NBA 2024-25 Season Thread

NBA 2024-25 Season Thread

Lettuce NBA!

and lettuce lol @ James Harden

) 9 Views 9
25 October 2023 at 12:08 AM

5937 Replies


Klay not spending the rest of this game and postseason not playing a second is evidence kerr has zero ****ing clue what he’s doing

Dumbass Sabozo!

Steph clearly done giving a ****

just bet my life savings on Warriors to win +320 i'm a real believer

Trade Wiggins for parts

Let Klay **** off to china

Fire kerr

Let's see if we can hang on for dear life!

klay 0 pts on 10 shots, tight tight tight yeah

Honestly if Klay gets a garbage time basket that would make me madder than dubs losing. That clownass needs to finish with 0

Klay gets atleast 60m gtd this offseason fwiw


Keegs has arrived, son. Recognize

Man I wanted the warriors to sneak into the playoffs so I could bet everything on OKC -whatever, would’ve been the freest money in history

RIP the Warriors, a decade of absolute greatness. Changed the game and put together the best team I’ve ever seen. Time remains undefeated.

by TimM846 k

Man I wanted the warriors to sneak into the playoffs so I could bet everything on OKC -whatever, would’ve been the freest money in history

Warriors probably woud've got some respect in that spot too, tough to say how much

by TimM846 k

Man I wanted the warriors to sneak into the playoffs so I could bet everything on OKC -whatever, would’ve been the freest money in history

Still pretty free, imo. Looked not great for Zion and if he’s out then NO would be dead. SAC already walking dead. GSW woulda got better odds though.

by Onlydo2days k

Warriors probably woud've got some respect in that spot too, tough to say how much

Yeah OKC will kill any of these teams but I wanted it to be GS because the line would’ve been stupidly low.

Glad to see Klay going out in turd flames.

Always thought he was a little bitch.

Steph and Draymond too.

Steph for chewing on his mouthpiece and Draymond for being Draymond.

I piss on their corpses.

I'm happy I can now watch all playoff games on league pass and not need to wait 3 days.

by Onlydo2days k

Klay gets atleast 60m gtd this offseason fwiw

Can't wait to see who'll be dumb enough to pay him.

lol craptors

by Booker Wolfbox k

Can't wait to see who'll be dumb enough to pay him.

Magic prob

80K parlay to win 1.1 million? Gonna need the deets on those legs.

Thats a huge score - they should put it in one of those ads!

by vinivici9586 k

lol craptors

Funny enough, he lost on the parlay that included a Raptors loss. Apparently had a 40% ROI on that account anyway, lol sample size though.

by RT k

Magic prob

you shut yer mouth
