Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1850 Replies


by mattew88 k


Weekly Balances
housenuts +600

Luckybacon -2737

Rolling Balances
Sports87 +1078
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +333

ZetaPsi -470
Chronic -1000
Luckybacon -6924

Combined Balances
Sports87 +1078
Jabawokky +940
housenuts +600
mattew88 +333

ZetaPsi -470
Chronic -1000
Luckybacon -9661

My Balances
ZetaPsi +174

homanga -333

swap out 600 with house so homanga and house even
homanga owes lucky 9061
lucky owes house 3862

luckybacon +3872
ryhen +993
crazy +524
zeta +255

by housenuts k

luckybacon +3872
ryhen +993
crazy +524
zeta +255

ill pay you 300 more for ryhen (4172)
ryhen owes house 693

zeta will pay you 4172 more
zeta owes lucky 3112
lucky house square

randy -294

loco 3954
anger 991
zeta 3112
homanga 9061

ryhen +693
crazy +524
zeta +4427

House -524
Zeta -300
Ryhenicee +642
Lego +210

by crazyrunner912 k

House -524
Zeta -300
Ryhenicee +642
Lego +210

Ryhen owes me 524 more, owes you 524 less. We're square.

ryhen +1217
zeta +4427


ryhenicee -310
crazyrunner -210
Loco -4,654

by crazyrunner912 k

House -524
Zeta -300
Ryhenicee +642
Lego +210

by housenuts k

Ryhen owes me 524 more, owes you 524 less. We're square.

ryhenicee pays crazyrunner 210 more. Lego pays crazyrunner 210 less. Lego pays ryhenicee 210 more.


ryhenicee -520
Loco -4,654

Zeta -500

by housenuts k

ryhen +1217
zeta +4427

chron pay house 2580. zeta/chron square. zeta owes house 2580 less

ry pay house 1200. zeta/ry square. zeta owes house 1200 less

Lego 520
House -2417
Crazy -210

by kobe2odom8 k

Zeta -500

kobe pay sports87 500. zeta/kobe square.

Week Ending 5/26:

ZetaPsi +1,180

ryhenicee -220
Loco -4,654
Homanga -800


chronicfever +2580
ryhen +2417
zeta +1787
Homanga +912
itzlifestyle +200
lucky -2000

by Lego05 k

Week Ending 5/26:

ZetaPsi +1,180

ryhenicee -220
Loco -4,654
Homanga -800

you're square with ryhen and homanga. they owe me less.
zeta owes you 1020 less, owes me 1020 more.


chronicfever +2580
ryhen +2197
zeta +2807
Homanga +112
itzlifestyle +200
lucky -2000

Bacon -706


ZetaPsi +160

Loco -4,654

lucky -228

randy 706
loco 4454
homanga 14353
ryhen 942
agx 226
house 2000


Weekly Balances
Lego05 +800

housenuts -912
Luckybacon -5282

Rolling Balances
Sports87 +1078
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +333

ZetaPsi -470
Chronic -1000
Luckybacon -9061

Combined Balances
Sports87 +1078
Jabawokky +940
Lego05 +800
mattew88 +333

ZetaPsi -470
housenuts -912
Chronic -1000
Luckybacon -14343

After Lego/housenuts swap
Sports87 +1078
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +333

housenuts -112
ZetaPsi -470
Chronic -1000
Luckybacon -14343

My Balances
ZetaPsi +174

homanga -333

by mattew88 k


After Lego/housenuts swap
Sports87 +1078
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +333

housenuts -112
ZetaPsi -470
Chronic -1000
Luckybacon -14343

homanga owes me 112 less, owes zeta 112 more. zeta owes me 112 more.


zeta +2919
chronicfever +2580
ryhen +2197
itzlifestyle +200
lucky -2000
