Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1809 Replies


Crazy +355

Zeta -336

by loco k

Luckybacon +114
Crazyrunner +900
Rhynecee +514
Housenuts -500
Zeta +1100

Crazy will pay 300 more (1200)
And bacon will pay you 214 more (328) and we are square.

Crazy and I are square
Bacon owes me 986

Luckybacon +328
Crazyrunner +1200
Housenuts -500
Zeta +1100

by loco k

Luckybacon +328
Crazyrunner +1200
Housenuts -500
Zeta +1100

Sorry loco one more

Zeta will pay you 554 less (546) and bacon will pay you 554 more (882)

I am square with zeta and bacon owes me 432

Rick -286
Bacon 432
Housenut -424
Mathew -200


Weekly Balances
Luckybacon +5082
housenuts +600
crazyrunner +321

ZetaPsi -800

Rolling Balances
Lego05 +3064
rickroll +1415
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +780
ZetaPsi +110

Luckybacon -1061

Combined Balances
Luckybacon +4021
Lego05 +3064
rickroll +1415
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +780
housenuts +600
crazyrunner +321

ZetaPsi -690

My Balances
rickroll +240
ryhenicee +200
housenuts +200

homanga -780

by ryhenicee k

Rick -286
Bacon 432
Housenut -424
Mathew -200

pay mathew 200 more (-400), me 200 less (-224), house/mathew square
rick owes me 286 more (1502), you owe me 286 less (+62), ry/rick square
bacon owes you 62 more (494), bacon owes me 62 less (638), house/ry square

slurms -500
homanga -600
angerpush -400
zeta -315
loco +500
luckybacon13 +638
moneymaker03 +700
rickroll +1502

dec 26 - jan 1 preswap

crazy -300
loco -1100
money -4890
slurm -700

ap 467
bacon 800
hom 690
house 300
jaba 2762
kobe 500
randy 500
rick 400
ry 554

by housenuts k

slurms -500
homanga -600
angerpush -400
zeta -315
loco +500
luckybacon13 +638
moneymaker03 +700
rickroll +1502

rick owes you 494 less 1008
ry owes rick 494 less 78
Bacon owes house 494 more 1132
bacon and ry square

by housenuts k

pay mathew 200 more (-400), me 200 less (-224), house/mathew square
rick owes me 286 more (1502), you owe me 286 less (+62), ry/rick square
bacon owes you 62 more (494), bacon owes me 62 less (638), house/ry square

ry and rick were not square after this I owed him 572 (286+286)

Mathew -400
Rick -78

by housenuts k

slurms -500
homanga -600
angerpush -400
zeta -315
loco +500
luckybacon13 +638
moneymaker03 +700
rickroll +1502

the 3rd part of each swap may not be worded correctly, but i think it will make sense

zeta pay slurms 500. house/slurms square. zeta owes house 500 less

house pay zeta 690. zeta/homanga square. house owes homanga 690 less

house pay zeta 467. zeta/AP square. house owes AP 467 less

house pay loco 546. zeta/loco square. house owes zeta 546 less

zeta pay house 638. house/bacon square. bacon owes zeta 638 more

zeta pay house 700. house/moneymaker square. zeta owes moneymaker 700 less

house pay zeta 400. zeta/rick square. house owes rick 400 less

updated balances after the ryhen/zeta swaps

angerpush +67
homanga +90
luckybacon +494
rickroll +1408

loco -46
zeta -488

happy holidays everyone, getting back on track now, still have a lot of catching up to do, just posting the hard numbers that i had now and about to go through thread and check for differences and swaps

old roll


lucky 25
crazy 300
homanga -620
anger 817 about to go through those things you sent me
zeta -320
randy -800
lego 500
money 28
house -300

about to catch up on swaps but for now here's what i got for last 2 weeks

week ending on 12/25


money -1000
loco +500
anger +200
randy +486
zeta -200
ryhen +100

week ending in 1/1


ryhen +510
lucky +500
mattew -200
zeta -400
house 200
agx -134
money +300
crazy -500

totals without any swaps

lucky 525
anger 1017 (have yet to check on the old difference)
randy -314
lego 500
zeta -920
ryhen 610
mattew -200
money -672
loco 500
house -100
crazy -200
agx -134

totals without any swaps

lucky 525
anger 579 (i think this is fine now but still unconfirmed)
randy -314
lego 500
zeta -920
ryhen 610
mattew -200
money -672
loco 500
house -100 (huge gap here so i need to confirm)
crazy -200
agx -134

will need to go back to dfs now and hope to get some of this tonight and if not will catch up tomorrow - if any of the weekly totals above are off please dm me like house did, ty

dec 26 - jan 1 updated

crazy -300
money -4190
slurm -1200

bacon 1587
house 488
jaba 2762
kobe 500
randy 336

by ZetaPsi909 k

dec 26 - jan 1 updated

crazy -300
money -4190
slurm -1200

bacon 1587
house 488
jaba 2762
kobe 500
randy 336

Swap out 300 me/you/crazy. You/crazy square. I owe you 300 less, crazy owes me 300 less.

Crazy +55
Zeta -36

Swap involving housenuts, luckybacon and homanga
Luckybacon owes housenuts 90 more (584)
Luckybacon owes homanga 90 less (3931)
housenuts and homanga square

Luckybacon +3921
Lego05 +3064
rickroll +1415
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +780
crazyrunner +321

My Balances
ryhenicee +400
rickroll +240

homanga -780

ZetaPsi909 +1200
Lego05 +9

by ZetaPsi909 k

dec 26 - jan 1 updated

crazy -300
money -4190
slurm -1200

bacon 1587
house 488
jaba 2762
kobe 500
randy 336

bacon owes you 488 more (2075), bacon owes me 488 less (96), house/zeta square

angerpush +67
loco -46
luckybacon13 +96
rickroll +1408 (disc. don't swap)

moneymaker -2456
zeta -2075
rick -530
loco -882
house -96
homanga -4069

steve 7004

Sports +1801

Zeta -500

by Luckybacon13 k

moneymaker -2456
zeta -2075
rick -530
loco -882
house -96
homanga -4069

steve 7004

pay loco 46 more, you owe me 46 less. house/loco square


anger +67
lucky +50
rick +1408 (don't trade until rick confirms)
