NBA 2024-25 Season Thread

NBA 2024-25 Season Thread

Lettuce NBA!

and lettuce lol @ James Harden

) 9 Views 9
25 October 2023 at 12:08 AM

5930 Replies


Antman is BOX OFFICE!

This is flair! This is Showtime!

by Schlitz mmmm k

This is flair! This is Showtime!

Lol antman had 9 at the half. Dude is Jordan lite with how he can take over a game!

i was fine with the KD and beal deals, thought both made sense at time given all avail info and what youre trying to do

thought nurkic, allen for ayton was pretty bad...ayton was popular scapegoat for that team so no one really cared but hes way better than nurk

although at the same time ayton is a headcase who would've probably never accepted being 4th on the team in shots and playing more of a rebounding/D role so maybe they had to do it

edit: also think i posted at time of gobert deal i was fine with it, a year later figured that was an absurd and bad take and he im fine with it again

by Onlydo2days k

edit: also think i posted at time of gobert deal i was fine with it, a year later figured that was an absurd and bad take and he im fine with it again

I quite liked the idea at the time (though it was obviously too much to give) and bet their wins over last season. Not sure what last season was but it seems to have turned out non-awful

Might just be all Ant tho

Worth noting I also liked Suns this series haha so I might just give up having an opinion tbh

Tim Legler said Wolves were the de facto worst opponent matchup wise for the Suns.

KD unlucky. Boo hoo so sad. Wait no, I’m glad!

Revisionist history, it was the other way around

by bottomset k

Revisionist history, it was the other way around

Nope. Suns were always going to be too small vs the Wolves when you had twig boy Durant at the 4.

I didn't watch the game but now the hell do Durant/Booker go 25 for 38, with Booker going 20-21 from the foul line to combine for 82 points and the Suns still lose?

Boxscore says: 3 point shooting vs expert mid-range jumpshooting

It's always been the Suns' flaw

7 fewer offensive boards and slightly losing the turnover battle will do it too. Possessions and shot-selection

Antman is that dude. That dude who done did this. That’s what happened to the Suns.

He beat the Suns AND the Zebras last night.

That is why I liked the Gobert trade, that was the offseason they had to make a big move while Ant was still on his rookie deal. They gave up a lot but now atleast if Ant is HIM, you have an actual contender rather than just a 5 seed.

Same reason I liked the Mitchell/Cavs deal if Mobley could become HIM, he just didn't and basically plateaued after his rookie year.

These small market teams have to take risks for the most part, and everyone is gonna be getting that new Amazon money anyway. Not like you gotta declare bankruptcy if you end up having to suck for a few years in 2028.

Suns should trade Durant. But will they?

Acquiring Beal when he retained his no trade clause was dumb dumb dumb. Not like you could get anything for him these days anyway though.

by All-inMcLovin k

Suns should trade Durant. But will they?

Acquiring Beal when he retained his no trade clause was dumb dumb dumb. Not like you could get anything for him these days anyway though.

why was it a bad deal? CP was totally washed, injury prone in playoffs and a bad fit for the booker/KD team

the only reason they were even able to get beal for his corpse is because beal forced his way there

i think almost every GM does that deal in that spot, i dont really see what the alternative would be. What other bullets could they fire?

just didnt work out, happens

To show what CPs value was in "non-beal forced trades", he got dealt for jordan poole and became the warriors backup PG like a month later

Well Beal was oft injured (missed 30 regular season games) and doesn’t really fit with Booker/Durant. I don’t know who they could’ve got but a decent pg (someone like Tyus Jones comes to mind) or some type of wing defender would’ve been much better.

yeah I dunno what else an expiring CP3 could fetch at that point

no one is really looking to cut salary with the cap going up every yr cause the new TV $ so it isnt like say bulls will just give you Vuc/Caruso to get off $ or something

i remember a few days before the trade, the rumor was they were just going to not exercise CPs team option and let him walk (which seemed puzzling since teams always use TOs as trade pieces but does show how little value he had)

the ayton deal happened in the thick of the nfl season so other than thinking it was terrible, i dont really remember reading much about it at the time. I remember Simmons said he thought people were underrating how bad a deal it was but didn't seem to be any reasoning given about suns reason for doing it besides what was already known about ayton (hes a malcontent......In a Jokic dominated conference, taking a downgrade at center seemed pretty bad to me

No way would Ayton “fit in” by playing hard D and rebounding as the #4 option.

I remember an interview he gave when he was a rookie and they asked him what he most looked forward to in his new nba career.

He replied that he looked forward to his second contract, with a big dumb **** eating grin on his face. He’s clearly not a professional “team guy” and has twisted priorities.

by All-inMcLovin k

No way would Ayton “fit in” by playing hard D and rebounding as the #4 option.

I remember an interview he gave when he was a rookie and they asked him what he most looked forward to in his new nba career.

He replied that he looked forward to his second contract, with a big dumb **** eating grin on his face. He’s clearly not a professional “team guy” and has twisted priorities.

Yeah, but also if he is that big of a headcase that you gotta basically axe him for Nurkic/Grayson Allen, then you're probably gonna be talent deficient enough that you can't really turn the CP trade chip into like Tyus Jones and PJ Washington or something.

You need to gamble on a supposed star being a star. Justifies the Beal trade/gamble even more I'd say.

It was a somewhat unenviable situation for a team with 2 top 15ish players. All of a sudden 2/3rds of their big 3 core from the finals team had basically become toxic overnight.

Fair enough. All valid points.

I backed up 1u on Lakers ML +210 tonight.

I ****in love me some Charles Barkley.

yeah idk what the suns do next. probably need a guard who can handle the ball and a big man, no cap space or draft picks but need to be deeper, so maybe they can find one of those deals for beal where you get a bunch of guys in return who aren't great and kind of overpaid, but can at least play in a good rotation without embarrassing themselves. or if durant/booker want out. not sure what else they can do, shuffle the other pieces like grayson/nurk, for whatever that's worth...

The guy who looks like a grown up baby. Derrick white with 22 pts so far in 1H

RIP Porzingis.
