2024 NFL Game Thread - Week 14
Green Bay Packers @ Detroit Lions (-3.5)
Cleveland Browns @ Pittsburgh Steelers (-6.5)
Atlanta Falcons
Savage. Sick route
Lol that was DPI. No restriction my ass. The receiver almost caught it.
And just like that... the MVP is gone
Thank that line judge for missing the blatant false start on Ram RT
JAWSH is drunk as a lord.
Holy **** Carnell didn't teach his son that. Awful coverage.
Imagine picking 4th and 15 as the time you’re gonna go with the laziest defense ever
Underthrown ball never fails.
That call just dropped their WP% a ton.
Lol why the hell would you burn a timeout here
"It changes the entire complexity of the last minute of the game."
I want me one of these ****ing talking jobs!
McDumbass definitely tripped over his own dick here
Just saw a Jawsh super stat on my TV screen. Is Dom doing graphics for FOX?
lmao at that sneak
gjge mcderpmott
Unforgivably stupid by mcdipshit
So to save maybe 3 or 4 seconds mcdumb**** calls a timeout that not being wasted woulda given them a legit choice to kick it downfield and hold
Bills stay the bills. Always
Brady's idea sounds kind of risky
Lololololololol what the actual ****
So the bills are just the stupidest team in football then?
Why not take a game ending touchback for the loss. Sure why not
A case where kicking FG instead of going for TD was a reasonable strategy for Bills.