they had Draymond on their team. It's dumb. So much of how those Pistons teams are viewed is myth over reality.

People really think Gobert has a point and Scott Foster is rigging games? His comments are absurd and calling into question the integrity of the game is pathetic given how well he is compensated.

Qnbanon up in here

yes, i really hope that aim permas anyone who dares to question the integrity of the great scott foster


Foster has been labeled as the worst referee in the NBA by anonymous players polls ranging from 2016 to 2023.[1][2][3] He has also been nicknamed "The Extender" because teams trailing in playoff series have often won games he has officiated, thus lengthening the number of games played.[4][5]

Records show disgraced referee Tim Donaghy placed 134 calls to referee Scott Foster — more than the 126 calls Donaghy made to his girlfriend — between October 2006 and April 2007, the period during which he has confessed to either betting on games or passing on game information to gamblers. The majority of the phone calls lasted no more than two minutes and occurred prior to and after games Donaghy officiated and on which he admits wagering.[6]
