Just 8 days until Florida State plays Georgia Tech!

A lot happened while you were away:

Texas and Oklahoma joined the SEC

The Pac-12 went out in a blaze of glory:
Oregon, Washington, USC and UCLA are headed to the B1G
Utah, Arizona, Arizona State and Colorado are headed to the B12
Cal and Stanford along with SMU are somehow headed to the ACC
Poor old Wazzu and Oregon State are now aligned with the MWC in some sort of in-flux relationship

The conferences are huge now, and the schedules are wildly imbalanced. Florida might have the hardest schedule in the history of the sport, while Missouri's playing a sun-belt slate.

FSU and Clemson play each other, but then play ZERO common ACC opponents

Utah/Baylor and Arizona/Kansas State play non-conference games against conference opponents

LSU and USC play in Vegas!

Boise goes to Oregon, a team they've never lost to!

Texas at Michigan!

Alabama at Wisconsin!

Notre Dame at ATM!

Clemson vs Georgia!

And there are some incredibly juicy new conference matchups:

Texas @ ATM is back!

Texas vs Georgia

Oregon vs Ohio State

USC @ Michigan

USC vs Penn State

And then the bizarre:

UCLA @ Rutgers is now a conference game

Syracuse plays home and away against Cal and Stanford for some reason

Half the teams have new coaches, transferred quarterbacks, or both!

Let's get it on!

) 7 Views 7
16 August 2024 at 04:28 PM

5954 Replies


The entertainment potential is unlimited.

But in the meantime and on an optimistic note,

Gratz heels!

Sounds like it might not be official official, but I don’t see how it doesn’t become official if this is where we are at.

This guy is the main source for the report, I believe.

by Holliday k

I am unfamiliar with sad blue man. Why is he so sad?

Hadn’t thought of someone good enough to be sure of getting a middle-4 spot if they tank. I guess that would change the math, but round 2 home games seem like an easy fix.

The Colts are 14-0. They pulled Manning at half time to protect him from injuries in 'meaningless games.' I have been warning people ever since.

In the current set up it seems unlikely that team would try a swiss gambit and tank the game. They would have to be: 11-0, eager to avoid the CCG, not have a tie-breaker over the next team in. That's a lot of ducks.

More likely is a case I said above where a team is playing their OOC rival and decides to protect their qb from an injury in a 'meaningless game.'

on GOAT to UNC, what do the Tarheels really have to lose? A few years of falling short of their peak 9 win seasons?

Teams are absolutely already playing for the CFB. There is no way you can look at how Cignetti called that IU game against OSU and not think it was anything other than "We're gonna lose, but let's play it close so it's a "quality loss'"

He's never going to admit it, but every clock management decision was clearly chosen to try and get to a close final score at the expense of any possible win equity, however small it was.

That's fine, it's the system we have, but to say coaches/teams won't do it is kinda out there

by tarheels2222 k

Sounds like it might not be official official, but I don’t see how it doesn’t become official if this is where we are at.

This guy is the main source for the report, I believe.

seemed to work for moses with the ten commandments
why not this guy?

400 pages?!?!?!

The entertainment has already begun! Thank you, Jesus!

by DeadMoneyWalking k

The Colts are 14-0. They pulled Manning at half time to protect him from injuries in 'meaningless games.' I have been warning people ever since.

In the current set up it seems unlikely that team would try a swiss gambit and tank the game. They would have to be: 11-0, eager to avoid the CCG, not have a tie-breaker over the next team in. That's a lot of ducks.

More likely is a case I said above where a team is playing their OOC rival and decides to protect their qb from an injury in a 'meani

Since PSU arguably has an easier path than Oregon they might not have deliberately been playing a swiss gambit in the CCG but they are getting the rewards of having played one.

So much Nepotism in coaching. I dont really follow ncaa but NFL is loaded with it, they all take care of each others kids, give them jobs

Why is Colorado playing BYU in a bowl? How many times has a bowl had two teams from the same conference?

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by Rublicious k

Why is Colorado playing BYU in a bowl? How many times has a bowl had two teams from the same conference?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's definitely happened before

And will happen more as teams from the same conference play each other less frequently

8 team G5 NIT would be kind of fun:

the 4 remaining conf champs:

then 4 at larges:

1 Army vs 8 Washington St
4 JVST vs 5 Memphis
2 Ohio vs 7 UNLV
3 Marshall vs 6 Tulane

Can't include P4 teams, hard enough to get them to play 1 extra game much less 3

Would also create weird situations, as G5 confernece winners and at-larges are also the most likely teams to get their HCs poached

probably too many issues to make it work

by GoldenBears k

It's definitely happened before

And will happen more as teams from the same conference play each other less frequently

Think some bowls are using last years tie ins as well

Nando to Indiana

One of my favorite Cal players in a long time, will root for him, hope he does well there. Good kid, can't blame him.

seems like a good move by UNC, who cares if it doesn't work? their opportunity cost is quite low compared to an nfl team

any team can become a perennial playoff contender quite easily and should be looking to find the next mcvay/ryans/lafleur/KOC/shanahan type to coach them for the next 10 years. Little tougher to hire a 73 y/o who flamed out badly in his last stop. But some college program that is never relevant but seems to have the potential to have financial resources makes sense.

I'll believe the Belichick move to UNC when it happens. Only the son in succession thing seems to make sense. And if he takes it/they take him he'll suck. At recruiting he sucks, at offensive schemes he sucks, at the treatment of players (paramount in today's environment) he sucks triple. Meh.

it's official

welcome to the Hill Bill

Is the UNC program desperate enough that this nonsense makes sense? I don’t doubt BB’s name mattering but what in the hell does he know about recruiting or dealing with transfers? Patriot way doesn’t really fly in college these days

by StoppedRainingMen k

Is the UNC program desperate enough that this nonsense makes sense? I don’t doubt BB’s name mattering but what in the hell does he know about recruiting or dealing with transfers? Patriot way doesn’t really fly in college these days

So you appoint a general manager to do the HR work. What is does know is what NFL teams value and how to make his players more valuable to the NFL. Great for the brighter top end players that realize there is where they will make their real money; valueless to the average player.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Is the UNC program desperate enough that this nonsense makes sense?


by GoldenBears k

Nando to Indiana

One of my favorite Cal players in a long time, will root for him, hope he does well there. Good kid, can't blame him.


I can only see confirmation he's entering the portal. I'm assuming you know people that know people. Cool either way

by Polarbear1955 k

So you appoint a general manager to do the HR work. What is does know is what NFL teams value and how to make his players more valuable to the NFL. Great for the brighter top end players that realize there is where they will make their real money; valueless to the average player.

The top end is a small sample size each season. And they all have the best programs pitching a similar message with good results. Maximizing NIL will continue to be more and more attractive to most players. And it does sound like Bill is focused on NIL funding.

Whether winning at a high level is the end result or not, Belichick has some traits this program desperately needs, particularly discipline, preparation, and accountability.

time will tell how all this translates to wins and losses on the field (and that is what matters in the end ldo), but BB isn't going to CH to dilly-dally. he's about putting pelts on the wall

good on him for showing up on campus w a 400 page mainifesto. slap the suits about the face and ask them are you serious about becoming a player in cfb? over the past several days, i'm guessing BB did this in a roundabout way

we've already got one hand tied behind our backs by not being a member of a P2 conference. BB understands that. yet he's willing to come to CH, roll up his sleeves, and get to work at what will undoubtedly be his final bite at the apple

he won't suffer any fools. that much is certain

by FellaGaga-52 k

I'll believe the Belichick move to UNC when it happens. Only the son in succession thing seems to make sense. And if he takes it/they take him he'll suck. At recruiting he sucks, at offensive schemes he sucks, at the treatment of players (paramount in today's environment) he sucks triple. Meh.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Is the UNC program desperate enough that this nonsense makes sense? I don’t doubt BB’s name mattering but what in the hell does he know about recruiting or dealing with transfers? Patriot way doesn’t really fly in college these days

I would need to ask whatever intern was told to read the manifesto and condense it to three sentences.

Probably just wanted to coach at the same school where his girlfriend will be taking classes.

by marknfw k

Probably just wanted to coach at the same school where his girlfriend will be taking classes.
