Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2
The old thread was taking forever to load
house 449
sports 350
homanga 7503
Kobe +502 (sports pmed)
feb 26 - mar 3 preswap
ap 371
bacon 2000
house 3485
ry 292
lego -2000
ry -300
preswap, with rolls
angerpush +701
sports87 +350
crazyrunner +315
ryhen +300
rickroll -200
randyreid -375
luckybacon -449
chronic -619
zeta -3467 * (minor disc. which I think is Syracuse/Louisville which I have at +106)
housenuts -350
lucky -350
angerpush +1072
crazyrunner +315
ryhen +300
rickroll -200
randyreid -375
chronic -619
zeta -3937
feb 26 - mar 3 updated
house 3838
lego -2000
ry -8
feb 26 - mar 3 updated
house 3838
lego -2000
ry -8
Crazy -200
House -1072
House -1272
Zeta -1272
crazyrunner +115
ryhen +292
rickroll -200
randyreid -375
luckybacon -99
chronic -619
zeta -2558
Week ending March 10
House +375
Sports +285
Week Ending March 10th (including rolls)
luckybacon +1,785
housenuts +868
ZetaPsi -5,750
mar 4-10 preswap
bacon 2447.5
lego 5750
house -1646
ry -600
sports87 -207.5
Week Ending March 10th (corrected)
luckybacon +1,785
housenuts +700
ZetaPsi -5,750