SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

Welcome to the Official SE Politics Thread. The aim here is for high quality political discussion and debate. The concomitant aim here is for that high quality discussion and debate to NOT devolve into MAD posting, BAD posting, trolling, name-calling our community fracture.

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3. This will be enforced loosely, but you are obligated to outline your basic position on whatever issue you're debating. We will not have loaded, gotcha-style internet-standard race to the bottom terrible posting in this thread. That does not mean you have to state every closely-held belief in every debate. You just can't hide the ball. "I'm not sure what my position is" is a completely valid position to hold.

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There is a tradition in SE of better, fuller, funnier discussion of a really wide range of topics. Let's continue that here.

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03 December 2015 at 07:37 PM

1134 Replies


How many can we get to? This is incredible lol

GUILTY on all counts. Wowwww

by 72off k

i mean in the video they said that poll and whatever was commissioned by the dem party. also there was the segment about the similar wapo polling. are they both secretly controlled by COMMUNIST CHINA? do you think they're inventing this idea that young ppl have negative opinions about usa#1, the world, the future, etc? (basically everything)

No, I think it's an opinion piece based on this poll which has suspect methodology and a MoE of 5.8%, but whatever, some polls are better than others. The bigger issue is the piece doesn't even seem the same thing the poll it's referencing does.

Regardless, yeah, I would assume THE YOUTH ain't happy.

Anyway, Ladies and Gents we got 'em. Of the two sweeps I've endured this week, I enjoyed this one much more.

Convicted felons are ineligible to vote in Florida. He'll have to ask Ron for his voting rights back after serving his sentence. That's nice

Edit: I was wrong here. Apparently Florida defers to the state in which a person is convicted to determine if they disenfranchise a felon. Because NY has reasonable laws that allows felons to vote, Trump would still be allowed to vote.

lock him up?

by 72off k

lock him up?

Best we can do is probation and "Out on Bail" shirts out by Friday.

Might take a ~5% hit at the polls tho, so that's something.

yeah i was literally just about to say: now to find out that those poles saying that 30-33% of republicans wouldn't vote for him if he's convicted of anything are complete bs. i mean, not the poles, but the ppl saying that. "never trumpers" are ~1%

this is from 3 weeks ago, so obviously everything has gotten even worse since they moved into rafah. genocide joe still isn't even trying to stop this, honestly he should resign. and not just because of this. **** off and die already

here's another one of hasan talking to an aid worker for a fundraiser. i think they're both worth watching, even as soul-crushing as it is

Donald Trump's political career has been one long demonstration that the legal structures that were supposed to be the bedrock of the rule of law are worthless. Impeachment was no match for a cynically disciplined political party. The Emoluments Clause and the Insurrection Clause are words on paper that the Supreme Court chose not to read. Even a well-tested prosecution machine like the Espionage Act is nothing that a determined judge can't rig her way around.

What caught up with Donald Trump was not the majesty of the republic but a civil suit for sexually assaulting someone in a department-store changing room and lying about it, and another civil suit for cooking the books on his property assessments, and now the criminal charges for covering up his hush-money payments. He is, as a matter of legal record, a rapist, a fraud, and a felon, on the edge of financial ruin and at risk of imprisonment.

i'd like to see ol donny wriggle his way out of this jam...


He might yet return to the White House, but he'll go there as a convicted crook.

ladies and gentlemen, we got him

What is the solution with the Supreme Court.

The right wing judges have taken off their mask and are now in full villain mode.

Recuse myself for a legit reason? Naaaaa not me I'm on the Supreme Court bitch so I can do what I want.

The liberal justices need to fight fire with fire instead of pretending like they matter. It's 6-3 so no you don't matter in their eyes.

If I were Jackson, I'd go nuclear. I'd walk into that POS Robert's office, stand on his desk, drop my pants AND TAKE A BIG FAT DUMP ON IT.

They've made it clear there's no repercussions to their actions so the Liberals needs to abuse the system until it breaks.

Make sure to take the dump with your robe on too, to make it more ceremonial.

by Chilltown k

What is the solution with the Supreme Court.

1) Keep a Democrat in the White House for the next 12-16 years until a few die so they can replace them.

2) Get 50%+1 Reps and 67 Senators and start impeaching and removing

3) Politically motivated violence

None of those are happening so, dumps for days I guess

The solution is to pour some booze into this (turns out i was right about everything hillary mug)

Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors — a group that he joked included “98 percent of my Jewish friends” — that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States, according to participants in the roundtable event with him in New York. “One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave,” Trump said on May 14, according to donors at the event.


by Chilltown k

What is the solution with the Supreme Court.

The right wing judges have taken off their mask and are now in full villain mode.

Recuse myself for a legit reason? Naaaaa not me I'm on the Supreme Court bitch so I can do what I want.

The liberal justices need to fight fire with fire instead of pretending like they matter. It's 6-3 so no you don't matter in their eyes.

If I were Jackson, I'd go nuclear. I'd walk into that POS Robert's office, stand on his desk, drop my pants AND TAKE A BIG FAT DUMP ON I

It won’t happen but the actual solution is for biden to campaign on a promise to expand the court to 11 to negate the clear biases of Alito and Thomas if he gets re-elected and Dems take and control Congress/senate. Campaign on the Garland lie when they forced ACB after that charlatan feminist died. Basically campaign that roe being overturned is clear evidence that the right isn’t ****ing around so they can’t be allowed to keep on keeping on

But more likely there will be some nonsensical appeal to decency and the right lols their way to the presidency, senate, and indiscriminate vague vengeance

by RT k

1) Keep a Democrat in the White House for the next 12-16 years until a few die so they can replace them.

2) Get 50%+1 Reps and 67 Senators and start impeaching and removing

3) Politically motivated violence

None of those are happening so, dumps for days I guess

depending on if term limits would require a constitutional amendment or not. does "hold their offices during good behaviour" necessarily mean FOR LIFE? but who would even get to determine that? the supreme court themselves? lol

the obvious ideal solution is a single 18 yr term limit, going into effect immediately with the longest sitting justice getting term limited in 2 years. then every president would be appointing 2 justices for a "non-politically motivated term" or whatever the made up reason for life terms was. you could even make it so the justices leaving would be moved to "senior status" thus not being kicked out per say but not hearing cases, thus not triggering the "good behaviour" thing in the constitution since they aren't technically removed.

if he isn't being invited to be arrested ... or executed, then just wrap it up. seriously. joever

now!? joe brandon has literally always been a republican. now he's a drooling half-brained republican. stupid, evil piece of **** can't die fast enough i stg

literally asleep at the wheel:

so the last couple days this state department spokesman miller has been warning hamas that they have to accept this latest offer they've been given or else the starvation and killing of civilians will continue, and then today israel did another air strike on a school, killing at least another 35 people. pretty wild how open and honest they're being about the war crimes against humanity these days...

If you've got some time, watch Kyle Clark's work in the CO Republican debate. Here's a sample:

absolutely cooked him to sweet perfection. how do we get my man to moderate literally every debate going forward?

Did he ask about Boebert jerking a dude off in a theatre?

by Chilltown k

Did he ask about Boebert jerking a dude off in a theatre?

Yeh he did. And he ****ing wrecked her

another day, more war crimes. on top of war crimes. hundreds more slaughtered. usa#1 probably directly complicit in all of it, but they definitely helped in this one. yet another massive dub for genocide joe

ok so yeah, directly complicit. if you were wondering why the $500m pier to nowhere was delivering literally zero aid, no, it wasn't the standard gross incompetence, and no, it wasn't an elaborate fake attempt at helping to give cover for the ongoing genocide, no, the truth somehow manages to be even worse; it was instrumental in this latest series of war crimes that massacred hundreds more people to "save" 4 hostages that hamas was attempting to trade. and us troops were almost certainly involved, directly. oh, and there reports saying that they probably killed a bunch of other hostages in the process.

so much winning you're gonna get sick of it

4 hostages for 274 dead Palestinians.

Not great not terrible.
