Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1669 Replies


Apr 9-14 preswap

chron -619
eddy -2703
hom -514
lego -2060

ap 19
bacon 1000
crazy 345
house 1539
ry 1080

by ZetaPsi909 k

Apr 9-14 preswap

chron -619
eddy -2703
hom -514
lego -2060

ap 19
bacon 1000
crazy 345
house 1539
ry 1080

crazy owes you 425 more, i owe you 425 less. house/crazy square


rickroll -200
zeta -1114

Updated (corrected):

ZetaPsi +2,060
Luckybacon +2,478

by RandyReid k

Week ending April 15

Ry +344
Sports87 -650

randy pay zeta 650. randy/sports square. zeta owes sports 650 more.

ry pay zeta 344. randy/ry square. randy owes zeta 344 less.

Zeta -306

homanga -2578
zetapsi -650
randyreid +650 (swap to zeta)
kobe +1204

its +254
zeta -770
bacon -30

leggo -2478
anger -200
zeta -1130
randy -300

homanga 300
ryhen 21

by crazyrunner912 k

its +254
zeta -770
bacon -30

pay zeta 30 for me
i owe zeta 30 less


Weekly Balances
ZetaPsi +1410

mattew88 -100
Luckybacon -2520

Rolling Balances
Sports87 +2578
Luckybacon +2240
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +554

ZetaPsi -896

Combined Balances
Sports87 +2578
Jabawokky +940
ZetaPsi +514
mattew88 +454

Luckybacon -280

My Balances
ryhenicee -200
homanga -454


Bacon +300
Zeta -306

by mattew88 k


Weekly Balances
ZetaPsi +1410

mattew88 -100
Luckybacon -2520

Rolling Balances
Sports87 +2578
Luckybacon +2240
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +554

ZetaPsi -896

Combined Balances
Sports87 +2578
Jabawokky +940
ZetaPsi +514
mattew88 +454

Luckybacon -280

My Balances
ryhenicee -200
homanga -454

Pay homanga my 200 you owe him 654 and he owes me 200

Homanga swap my 200 with zeta and we are square I owe zeta 200 less and he owes u 200 less

Zeta -1218
Bacon -21

by ZetaPsi909 k

Apr 9-14 preswap

chron -619
eddy -2703
hom -514
lego -2060

ap 19
bacon 1000
crazy 345
house 1539
ry 1080

Pay bacon 21 for me and him and I are square

Zeta -1245



Zeta +1458

Bacon 300
Itz 100

Zeta -16
House -100

zeta +961
randy +500
Anger +100

by AngerPush k

Bacon 300
Itz 100

Zeta -16
House -100

you owe me 16 more, zeta owes me 16 less. zeta/anger square

Week ending April 21

Bacon +500

Zeta -306
House -500

Bacon 300
Itz 100

House -116

Anger -100



sorry wrong thread. too late to edit.
