*** 2024 NFL SWAMI ***

*** 2024 NFL SWAMI ***

Welcome back once again to the 11th ANNUAL NFL SWAMI SEASON!!!

For reference, see the last full season here:

) 3 Views 3
03 September 2024 at 03:38 AM

1368 Replies


Can tech support please abstain me from the Titans and Colts game.



I made my picks on Wednesday, now I hate them.

Oh well, guess we’ll see if SPENCER RATTLERBOT can be a thing

by TJ Eckleburg12 k


that might be taking the bot invasion too far lol

by Bidz k

dogbot rolls over to accept favebot belly skritches

At the risk of jinxing it, I am perfect so far and all of my picks in the afternoon windows are currently winning. 😵

by cokeboy99 k

At the risk of jinxing it, I am perfect so far and all of my picks in the afternoon windows are currently winning. 😵

time stamping the inflection point

I hope you do it

Mr Perfect is a smug ass and needs some company 😃

by Bidz k

I hope you do it

Mr Perfect is a smug ass and needs some company 😃

I just realized I picked all favorites this week. Let's see if Favebot and I tie.

by POGcrazy94 k

Congrats RED for being so GREEN!

by REDeYeS00 k

thanks, but have a hunch it ends this week.

must have a lions win and only one other loss to maintain green

by cokeboy99 k

I just realized I picked all favorites this week. Let's see if Favebot and I tie.

hey, there it is
what a coinky-dink

by REDeYeS00 k

hey, there it is
what a coinky-dink

Only 2 or 3 others who did the same. Ugh. Just my luck if I do have a perfect week, it will be a tie.

Mistakes were made. Jesus Christ. From a win last week to not even triple digits before SNF this week.

Let's go BUNGLES and BILLS for perfection

by POGcrazy94 k

Let's go BUNGLES and BILLS for perfection

Same here

Week 6 Standings, 12 of 14 complete!:

mrsbidz - 679
POGcrazy94 - 679
cokeboy99 - 679
royalblue - 585
esad - 567
All-inMcLovin - 516
nyc999 - 470
Cbids - 469
AdSki16 - 459
REDeYeS00 - 454
Vilica - 454
mrsyippeekiyay - 441
MrWookie - 411
MrsWookie - 409
MaqEvil - 407
2P2BOT - 404
GTO2.0 - 398
CowboyCold - 397
TechSupport - 388
Aaronk56_Son - 376
marknfw - 369
Bode-ist - 368
TJ_Eckleburg12 - 365
Yippee-Ki-Yay - 361
Precept24 - 356
TomAmes - 334
Bidz - 330
Jeremy517 - 327
lozen - 310
GusJohnsonGOAT - 299
lukethefluke - 246
bradha26 - 224
chuckleslovakian - 212
mstechsupport - 208
Housenuts - 185
Rawlz517 - 170
Needle77 - 148
AussieJack - 104
eyebooger - 91
mattew88 - 58

by cokeboy99 k

I just realized I picked all favorites this week. Let's see if Favebot and I tie.

I'm beginning to see where I went astray.

by CowboyCold k

"Man's best friend" his ass!

without looking (which I'm about to do anyway lol) I can say without a doubt in the world that the mrs would never pick the giants nor never pick against the bills

so you all ride together 😃

by Bidz k

without looking (which I'm about to do anyway lol) I can say without a doubt in the world that the mrs would never pick the giants nor never pick against the bills

so you all ride together 😃

We may need her to help determine the game of the week next week. Lol

by Bidz k

Week 6 Standings, 12 of 14 complete!:

mrsbidz - 679
POGcrazy94 - 679
cokeboy99 - 679

Obvious collusion. Ban all of them.

Definitely needs to be an investigation.
