Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2

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28 October 2020 at 07:23 PM

1831 Replies


House 300
Anger 200
Homanga -75

Homanga +606
Kobe -500
Zeta -129
Slurms -106

by crazyrunner912 k

Homanga +606
Kobe -500
Zeta -129
Slurms -106

you owe slurms 100 less, house/slurms square
you owe kobe 100 more, kobe owes me 100 more


kobe2 +600
randy +300
ryhen -300
lucky -3499

by RandyReid k

Week ending 10/14

Zeta -200
House -300

by ryhenicee k

House 300
Anger 200
Homanga -75

randy owes ryhen the 300


kobe2 +600
lucky -3499

Zeta -200
Ry -300

by housenuts k

randy owes ryhen the 300


kobe2 +600
lucky -3499

Kobe owes house 600 less (square)
House owes bacon 600 less (2899)
Homanga owes crazy 600 less (6)
Homanga owes bacon 600 more (10121)
Crazy owes Kobe 600 less (square)

Slurms -6
Homanga +6
Zeta -129

luckybacon -2899

anger -75

gaffon 719
homanga 10206
zeta 2961
house 2899
lego 2160

crazyrunner912 +6

Randy 300
Anger 200
Homanga -75

Week Ending 10/14 (including rolls):

I Am Owed:


I Owe:

luckybacon -2,160
loco -535
ZetaPsi -1,500


Sports87 -2183
House -500

Crazy +5000

Sports87 -2183

by Lego05 k

Week Ending 10/14 (including rolls):

I Am Owed:


I Owe:

luckybacon -2,160
loco -535
ZetaPsi -1,500

Pay me 1500 for zeta (3660)
zeta owes lucky (1461)



Weekly Balances
housenuts +1300
AngerPush +600
crazyrunner +500
Randy +300
AGx +300

Luckybacon -4090

Rolling Balances
Jabawokky +940
Cbax9888 +800
mattew88 +214

crazyrunner -6
ryhenicee -75
gaffon -200
Chronic -520
Luckybacon -7621

Combined Balances
housenuts +1300
Jabawokky +940
Cbax9888 +800
AngerPush +600
crazyrunner +494
Randy +300
AGx +300
mattew88 +214

ryhenicee -75
gaffon -200
Chronic -520
Luckybacon -11711

My Balances
ZetaPsi -200
homanga -214

Week ending 10/21

Zeta -200
Homanga -300

Bacon +500
Ry +21

Zeta 200

Bacon -135
Ryhenicee -200
Crazy -300
Homanga -600

randy -500

homanga 12296
loco 500
ryhen 1200
agx 745
crazy 500
anger 125
kobe 1300
house 1000
gaffon 719
zeta 1461
leggo 3660

by AngerPush k

Zeta 200

Bacon -135
Ryhenicee -200
Crazy -300
Homanga -600

Zeta owes AP 200
AP owes homanga 600
Randy owes Zeta 200
Randy owes homanga 300


AP owes homanga 400
Randy owes homanga 500
AP/zeta square
Randy/zeta square

by Luckybacon13 k

randy -500

homanga 12296
loco 500
ryhen 1200
agx 745
crazy 500
anger 125
kobe 1300
house 1000
gaffon 719
zeta 1461
leggo 3660

Pay me 500 less. Homanga owes you 500 less. I’m square with both of you

Ry +21

Randy -21
Bacon -1200
Anger 200
Crazy 300
Sports 250
Homanga -75

Bacon -135 this s/b right. I lost10 juice on 49ers
Ryhenicee -200
Crazy -300
Homanga -400

loco +1000
gaffon +200
luckybacon -1000
homanga -1300

Week ending 10/21

crazyrunner912 -202
