Official Numbers Thread for Settling Sports Discussions Part 2
The old thread was taking forever to load
cbax +1,500
RandyReid +1,595
ZetaPsi +357
chronicfever +2,000
angerpush +300
Loco +900
Housenuts -3,410
Bacon 2000 (please pay leggo or swap somehow )
Lego -2000
Agx 1000
Crazy runner 845
Ryhenicee 100
crazy -145
bacon -1639
lego -300
Jabawokky +940
mattew88 +297
Randy -800
Luckybacon -1832.50
RandyReid +1,595
ZetaPsi +357
angerpush +300
Loco +900
Housenuts -1,410
Working on numbers now. Shout out to Lego and bacon for making life easier by posting numbers and swaps weekly.
People that don't post numbers suk. Looking at you loco, change your ways or no more action.
crazy -145
bacon -1539
lego -300
Jan 21-27 preswap
lego -357
loco -1303
itz 400
matt 922
ry 296
sports87 1313
crazy -45
house -1639
lego -300
RandyReid +1,595
ZetaPsi +357
Loco +900
Housenuts -1,110
bacon +2636
anger +1939
ryhen +1905
lego +1110
sports87 +100
Luckybacon +25
Lego -400 (discrepancy)
Zeta +1270 (do not swap, payment on way + discrepancy)
Week ending Feb 2
Lego -1595
Homanga +800
Mattew +100
Luckybacon +25
Zeta +348
Lego -400*
bacon +2636
ryhen +2205
anger +1939
lego +1110
sports87 +100
Homanga -610
bacon +2636
ryhen +2205
anger +1939
lego +500
sports87 +100
Lego -985
Homanga +190
Mattew +100
ryhenicee 600
crazy -45
sports87 -600
zeta -1050
house -1939
housenuts -100
zetapsi -2.7
angerpush +600
rhyencee +200
kobe +