SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)
Welcome to the Official SE Politics Thread. The aim here is for high quality political discussion and debate. The concomitant aim here is for that high quality discussion and debate to NOT devolve into MAD posting, BAD posting, trolling, name-calling our community fracture.
We embark on this project hoping to encourage fair and thorough exchanges of views, and also fair and thorough advocacy for positions. We should learn a lot.
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3. This will be enforced loosely, but you are obligated to outline your basic position on whatever issue you're debating. We will not have loaded, gotcha-style internet-standard race to the bottom terrible posting in this thread. That does not mean you have to state every closely-held belief in every debate. You just can't hide the ball. "I'm not sure what my position is" is a completely valid position to hold.
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6. These are subject to significant revision as this thread develops.
There is a tradition in SE of better, fuller, funnier discussion of a really wide range of topics. Let's continue that here.
So Taylor Swift isn’t allowed to have an opinion, but I get to hear Ted nugent tell me how the treasury targets MAGA voters and stillborn rock say that to 40k innocent people should be killed at a time to save a couple thousand hostages
What a time to be alive
“It’s like, they should just go in there and be like, ‘You know what? We want our hostages back. If we don’t have them back, clock starts now. And in ****ing 24 hours, we’re going to start bombing mother****ers and killing ****ing civilians
they've been doing that since october, dumbass
Rogan, an accused peddler of conspiracy theories and misinformation, summoned enough sense to push back, telling Rock later in the interview: "You’re not supposed to pick civilian targets. It’s a war crime.”
Lol @ trying to explain to Kid Rock why war crimes are bad
Also, I love how much heavy lifting "accused" is doing in the snippet
lol stillborn
lmao right on time
I once prayed to God for Jays player at the time Matt Stairs to hit a game winning grand slam. The cost was I promised I wouldn't jerk off for a full week.
Stairs did.
And I definitely wanked it within that week.
Maybe my life ever since has been a punishment for not following through.
lol. ♥
Biden looks like ****. Why is he the best option? He won't make the full term.
rick lol 2 minutes in.... and his shoulder goes up
And the big Ivermectin ad at 4:30. yhtsi
I like Pakman.
Also Kyle Kulinsky/Secular Talk and Majority Report.
I think those 3 are the best "liberal YouTubers".
The actual answer of course is that the DNC is a broken system focused on virtue signaling and hasn’t been able to build an actual candidate who can appeal to flyover states in any capacity. Biden, for his litany of faults, still has enough folksy appeal that the non-insane would take him over trump if left with no other option
Newsom is just ****ing terrible and would get steamrolled and he’s probably the next most legitimate candidate
Everyone hates Harris
After that what even is there on the dem side?
I like Katie Porter a lot but the dnc seems determined to shove Schiff down our throats. I thought Abrams was fantastic but she’s been given no platform, visibility or support since the gov election
All things being equal I’d love to see Harris thrown off the ticket and replaced with Abrams. It won’t happen, but it should
The actual answer of course is that the DNC is a broken system focused on virtue signaling and hasn’t been able to build an actual candidate who can appeal to flyover states in any capacity. Biden, for his litany of faults, still has enough folksy appeal that the non-insane would take him over trump if left with no other option
this so much
i am from mass, went to school at perhaps the most liberal college in america
i found myself distancing from my native party simply because they care only about rhetoric and pointing out how evil everyone else does but when it comes to actual policy there's only a microscopic difference between the two parties
Basically anyone from CA or NY is toxic nationally for Ds, pretty ironic.
i can't drive through the flyover states without a "taxachusetts" comment when people see my plates
have seen "let massachusetts freeze" bumper stickers while driving through texas as a child (was some 90's meme about libtards in mass using heating oil but being against drilling)
once got pulled over in kansas driving a volvo with mass plates, got inundated with "listen boy, i don't know about where youz come from, but here in god's country we don't take kindly to eastern yuppies speeding in foreign automobiles" the fact the car was from 1989 and i was clearly a broke college kid appeared to be lost upon him - i only got out with a warning when he realized i was not a student at some east coast fancy school but rather at one in a location he found more relatable and thus there was still a chance i could be saved
I don’t identify with the modern Democratic Party in anyway whatsoever. But I find the MAGAGOP’s endgame on reproductive rights, gay marriage, regulations, and democracy as a whole so disgustingly horrifying I would vote for a cucumber if it meant Donald Trump and/or any of his acolytes don’t find their way into the White House
And the truly depressing part is THAT and THAT alone is the DNC messaging. It’s not about what Dems could provide, it’s about the horrors of a world where every level of government is controlled by the far right
Ordinarily I’d roll my eyes at this level of fear mongering, but seeing things going as they are going, I have to take it seriously
recent trip through ozarks with maine plates - was met with a "oh that's cool, must be cold up there" rather than pulling out the pitchforks, was a nice change of pace
did have a few girls on tinder instantly unmatch me when i said I was from massachusetts though so we're still considered spawn of the devil by many
The actual answer of course is that the DNC is a broken system focused on virtue signaling and hasn’t been able to build an actual candidate who can appeal to flyover states in any capacity.
their prevailing value is their deep commitment to the status quo, even while that constantly slides to the right. so you end up with 9000 year old segregation joe, aka clarence thomas joe, aka crime bill joe, aka iraq war joe, aka wall street bailout joe, aka "nothing will change" joe, aka "in the impossible event that congress passed m4a, i would veto it" joe, aka genocide joe, etc etc etc
so yeah them messaging the correct thing while doing the wrong one is just annoying to most, both those who would support them but see what they're doing, and those who hate them regardless and also disagree with the things they're saying. so it's hard to build a candidate outside of an excellent liar, which biden is not. he gets by being folksy, but he's certainly no barry o. now there was a guy who could lie his ass off!
I don’t identify with the modern Democratic Party in anyway whatsoever. But I find the MAGAGOP’s endgame on reproductive rights, gay marriage, regulations, and democracy as a whole so disgustingly horrifying I would vote for a cucumber if it meant Donald Trump and/or any of his acolytes don’t find their way into the White House
And the truly depressing part is THAT and THAT alone is the DNC messaging. It’s not about what Dems could provide, it’s about the horrors of
yeah, they're certainly not going to do anything with power that would help regular people, so spam TRUMP BAD card. that's their entire campaign. what else are they going to do, talk about their nonexistent policy goals? oh yeah, i guess they also messaging on wedge issues (e.g. abortion, gun rights, etc) that they have no intention of addressing ever, even while they keep losing ground on them. libs love that ****
think shrillary, trump and biden might be the 3 most unpopular presidential candidates in history ..... both parties have had like 10 years to come up with something, and yet...
democracy is when 2 choices and everyone hates both usa#1
not a banana republic, but a corn one
just caught 5 seconds of msnbc and chris hayes is shocked, SHOCKED, that the supreme court is bailing out trump... cmon man
It’s rough. Like, I COMPLETELY understand and agree with the outrage on Biden’s response to Gaza. This is nutty yahoo going full blown genocide singularly because he knows he has USA#20’s unconditional financial backing and support
But that’s a systemic problem that isn’t resolved no matter who the president is. Nobody has the balls to cut off israel and that’s what’s required. If anything El Señor Muslim Ban makes it worse
There’s no winning here. One side loses more slowly than the other