Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1817 Replies



Crazyrunner +1,280
mattew88 +1,680
cbax +1,000

by ZetaPsi909 k

feb 5-11 updated

flush -4158
hom -1000
matthew -426
mdot -636

bacon 347
house 1361
loco 3894
randy +70
ry 2233

I’ll pay homanga 1k more and you 1k less, we are now at 1233


Zeta -1233
Homanga -3235
Crazy -24
Itz -136

by housenuts k

seems swap was ignored and loco paid you in full. loco doesn't owe more.
zeta/flush ignore flush swap.

just pay zeta 70 and i owe him 70 less. my numbers already account for that.

Was my fault

Zeta -70


Weekly Balances
ryhenicee +2235
ZetaPsi +1000

mdot20 -400
mattew88 -486
Luckybacon -8018

Rolling Balances
Jabawokky +940
crazyrunner +300

mattew88 -60
Luckybacon -17814

Combined Balances
ryhenicee +2235
ZetaPsi +1000
Jabawokky +940
crazyrunner +300

mdot20 -400
mattew88 -546
Luckybacon -25832

After Zeta/ryhe Swap and Lucky payment
ryhenicee +3235
Jabawokky +940
crazyrunner +300

mdot20 -400
mattew88 -546
Luckybacon -23332

My Balances
homanga +546
ZetaPsi +426

Lego05 -1680

Swap involving Lego05, homanga, crazyrunner and mattew88
crazyrunner owes Lego05 300 more (1580)
mattew88 owes Lego05 300 less (1380)
homanga owes mattew88 300 less (246)
crazyrunner and homanga square

Swap involving ZetaPsi, homanga, mattew88 and mdot20
Zeta owes mdot20 400 more (1036)
Zeta owes mattew88 400 less (26)
homanga owes mattew 400 more (646)
homanga owes mdot20 400 less (square)

Swap involving Luckybacon, Lego05, homanga, crazyrunner and mattew88
crazyrunner owes Lego05 293 more (1873)
mattew88 owes Lego05 293 less (1087)
crazyrunner owes Luckybacon 293 less (square)
homanga owes Luckybacon 293 more (23625)
homanga owes mattew88 293 less (353)

Swap involving Lego05, homanga and mattew88
homanga owes Lego05 1087 more (1087)
homanga owes mattew88 1087 less (734)
Lego05 and mattew88 square

Swap involving ryhenicee, ZetaPsi, homanga and mattew88
ryhenicee owes homanga 26 more (3261)
ryhenicee owes Zeta 26 less (1207)
mattew88 owes homanga 26 less (708)
Zeta owes mattew88 26 less (square)

ryhenicee +3261
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +708

Lego05 -1087
Luckybacon -23625

My Balances
homanga -708

by iTzLifestyle k

Sports87 $251
Ryhenicee $136
Crazyrunner $500
Penelope Cruz $4250
CabreraEra $750
Cbax9888 $500

Crazy will pay itz 136 more and I owe crazy 136 more. Itz and ry are square


Zeta -1207
Homanga -3261
Crazy -160

by ryhenicee k


Zeta -1207
Homanga -3261
Crazy -160

pay me 3261 for homanga
Homanga owes me 3261 less ( 20498)

Pay zeta 347 for me
Ryhen owes zeta 1554
ryhen owes lucky 2914

Chronic 2290
homanga 20498
ryhenicee 2914
agx 732
Steve 6954

Sports87 $251
Crazyrunner $636
Penelope Cruz $4250
CabreraEra $750
Cbax9888 $500

iTzLifestyle -750



Zeta -1554
Bacon -2914
Crazy -160

Sports87 $251
Crazyrunner 636
Cbax9888 $500

by Luckybacon13 k

pay me 3261 for homanga
Homanga owes me 3261 less ( 20498)

Pay zeta 347 for me
Ryhen owes zeta 1554
ryhen owes lucky 2914

cancel the $347 swap with bacon/zeta/ry please

house swapped out bacon/zeta to be square here

feb 5-11 updated

flush -4158
mdot -1036

house 1708
randy 70
ry 1207

Updated (DO NOT SWAP - info sent to all below):

Crazyrunner +1,873
Homanga +1,087
cbax +1,000

Flushtrated17's final numbers:
Zeta +$4,158
AngerPush +$412
Someone - $70 (Loco, randy, or???)

Cabrera +$0 (Paid)

Can't figure out the unswap headache but if Zeta owes $70 more to Flush then Flush owes $70 to someone. Loco/Randy did any of you lose $70 to swaps?

Chronic 1943
homanga 20498
ryhenicee 3261
agx 732

itzlyfestyle -251
mdot20 -714

loco +400


Zeta -1207
Crazy -160

by SeatSeller k

Flushtrated17's final numbers:
Zeta +$4,158
AngerPush +$412
Someone - $70 (Loco, randy, or???)

Cabrera +$0 (Paid)

Can't figure out the unswap headache but if Zeta owes $70 more to Flush then Flush owes $70 to someone. Loco/Randy did any of you lose $70 to swaps?

Randy should know the answer to this. I just shipped what he asked for without checking numbers.

by SeatSeller k

Flushtrated17's final numbers:
Zeta +$4,158
AngerPush +$412
Someone - $70 (Loco, randy, or???)

Cabrera +$0 (Paid)

Can't figure out the unswap headache but if Zeta owes $70 more to Flush then Flush owes $70 to someone. Loco/Randy did any of you lose $70 to swaps?

I paid Flush 2370. Should have been 2300. That was then paid to zeta. So zeta probably owes me 70.

Super annoying when you guys swap 70 bucks with someone I don't have a balance and $70 starts floating around in limbo.

yes i owe you $70 then. it’s not annoying tho. what happened is someone forgot to account for a swap. it happens occasionally and it’s part of the thread

Eddy +950
AngerPush +600
Sports +714
Rickroll +200
